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Japan in a haste attempt to seek approval from white overlords decides to enact a watered down version LGBTQ bill. More importantly, I didn't know G7 is so obsess with LGBTQ that it is a priority in the G7 meeting. Maybe they should change their name to GAY7.
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Amazing that such low behaviour has come from Japan at this time. Even those Chinese documentaries and shows depicting that Japanese as the villains show much more respect then what they are showing right now with this not only the whole following the USA like a sick puppy wanting attention with the whole ‘notice me senpai’ nonsense but is adopting the very worse of the USA culture with this whole LGBTQ madness. They have truly fallen so much that quite frankly, there is no helping these people. I mean I shouldnt offend those here that support the LGBTQ but to be honest, would anyone here want their children under 5 to be taught by someone in a drag because if they do, then you have only yourself to blame if they desire a sex change in the name of democracy…. I mean correctness

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Registered Member
sorry but the Pole's theory is absolutely pseudohistorical. No respectable history professor will ever sign off on the claim that the Industrial Revolution throughout Europe was a unique incomparable experience in world history.

Firstly, the progress of scientific thought was always incremental: Hellenistic Age -> Northumbrian Renaissance ‐> Carolingian Renaissance -> Ottonian Renaissance + Islamic Golden Age influences -> Renaissance of the 12th century + Greek scholar refugees -> Italian Renaissance -> Scientific Revolution. The Islamic world and China also had similar chains of paradigmatic evolution (go read on the scientists of the Song dynasty and the beginning of Song protoindustrial mechanisation) except for the last stage, when the West overtook the rest.

AND in any case, the Industrial Revolution did not spring forth spontaneously from some "Western civilization", but was overwhelmingly the work of 18th century British colonial-/navy-tied merchants and subsequently imported to France, then Belgium, then Germany and then other miserable offshoots (I'm not sure where he got the idea that France was the most backward European nation when Paris was the center of the 18th century Enlightenment, it was certainly better than Poland of all places). Industrialization in continental Europe was so alien that the counter reaction spawned not only Narodniks, Marxism and Anarchism but also massive esoteric cults like Theosophy, Ariosophy, Rosicrucianism which ultimately culminated in Nazism. Western civilization was nothing more than a loosely connected string of intellectuals who used a common Latin language and shared a fragmented and increasingly irrelevant religion. Even a Spaniard or Italian, much less Slavs, revelling in the glory of Britain is like Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans claiming credit for Meiji Industrialization.

To say that the West has developed some unique thought pattern of improvisation is nonsense, a theory founded essentially on the Sarmatianist "Polish Outer Wall of Christendom" pseudohistory.
if Poles can take credit for British culture then Koreans can take credit for Chinese culture...

oh. now I get it.

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Junior Member
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sorry but the Pole's theory is absolutely pseudohistorical. No respectable history professor will ever sign off on the claim that the Industrial Revolution throughout Europe was a unique incomparable experience in world history.

Firstly, the progress of scientific thought was always incremental: Hellenistic Age -> Northumbrian Renaissance ‐> Carolingian Renaissance -> Ottonian Renaissance + Islamic Golden Age influences -> Renaissance of the 12th century + Greek scholar refugees -> Italian Renaissance -> Scientific Revolution. The Islamic world and China also had similar chains of paradigmatic evolution (go read on the scientists of the Song dynasty and the beginning of Song protoindustrial mechanisation) except for the last stage, when the West overtook the rest.

AND in any case, the Industrial Revolution did not spring forth spontaneously from some "Western civilization", but was overwhelmingly the work of 18th century British colonial-/navy-tied merchants and subsequently imported to France, then Belgium, then Germany and then other miserable offshoots (I'm not sure where he got the idea that France was the most backward European nation when Paris was the center of the 18th century Enlightenment, it was certainly better than Poland of all places). Industrialization in continental Europe was so alien that the counter reaction spawned not only Narodniks, Marxism and Anarchism but also massive esoteric cults like Theosophy, Ariosophy, Rosicrucianism which ultimately culminated in Nazism. Western civilization was nothing more than a loosely connected string of intellectuals who used a common Latin language and shared a fragmented and increasingly irrelevant religion. Even a Spaniard or Italian, much less Slavs, revelling in the glory of Britain is like Chinese, Vietnamese and Koreans claiming credit for Meiji Industrialization.

To say that the West has developed some unique thought pattern of improvisation is nonsense, a theory founded essentially on the Sarmatianist "Polish Outer Wall of Christendom" pseudohistory.
The concept of industrial revolution is a fine example of the Anglo mastery of history and culture that even today still reverberates around the world.

It is this kind of mastery over taught history that still makes so many countries kneel before the Anglos and reject anything that does not conform to the Anglo narrative propagated.

In reality, industrialization was nothing more than taking advantage of the labor force that left the fields and fled from rural hunger and which have been used in manufactures and urban industries that already existed in several countries and only gained scale with the increase in population and rural exodus, with the population concentrated in cities.

Indeed, the great power of the British Empire did not come from industry, but rather from the earlier fierce piracy and competition of the seas with the Dutch and Spanish and the colonization of much of the world. The industrial revolution was a consequence of the increase in the urban population and its demands and protectionism against foreign manufacturers.

The global industrial revolution actually destroyed the British Empire, because when industry really became a relevant economic force, in the second half of the 19th century in urbanized countries, Germany and the USA quickly surpassed Britain in industrial productivity. And the British in the 20th century were equated with France, Japan and even Italy until they succumbed and gave way to the rise of the American Empire after WW2 and today they are just cheerleaders from the USA like other Europeans, but still above the pathetic Poles and Ukrainians.


