Indeed, the surrender of EastBloc was actually the 2nd worst humanitarian disaster in European history only next to the Holocaust.This is not true at all.
I think members are getting younger and younger, but I think most members were still around for the Balkans conflicts that occurred from the 90's to 00's. This was happening right in the precious garden.
It was ridiculous to hear things like "never thought the horrors of war would happen in Europe" from news anchors, when we are only 2 decades removed from it.
- Mass scale violent deaths (Muslims, Serbs, Croats all expelling each other from "Their" lands)
- Invasion (NATO invasion of the sovereign territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
- Terror bombing by NATO (Civilian targets attacked such as a TV station and a train carrying civilians)
1. depopulation of Eastern Europe

2. massive bloodshed in ethnically diverse federal states
3. Economic and living standard collapse.
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