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This is not true at all.

I think members are getting younger and younger, but I think most members were still around for the Balkans conflicts that occurred from the 90's to 00's. This was happening right in the precious garden.

It was ridiculous to hear things like "never thought the horrors of war would happen in Europe" from news anchors, when we are only 2 decades removed from it.

- Mass scale violent deaths (Muslims, Serbs, Croats all expelling each other from "Their" lands)
- Invasion (NATO invasion of the sovereign territory of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia)
- Terror bombing by NATO (Civilian targets attacked such as a TV station and a train carrying civilians)
Indeed, the surrender of EastBloc was actually the 2nd worst humanitarian disaster in European history only next to the Holocaust.

1. depopulation of Eastern Europe


2. massive bloodshed in ethnically diverse federal states

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3. Economic and living standard collapse.

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Foreign Minister Hails Strong Cooperation with China​

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Qin Gang Szijjártó Beijing

Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó discussed bilateral cooperation, investment, and the urgent need for peace in Beijing on Monday.

Hungary and China can count on each other to strengthen the voice of those advocating for peace, and the two countries will work closely together to bring about a ceasefire in Ukraine and start peace talks as soon as possible, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said after talks with his Chinese counterpart Qin Gang. He highlighted that “we appreciate China’s efforts for peace in the recent past, we appreciate the peace plan that China has put on the table.”

The Hungarian Foreign Minister also met State Councilor Wang Yi, the head of Chinese diplomacy. In his Facebook post, Péter Szijjártó recalled that they had been working together for nine years with the Chinese top diplomat, who was also formerly the foreign minister. “In nine years, we have managed to raise our relations to a strategic level, we have succeeded in attracting the most Chinese investment in Central Europe, we have major joint projects, and we are now speaking out for peace together,” he wrote.

The example of Hungary proves that there is much more to be gained from fair and constructive cooperation with China than from hostility”​

the Minister stressed.

Following his meeting with Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, Péter Szijjártó said that he had also held talks with the heads of five major Chinese companies during the day, four of which will invest in Hungary in the electric car sector, thus serving German car manufacturers, which are also present.

Another three billion euros of Chinese automotive investment will come to Hungary in the next period,”​

he announced, adding that these will contribute greatly to sustaining economic growth.

On Monday, an agreement was also signed in Beijing in the presence of Péter Szijjártó on the National University of Public Service joining the Huawei Technologies SEEDs scholarship program. “Hungary is leading the way in the field of digitalization, and Huawei has a decisive role to play in this,” the Minister wrote on Facebook.


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I am concentrating on the masses of people who make up immigration data. You are only concentrating on the very few people who had the exact income and savings where they could live an easier life in a low-income-low-cost country but would see their quality of life suffer in an advanced country because they would have the effectiveness of their savings cut down by the high costs but also could not increase their income to match. This is a very rare situation and there is no reason to focus on it. Most people, from street vendors to office workers to mega corporations, earn way way more money in an advanced economy than they do in a poor developing one. I'm focused on them.
masses like the unauthorized?. If Its tourist visa or travel with a visa free country they are certainly not poor than US. what is Mexico per capita officially and why you dont see Mexican in US offices?. when gap in per capita gets close the less motivation for moving and it is even less for high income unless they attracted to soft power. or you think countries in Asia are worse off than Mexico office workers. Mexico population is concentrated in very small area. so it is not like they have big country relative to population.
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Like I said, not on purpose. It's a failed business venture; that's not soft power.
Musk was attracted to German Soft power. he ignore all the negatives of investments like dealing with environmentalist. this also has impacted his thinking in other issues like Ukraine. Germany has irritated him alot. Its Germanic Strength that don't care about these people.
And you'd be wrong. First of all, rich people and people who have skills are not the same thing. Rich people who have no skills but inherited significant savings, you could be right but they are an insignificantly small percentage of people. The skilled people are where it matters. The most prominant example I know of is in coding. Many Chinese people who specialize in low to mid-tier coding much much prefer to stay in the West than go back to China because in China, they are treated like cheap labor and work more than 9/9/6 (9am-9pm 6 days a week) but in the US, they work 9am-5pm Mon-Fri and get paid much more.
US potentially has out source low to mid level coding. so why you think there is so much demand for such workers and what is the job security.
No, I don't have any argument with that. Of course a significant portion of the third world is rising, but my point is that that chose to immigrate to the West because the West still holds a great hard power advantage making their economies strong enough to provide an average higher standard of living than the vast majority of third world countries can afford to do. It's not soft power.
you dont have data that people moving are getting even higher standard of living after being successful in there own country?. they maybe coming for Soft Power.
LOL Of course not every person. That's not an intelligent answer. The vast majority of Americans and Ethiopians fall into the situation I said. We're talking big data, not the exception of a wealthy Ethiopian businessman vs an American redneck. That conversation is a waste of time.

What does that have to do with anything? That's wildly off topic again. Fleet complexity isn't an advantage; it means they are buying whatever is cheap to hodgepodge a fleet together only to pay for it later through increased maintenance complexity. Why did you bring this up? To show that Ethiopia is richer that US/EU/Asia because they operate more kinds of civilian aircraft??
To show that such large wide body fleet of Ethopia airlines means that that more people are traveling far distance. not closer to Mideast which does not need it this kind of fleet. You will be surprised by salaries they getting.