Registered Member
if Poles can take credit for British culture then Koreans can take credit for Chinese culture...

oh. now I get it.

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Poland should be cautious. In a few years, Korean nationalists may claim Polish culture was actually Korean and Poles were appropriating Korean culture. You know, they even claimed christmas.


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Dmitry Medvedev responds:

A certain person calling himself the president of France said that Russia had already lost geopolitically, and was transforming into the other countries’ vassal.

The president of the Republic was obviously harmed by socializing with the Kiev junkie.

He inhaled too much of the warm Paris air mixed with Ukrainian cocaine waste, that his guest was emitting.

A geopolitical loss?
It was back in 2022 that NATO was lazily shooing us away when the matter concerned the security guarantees. Like, leave us alone, no time for you. And now, all of the NATO member states go to bed at night, and wake up in the morning thinking of Russia. Moreover, some of the especially cowardly and suffering from phantom pains, like temporarily occupied Poland and our Baltic provinces, have well soiled themselves. So, if there has indeed been a loss, it is that of the primitive NATO politics, with its underlying ambition to play the exceptional role in the 21st century.

Speaking of vassal dependence… Look who’s talking! Europe the beauty, including France, has turned into an elderly wench who is especially thoroughly satisfying all of the most perverted whims of Americans. And in the process, it is hurting its own economy and ordinary Europeans with masochistic lust.

As they put it, tel maître, tel valet.



Registered Member
I'm amazed this was actually published.

Western exceptionalism is confirmed to be an actual mental disease, now backed up by a peer-reviewed study produced by one of the world's most respected experimental neurology journals:

Our data, however, show that East Asians respond to events naturally and realistically, without extra thought. From the East Asian perspective, the Western tendency to boast good feelings about oneself could come across as futile, unnecessary or even childish because it shows how the person is failing to appreciate the relational nature of the self.​

My friends, I believe we are witnessing the first evolution of self awareness.

Westerners spontaneously maximize good feelings about the self through an automatic neural response. It occurs within a fraction of a second, without apparent effort, let alone any deliberation or conscious strategizing.

When they see the readings after performing the same test on Indians:



Registered Member
I wish that book will be translated in English so that I can hand out some copies of the book for people to read, comprehend, and contemplate. Too many books written are ALL TOO WESTERN CENTRIC and whenever there's a translation of books that are not of the western indoctrination they dilute the translation which loses the books meaning and purpose along with the authors intent.
It has been translated - it is in one of his short story collections, titled "Full Spectrum Barrage Jamming".
I forget what the compilation is called (there are a few) but search that and you will find.

Excellent translation I might add.


Registered Member
I'm amazed this was actually published.

Western exceptionalism is confirmed to be an actual mental disease, now backed up by a peer-reviewed study produced by one of the world's most respected experimental neurology journals:

People in the U.S. Think They Are Better Than They Actually Are.
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Western individualism may promote a “better than you actually are” mindset
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Specifically, we looked at the magnitude of the “alpha wave”—a pattern of activity that appears when a person’s mind wanders and engages in internally directed thoughts. We observed the alpha effect when Americans thought about themselves within a fraction of a second after learning that something good happened to them. This early attention predicted the magnitude of Americans' "positive illusions"— a cognitive bias that makes you feel more competent, more blessed, more fortunate and better than you actually are. Taiwanese participants did not show this pattern when thinking about either success or failure happening to the self, nor did they show evidence of holding positive illusions, as mentioned above.

Some Western psychologists have tried to explain the absence of positive illusions by arguing that "East Asians disguise their true feelings" to avoid appearing too self-focused, under the racial stereotype that East Asians value and act under "false modesty". But our data show that this explanation is inaccurate. We saw no added brain activity, for instance, that would correlate with effortful concealment of one’s true feelings among the Taiwanese people who participated in our study.

Westerners take an additional step to boost their good feeling when something good happens to them. Westerners spontaneously maximize good feelings about the self through an automatic neural response. It occurs within a fraction of a second, without apparent effort, let alone any deliberation or conscious strategizing. Such a response might seem "natural" and "inevitable", but it is not. Instead the response is cultural, having formed through years of socialization. The brain is
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to produce this response because it supports attitudes that help a person fit into their individualistic culture, valuing self-promotion and initiative. East Asians show no such spontaneous or automatic response. They would seem to be more accepting of various events as those events happen to them. Other work we have done has found that while self-esteem predicts health in the West, it does
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in East Asian societies.

In many cultures outside the West, people regard their selves as interdependent and embedded in social relationships. They feel protected and secure when connected to a larger social community. From that cultural perspective, there is no need to feel particularly good about one’s independent, individual self.

From the Western perspective, East Asians might appear excessively polite in their attention to social ties or could seem disengaged or even depressed or maladjusted in their ambivalence toward self-promotion and initiative. Our data, however, show that East Asians respond to events naturally and realistically, without extra thought. From the East Asian perspective, the Western tendency to boast good feelings about oneself could come across as futile, unnecessary or even childish because it shows how the person is failing to appreciate the relational nature of the self.

My friends, I believe we are witnessing the first evolution of self awareness.

When they see the readings after performing the same test on Indians:

View attachment 112694

The civilisational equivalent of the meme “how would you feel if you didn’t have breakfast…”