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Junior Member
It gets even worse when the US or other western countries start sponsoring them. Their influence is worse than the ME because the ME is friendly to China while the west is not. This is why Christianity needs to be banned or carefully monitored. And honestly Ashin Wirathu is honestly right about Christians (Apparently he also fights against Christians) Just look at Korea when christens take over your country.
Christianity always seemed kind of gay to me. It's about serving and loving a man named Jesus and accepting his love into your heart to find bliss and be "saved." The fact that some sects like Catholics drink "his fluids" and the tendency for scandals of closeted gays and pedophiles with choir/altar boys made it very unappealing to me.

I do, however, find some of its teachings to be pretty deep and philosophically interesting, especially St. Augustine and Aquinas. Supposedly most of its messaging is not meant to be literal but rather symbolic and metaphysical but taught in a way to appeal to the ignorant masses. I just can't get over this first impression.

Also, I don't like the idea of needing a "White Savior" to get me to heaven. I can really understand why there's a Korean Jesus.


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Registered Member
It gets even worse when the US or other western countries start sponsoring them. Their influence is worse than the ME because the ME is friendly to China while the west is not. This is why Christianity needs to be banned or carefully monitored. And honestly Ashin Wirathu is honestly right about Christians (Apparently he also fights against Christians) Just look at Korea when christens take over your country.
Considering how the USA uses Christianity to do such harm, I wouldn’t be surprised if in the future, they end up being prosecuted world wide given that Christians isn’t supposed to be a religion that brings chaos to the world, yet the USA does that and more and those they truly follow the faith wonders why Christians end up being hated. This should be the answer, anything the USA touches turn to shit and ultimately, end up going against everything Christianity stands for, if they bothered to read the Ten Commandments that is. If God doesn’t bring destruction to the USA for doing such things and get away with it all the time with that shitty smile they always seem to wear even if they get caught, then in the end, my faith is simply misplaced because no higher authority would allow this to happen forever without any consequences. Even more so for the Catholic Church, which is an abomination that hides many pedopiles and rituals that don’t make any sense whatsoever. In fact, I am standing to have a crisis of faith at times. Accepting Jesus is one thing but using that as a license to commit guilty free genocide is simply beyond forgiveness and why the USA does this all time other then simply being evil in general is beyond me. It’s like it confirms that a typical America cannot read to save his life, heck even Europeans cannot see the irony here


Junior Member
Registered Member
A most excellent critique.

I agree, that Chinese will never have sci-fi like the Western version.

It was a story in the Chuang Tzu.

Forget all the details, but some guy was walking around, saw this farmer getting water like old school.

So the guy talks to the farmer, saying you could build some contraption to make this fetching of water more easy.

The farmer rejected that advice outright. If I use a machine, I will develop a machine heart/mind. Farmer wants to be natural with the way of the Tao.

The guy was stunned. Seemed like the farmer was right. Machines and working with them, will lead to machine hearts and minds.

Later the guy returned to somewhere, spoke to his master, and told of this story of the farmer he met.

The master disapproved. He said to the guy, if you are already one with the Tao, no machine can change anything.

And that was 2500 years ago.

Chinese sci-fi will not be a paradigm shift.

Chinese sci-fi will just be like Tang poetry, or Sung songs, or Ming novels.

So Chinese sci-fi is going to be a little weird. It will be a mix of Confucian-Marxism-Taoism-and-mathematics.

Western sci-fi is trying to explore the future.

Chinese sci-fi is like 2500 years ago, and the Chinese like it!

sorry but the Pole's theory is absolutely pseudohistorical. No respectable history professor will ever sign off on the claim that the Industrial Revolution throughout Europe was a unique incomparable experience in world history.

Firstly, the progress of scientific thought was always incremental: Hellenistic Age -> Northumbrian Renaissance ‐> Carolingian Renaissance -> Ottonian Renaissance + Islamic Golden Age influences -> Renaissance of the 12th century + Greek scholar refugees -> Italian Renaissance -> Scientific Revolution. The Islamic world and China also had similar chains of paradigmatic evolution (go read on the scientists of the Song dynasty and the beginning of Song protoindustrial mechanisation) except for the last stage, when the West overtook the rest.

AND in any case, the Industrial Revolution did not spring forth spontaneously from some "Western civilization", but was overwhelmingly the work of 18th century British colonial-/navy-tied merchants and subsequently imported to France, then Belgium, then Germany and then other miserable offshoots (I'm not sure where he got the idea that France was the most backward European nation when Paris was the center of the 18th century Enlightenment, it was certainly better than Poland of all places). Industrialization in continental Europe was so alien that the counter reaction spawned not only Narodniks, Marxism and Anarchism but also massive esoteric cults like Theosophy, Ariosophy, Rosicrucianism which ultimately culminated in Nazism. Western civilization was nothing more than a loosely connected string of intellectuals who used a common Latin language and shared a fragmented and increasingly irrelevant religion. Even a Spaniard or Italian, much less Slavs, revelling in the glory of Britain is like Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans claiming credit for Meiji Industrialization.