What does that even mean? I don't know of any significant soft or hard power coming from Malaysia. Nothing noteworthy in technology, economy, military, or cultural products. I know they have good curry. That's all.
read the links that i posted about from Swiss website and Atlantic council and why that soft power not apply to Malaysia.
since you dont read the links or not understand it. let me put the pic. This pics taken in Nepal in 2017 and there is no Arab in pics as only three chairs. Only Soft Power of Qatar can make it happen even when Qatar was under air embargo by other Arabs and Trump was backing them. Soft Power comes before the application of Hard Power to make it effective especially in a prolong conflict and Russia perfectly understood it where to create that Soft Power. Aviation is front and center of Arab strategic interests.

I randomly selected "rocket scientist" and you said that's too narrow. You said computer science is mainstream, so I use computer science to continue, and now that's too narrow too?? That's the field you mentioned LOL
computer science is limited as its limit you to California for high standard of living. the rest of world is good enough if you are good in computer science.
What the hell are you talking about??? The hard power of California in computer engineering translates to American technological prowess, NOT getting Justin Trudeau to visit!! Where even the hell do you think of these random things from?? When any world leader needs important tech made in California, they don't go to the factory floor for it; they go to DC to ask for US government approval.
California is not factory floor. here Venture Capitalist and other wealthy resides who fund the campaigns and it is not far from Hawaii where people have islands. Its clear California has lost the soft power and its firms will be loser for tech distribution.
Even if we were to throw all of that out, California is the most populous state in the US. Even if you erroneously conflated hard power with the ability to get people to visit, how did you overlook its 40 million population and just focus on one Justin Trudeau??? What goes on in your mind??
I mention him as he hang around with tech scene and really impressed with Europe Soft Power. even flown in European Prince Karim chopper.
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And that "power" did absolutely nothing to stop Germany from being dragged by the noose into bleeding out its economy in a conflict it has absolutely no interest in or from the US blowing up the major pipelines that supply energy to Germany. Once again proving, "soft power" is worthless; hard power determines the result.
where you get this idea current situation is not in German ideological interests? All those Gretas, Soros and Gates foundations cannot exist without Germany. I think Germany used US or any other European country to do the work from them. They will not allow domestic pressure to open things if there Elites do not want.
Do people visit these places? One is a shipping company and the other is an economics forum. You mean why tourists might take pictures? What kind of effect do they have? It's negligible, does not qualify as any power.
its both economic and security forums created in Europe and most of Global South Elites visits there. They certainly not visit to US on same scale to basically private gatherings. It is the Soft Power of Europe that attracts so much people which hard power of US cannot.


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Foreign Minister Hails Strong Cooperation with China​

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Qin Gang Szijjártó Beijing

Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó discussed bilateral cooperation, investment, and the urgent need for peace in Beijing on Monday.

Hungary and China can count on each other to strengthen the voice of those advocating for peace, and the two countries will work closely together to bring about a ceasefire in Ukraine and start peace talks as soon as possible, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said after talks with his Chinese counterpart Qin Gang. He highlighted that “we appreciate China’s efforts for peace in the recent past, we appreciate the peace plan that China has put on the table.”

The Hungarian Foreign Minister also met State Councilor Wang Yi, the head of Chinese diplomacy. In his Facebook post, Péter Szijjártó recalled that they had been working together for nine years with the Chinese top diplomat, who was also formerly the foreign minister. “In nine years, we have managed to raise our relations to a strategic level, we have succeeded in attracting the most Chinese investment in Central Europe, we have major joint projects, and we are now speaking out for peace together,” he wrote.

the Minister stressed.

Following his meeting with Chinese Commerce Minister Wang Wentao, Péter Szijjártó said that he had also held talks with the heads of five major Chinese companies during the day, four of which will invest in Hungary in the electric car sector, thus serving German car manufacturers, which are also present.

he announced, adding that these will contribute greatly to sustaining economic growth.

On Monday, an agreement was also signed in Beijing in the presence of Péter Szijjártó on the National University of Public Service joining the Huawei Technologies SEEDs scholarship program. “Hungary is leading the way in the field of digitalization, and Huawei has a decisive role to play in this,” the Minister wrote on Facebook.
Hungary is going to make loads of money out of massive Chinese foreign investment in the country. Really good diplomatic management by Hungary.

Also good move by China, which shows to the world that it isn't stingy with its money.


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Hungary is going to make loads of money out of massive Chinese foreign investment in the country. Really good diplomatic management by Hungary.

Also good move by China, which shows to the world that it isn't stingy with its money.
China needs to be more generous towards its friends, and it also needs to have its corporations build presence in foreign medias. It needs to get other governments to repeat its points, like Hungary advocating for peace in Ukraine here. Otherwise, events likes of the Filipino and Thai elections will keep getting repeated.


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Everyone who worked in a Chinese corporation that markets industrial solutions would know this. There was an overwhelming preference for established foreign solutions in China. It is caused by a combination of risk aversion and impressions built between 1980-2010. US sanctions resulted in a change that would take 30 years otherwise.


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China needs to be more generous towards its friends, and it also needs to have its corporations build presence in foreign medias. It needs to get other governments to repeat its points, like Hungary advocating for peace in Ukraine here. Otherwise, events likes of the Filipino and Thai elections will keep getting repeated.
The only reason why Hungarians are unhappy with Ukrainians is because of the ethnic Hungarians being conscripted and killed. They hate Ukrainians slightly more than Russians, so they appear more "pro-Russian". If Russia was invaded Georgia or someone else, they would be behaving just like Poland.

They are an American neocon client state just as much as the rest.


Lieutenant General

Why would Chinese clients bother buying from a foreign company if said foreign company supplies them with Chinese made machines?

If the Chinese client wanted Chinese made machines, they would have just gone directly to a Chinese company. What kind of stupid do they have to be to go to a foreign company only to buy Chinese made machines?

That’s like a butcher getting confused as to why the chicken farmer never wants to buy chickens from him.