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Lol! Contractor sabotage? Payment disputes? In the mighty Royal Navy? I thought such things happens only in 3rd world countries such as India. Well I guess the UK has really lowered it's standards.



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how many white men are they going to sacrifice to save taiwan? Or if they even has the guts to shed their precious anglo blood to defend asians who look like the enemy
Anglos tend to put the poor, Hispanic’s and blacks in the infantry positions. Either way, there will be revolution when these shell shocked soldiers return home.
Quoting a few sentences from the news article:

Don't worry, Meloni.

For the sake of Italy's long-standing friendship with China spanning the last several decades, Beijing may very well consider accepting Rome's request for an easier way out.

But first, kindly allow PLAAF Y-20s to fly over Rome and airdrop a number of crates filled with these as a token of appreciation for Italy's withdrawal from the BRI:
Whatever deal is agreed, Italy must pay in yuan and settle trades in RMB. The US instigated this drama so they could save their petrodolla, make the Italians pay. In Yuan.


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Powerful bloc? I think you're mistaking Indian CEOs and puppet politicians for real power. The Jews elites in the West are in control of banks, investment firms, media, science labs, and Hollywood. They are the shareholders who direct the CEOs. They are the lobbyists who direct the politicians. That is what true power looks like.

The elite Indians in the West are mostly CEOs and puppet politicians. There are a few billionaires like Mittal and Tata buying up stuff in the West. But they don't have nearly the same influence in Western societies as the Jew elites.

It's not clever. That is what Indians do. They are masters at selling and boot licking. They'll coddle up to anyone in a superior position to gain some advantage. Don't mistake that as friendship. They'll abandon you as soon as you don't benefit them. They'll even scam you when they sense the opportunity.

Indian immigrants are not taking control of companies and politics. Like I have mentioned many times before. They are master yesmen, the perfect servant. CEOs in big corporations are not owners. They are the chief of the servants. Serving the shareholders. Shareholders today hate being told no. Competent CEOs will tell them no once in awhile. Not Indian CEOs. Indian politicians in the West are not taking control of anything. Rishi Sunak's policies are indistinguishable from Liz Truss. He has no say in things. Kamala Harris is more like a Biden cheerleader. She says standard stuff. She adds nothing new. Indian Republican politicians scream about introducing the NRA into Taiwan. Any white NRA Republican fanatic could have said that.

Indians sell their souls to anyone who could give them a leg up in their lives. They would promise the world to their benefactors and blame others for failures. And while they are add it, they would also scam their benefactors too.

There is no yin and yang between India and China. India is among a long line of idiot nations whom the West wishes to recruit against China. If India is a yin, then so as Japan, SK, Australia, Lithuania, the PH, etc.

India's foreign policy is nothing smart at all. India is 'friendly' to everyone? Look closer. India is friendly only to the West, and Russia. The developed countries. But India is hostile and judgemental to other lesser nations, especially it's Asian neighbours. India insults and bullies it's lesser Asian neighbours. India insults and tries to bully nations in the Middle East, SEA. Africa is out of reach, but India is not reaching out to them in any appreciable manner. That is a dumb foreign policy. It'll win India only friends from the developed world, who have their own agendas for India. India is like that pathetic spineless poor kid in school. Cuddling up to the cool kids to join their club, whie abandoning his fellow poor friends and family. When the cool kids ask him to arm-twist his poor brother to extort money for them, he'll gladly do it without qualms. Without shame and remorse. That is how India works today.

The only thing to learn from India is how not to become a serious nation. Despite starting out much better than China in 1947, India has 1/5th the economy of China today. Indian foreign policy is duplicitous. While it shows friendship, it also does things against them. For example, bullying Western businesses in India. Or following the West in humiliating Russia in the last G20. India is also unapologetically proud of it's oligarchic economy. Proudly elevating it's billionaires while ignoring the have-nots. India's policies are all loud and noisy, but hollow in implementation. The result? Even with a population comparable to China. Even with favourable opinions from the West and Russia. India remains stuck in the low-middle income economy.

India is sending its brightest people to the West, yet it owns nothing. Does the govt of India own Microsoft? Does it own the UK parliament? India is licking the boots of the West, because it thinks the West would give it economic opportunities to become as big and powerful as China. Judging from India's cultural nature, it won't truly know how the West will manipulate it into becoming another neo-colony. The West will aim to stagnant India's economy and brain drain it's brightest to the West. China managed to block Western plots to turn it into a neo-colony. From 1989 all the way to Ant Group's IPO delisting. India is not doing that, it fully embraces the West, thinking that it is an honorary Asian member of the West. India is willingly becoming a neo-colony of the West.

Luckily for India, the West is running out of time. There appears to not be enough economic and political runway left for the West to recolonize India. But when the West abandons India, it'll will be left in an isolated position in Asia. But knowing India. It'll be shameless, and will attempt to woo BRICS next. Starting off course, with Russia. At that time, it is actually best to keep India at arms length, it should not to be trusted at all. It'll mess up the BRICS when it senses the opportunity. It'll scam any naive BRICS members, especially Russia. I predict that Russia will go through their own painful lesson of getting too close with India in due time.
India can boast about Indian CEOs in Microsoft, Google, etc all they want. Meanwhile China has its own Microsoft and Google.


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Okinawa protesters call for closure of U.S. military bases​

Thousands of protesters gathered near Kadena Air Base in Okinawa on Saturday to call for the closure of U.S. military bases on the Japanese island. 72% of Okinawa people have voted for closure of US military bases.


Protesters chanted “Give us back our peaceful life!” and “Osprey get out!” — a reference to the military helicopters often seen in the skies over the island.

Background: The U.S. military has had an extensive presence on the island since 1945, and occupied it until 1972, when it was returned to Japanese sovereignty.
  • Chemical contamination in areas close to the bases and crimes committed by U.S. servicemen, including
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    , have in the past enraged the population and sparked massive protests.
  • Protesters told Axios that they feel they have long been forced to bear a disproportionate burden of the U.S.-Japan military alliance. Okinawa makes up less than 1% of Japan’s total land area but hosts more than 70% of all U.S. military facilities in Japan.
Okinawa Gov. Denny Tamaki has lobbied the Japanese and U.S. governments to reduce the military presence on the island.
  • President Biden
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    last year that he was "profoundly grateful for Japan's resolute support for democracy, freedom, and the rule of law and for Okinawa's contribution to advancing these ideals."

On an unrelated note, why is it the US ambassador welcoming the PRC delegation to Japan?
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Indians have not been immigrating to the US for as long as Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. At least not in numbers. But they are already more successful as a group defined by wealth and political influence. There have been more Indian American politicians than there have been Chinese American politicians despite the Chinese population being historically larger. There have certainly been more Indian American executives.
Indians are hardly more influential in politics, most Asian American politicians are just attack dogs of the right color so that their white handlers in their respective parties don't sound racist. I can't name a single influential Asian politician in the US, they are all establishment shills. Kamala Harris is one of the most bleak VPs ever and she ran on the campaign of being Black rather than Indian, nuff said, even if he had some influence (she doesn't), Indian community would hardly benefit from it because they are not her primary target demographic.

Executives are hired workers. I can name plenty of famous companies that were started by Chinese in the West - NVIDIA, Zoom, Kingston, ATI (now AMD), Yahoo, YouTube, DoorDash etc. Chinese physicist Qian Xuesen worked in the Manhattan project and founded NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory. So contributions of Chinese to the Western development are second only to Jews but because of white racism and yellow peril, they don't credited much since they do not look white unlike the Ashkenazi Jews. Can you share a similar list about Indians?