To say that the West has developed some unique thought pattern of improvisation is nonsense, a theory founded essentially on the Sarmatianist "Polish Outer Wall of Christendom" pseudohistory.


Registered Member
sorry but the Pole's theory is absolutely pseudohistorical. No respectable history professor will ever sign off on the claim that the Industrial Revolution throughout Europe was a unique incomparable experience in world history.

Firstly, the progress of scientific thought was always incremental: Hellenistic Age -> Northumbrian Renaissance ‐> Carolingian Renaissance -> Ottonian Renaissance + Islamic Golden Age influences -> Renaissance of the 12th century + Greek scholar refugees -> Italian Renaissance -> Scientific Revolution. The Islamic world and China also had similar chains of paradigmatic evolution (go read on the scientists of the Song dynasty and the beginning of Song protoindustrial mechanisation) except for the last stage, when the West overtook the rest.

AND in any case, the Industrial Revolution did not spring forth spontaneously from some "Western civilization", but was overwhelmingly the work of 18th century British colonial-/navy-tied merchants and subsequently imported to France, then Belgium, then Germany and then other miserable offshoots (I'm not sure where he got the idea that France was the most backward European nation when Paris was the center of the 18th century Enlightenment, it was certainly better than Poland of all places). Industrialization in continental Europe was so alien that the counter reaction spawned not only Narodniks, Marxism and Anarchism but also massive esoteric cults like Theosophy, Ariosophy, Rosicrucianism which ultimately culminated in Nazism. Western civilization was nothing more than a loosely connected string of intellectuals who used a common Latin language and shared a fragmented and increasingly irrelevant religion. Even a Spaniard or Italian, much less Slavs, revelling in the glory of Britain is like Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans claiming credit for Meiji Industrialization.

To say that the West has developed some unique thought pattern of improvisation is nonsense, a theory founded essentially on the Sarmatianist "Polish Outer Wall of Christendom" pseudohistory.

Very good rebuttal.

Myself do not have an opinion either way.


Senior Member
Registered Member
I'm amazed this was actually published.

Western exceptionalism is confirmed to be an actual mental disease, now backed up by a peer-reviewed study produced by one of the world's most respected experimental neurology journals:

People in the U.S. Think They Are Better Than They Actually Are.
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Western individualism may promote a “better than you actually are” mindset
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Specifically, we looked at the magnitude of the “alpha wave”—a pattern of activity that appears when a person’s mind wanders and engages in internally directed thoughts. We observed the alpha effect when Americans thought about themselves within a fraction of a second after learning that something good happened to them. This early attention predicted the magnitude of Americans' "positive illusions"— a cognitive bias that makes you feel more competent, more blessed, more fortunate and better than you actually are. Taiwanese participants did not show this pattern when thinking about either success or failure happening to the self, nor did they show evidence of holding positive illusions, as mentioned above.

Some Western psychologists have tried to explain the absence of positive illusions by arguing that "East Asians disguise their true feelings" to avoid appearing too self-focused, under the racial stereotype that East Asians value and act under "false modesty". But our data show that this explanation is inaccurate. We saw no added brain activity, for instance, that would correlate with effortful concealment of one’s true feelings among the Taiwanese people who participated in our study.

Westerners take an additional step to boost their good feeling when something good happens to them. Westerners spontaneously maximize good feelings about the self through an automatic neural response. It occurs within a fraction of a second, without apparent effort, let alone any deliberation or conscious strategizing. Such a response might seem "natural" and "inevitable", but it is not. Instead the response is cultural, having formed through years of socialization. The brain is
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to produce this response because it supports attitudes that help a person fit into their individualistic culture, valuing self-promotion and initiative. East Asians show no such spontaneous or automatic response. They would seem to be more accepting of various events as those events happen to them. Other work we have done has found that while self-esteem predicts health in the West, it does
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in East Asian societies.

In many cultures outside the West, people regard their selves as interdependent and embedded in social relationships. They feel protected and secure when connected to a larger social community. From that cultural perspective, there is no need to feel particularly good about one’s independent, individual self.

From the Western perspective, East Asians might appear excessively polite in their attention to social ties or could seem disengaged or even depressed or maladjusted in their ambivalence toward self-promotion and initiative. Our data, however, show that East Asians respond to events naturally and realistically, without extra thought. From the East Asian perspective, the Western tendency to boast good feelings about oneself could come across as futile, unnecessary or even childish because it shows how the person is failing to appreciate the relational nature of the self.


I am pointing out that people who can pay visa fees and international airline ticket to US and Europe will not be the one that have lower standard of living in there home countries. I am sure Visa officers look at bank statements.
if Americans and Europeans would have paid visa fees with same criteria among each other. the air travel will go down considerably.
What the hell are you talking about? High standard of living means to 1. live in a modern country and 2. be afforded a comfortable work-life balance. If you lived in the Philippines, you might be rich and lazy but you're still walking on dirt roads getting served village shit. If you lived in Korea/Japan, you might be in a metropolis that is in many ways more modern than what America has to offer but you work 80 hours a week to afford a small apartment and get to eat beef once every 2 weeks. America and, until a couple of months ago, Europe, offered a balance of a modern environment with an easy workload to afford a greater amount of goods. That's a superior standard of living provided by the hard power of an economy that has been world-leading since WWII. It may be on fumes now but that's still a lot of fumes to burn.
Airlines do not have capacity and ticket prices are record high. some of traffic from Asia is now through Europe so why you think there ability of talent has decline?. Infact with greater Korean and Japanese investments in NAFTA. you can expect to see greater human flow.
Chinese talent retention and attraction in the US has plummetted. That is the most important number for foreign talent.
now you change it to influencing world events.
I never changed the definition of anything. This has always been about influencing world events. I've seen people confused thinking that non-violent meant soft power while violent was hard power; I've seen people who thought that physical was hard power while information, etc.. was soft power but you are the first person I've seen so confused on the topic of hard vs soft power that you categorized entire nations as "hard powers" or "soft powers." Go learn what the terms mean and what they should mean before you try to debate.
Are you looking at governments or individual people decisions? I dont think you have any recent survey why some one will choose one country over another and there prior wealth/ skills in home country.
I don't need survery; people choose to go to wealthier, first world, and dominant nations because they want to be a part of that power and to live comfortably there. That global esteem and the ability to provide a comfortable lifestyle to its citizens while citizens of other countries work 12 hours a day in rice paddies for pocket change, are derived from hard power. This is common sense.


Lieutenant General
I'm amazed this was actually published.

Western exceptionalism is confirmed to be an actual mental disease, now backed up by a peer-reviewed study produced by one of the world's most respected experimental neurology journals:

People in the U.S. Think They Are Better Than They Actually Are.
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Western individualism may promote a “better than you actually are” mindset
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Specifically, we looked at the magnitude of the “alpha wave”—a pattern of activity that appears when a person’s mind wanders and engages in internally directed thoughts. We observed the alpha effect when Americans thought about themselves within a fraction of a second after learning that something good happened to them. This early attention predicted the magnitude of Americans' "positive illusions"— a cognitive bias that makes you feel more competent, more blessed, more fortunate and better than you actually are. Taiwanese participants did not show this pattern when thinking about either success or failure happening to the self, nor did they show evidence of holding positive illusions, as mentioned above.

Some Western psychologists have tried to explain the absence of positive illusions by arguing that "East Asians disguise their true feelings" to avoid appearing too self-focused, under the racial stereotype that East Asians value and act under "false modesty". But our data show that this explanation is inaccurate. We saw no added brain activity, for instance, that would correlate with effortful concealment of one’s true feelings among the Taiwanese people who participated in our study.

Westerners take an additional step to boost their good feeling when something good happens to them. Westerners spontaneously maximize good feelings about the self through an automatic neural response. It occurs within a fraction of a second, without apparent effort, let alone any deliberation or conscious strategizing. Such a response might seem "natural" and "inevitable", but it is not. Instead the response is cultural, having formed through years of socialization. The brain is
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to produce this response because it supports attitudes that help a person fit into their individualistic culture, valuing self-promotion and initiative. East Asians show no such spontaneous or automatic response. They would seem to be more accepting of various events as those events happen to them. Other work we have done has found that while self-esteem predicts health in the West, it does
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in East Asian societies.

In many cultures outside the West, people regard their selves as interdependent and embedded in social relationships. They feel protected and secure when connected to a larger social community. From that cultural perspective, there is no need to feel particularly good about one’s independent, individual self.

From the Western perspective, East Asians might appear excessively polite in their attention to social ties or could seem disengaged or even depressed or maladjusted in their ambivalence toward self-promotion and initiative. Our data, however, show that East Asians respond to events naturally and realistically, without extra thought. From the East Asian perspective, the Western tendency to boast good feelings about oneself could come across as futile, unnecessary or even childish because it shows how the person is failing to appreciate the relational nature of the self.

That has been known for decades where Americans consistently score last in objectively measurable competency metrics but first in how well they felt they did. This is why participation trophies became a thing in America and a meme the rest of the world.

It’s not (yet) a widespread western issue, but it is spreading as American influence expands in Europe and elsewhere.

Basically it’s because modern American Exceptionalism is just idiotic racist feel good populism at its heart.

Rather than tell the people the truth, that they need to keep working hard like their forefathers to maintain and expand on the endowment of wealth and technological advancement they inherited to make America greater, populist demagogues were allowed to tell the people that they are inherently special and destined for success and fortune for merely being borne in the right place.

People being people, they voted for the snake oil salesman peddling useless feel good empty platitudes over harsh reality and here we are, at the inevitable result.

False entitlement breeds complacency, greed and laziness, and those are the terminal diseases that kills all empires stupid enough to indulge in the time old wishful thinking that they are somehow inherently special and don’t need to actually work hard to earn their lavish lifestyles.