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It's nothing compared to Britain's former self.
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Taiwan has become the new "white man's burden".
BTW, here is a diagram illustrating Elbridge Colby's sophisticated analysis of China-Taiwan relationship above.

So much for the shining beacon on the hill:

Asian policymakers can think for themselves.

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how many white men are they going to sacrifice to save taiwan? Or if they even has the guts to shed their precious anglo blood to defend asians who look like the enemy


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Super Moderator
Because China doesn't ever respond to US provocations, the MSM can only repeat the same talking points as they have in the past decade. This has caused "listening fatigue" among the rest of the world who have already debunked long-standing smearing on "Chinese debt traps". The slander eventually becomes meaningless noise and ever more exaggerated/detached from reality, destroying US credibility and weakening ability to influence investor/national decision making.

By refusing to lower themselves to Western playing field, China is forcing other countries to do their own critical thinking and make their own analyses on the world situation.

This quiet self-confidence also requires heads of state to commit themselves and visit China to understand it. This is also what causes the diplomatic flurry of visits, contributing to the perception that China is the new world leader and getting a invitation to China is a great honor.

It is the sigma approach to diplomacy.


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Japanese cars completely dominate the Middle Eastern car market, luxury cars are a niche market compromising a small percent of car sales. Not to mention luxury cars is a unprofitable business and the likes of Ferrari, Porsche make more from licencing their name to games, t-shirt and keyring manufacturers than they do from cars.

Siemens used to completely dominate the medical device industry 20 years ago but that is not the case today.
Gas turbine production is dominated by American companies, China is rapidly catching up.

The only place German manufacturing is dominant is the EU, a highly protectionist market propped up by the German euro printing machine. Germany prints euros and gives them to Greece or Poland who then use that money to buy German products.

Take down the artificial barriers and German dominance of the EU will fall too.
Germany should create their own Social network application to avoid US propoganda. Twitter honestly not a good idea for long use. US&UK has twitter, facebook, instagram, discord, whatsapp, viber... China has tiktok, weibo, wechat, qq, tieba... So what is Germany native instant messaging softwre?


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Still better than BBC washing cooked rice to reduce the starch before making it into fried rice.
Reason I read somewhere was that European rice has much higher arsenic level than Asian rice, washing the rice will diminish the arsenic level in the rice after you cook it not before- I guess for some- health over taste. Just wondering why EU have higher arsenic level?


Registered Member

Italy calls a crisis meeting after pasta prices jump 20%​

Italy's Industry Minister Adolfo Urso has convened a crisis commission to discuss the country's soaring pasta costs. The cost of the staple food rose 17.5% during the past year through March, Italian newspaper La Repubblica reported. That's more than twice the rate of inflation in Italy, which stood at 8.1% in March, European Central Bank data shows.

In nearly all of the pasta-crazed country's provinces, where roughly 60% of people eat pasta daily, the average cost of the staple has exceeded $2.20 per kilo, the Washington Post reported. And in Siena, a city in Tuscany, pasta jumped from about $1.50 a kilo a year ago to $2.37, a 58% increase, consumer-rights group Assoutenti found
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Italy’s government convenes talks amid skyrocketing pasta prices​

Italy's Minister of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Adolfo Urso, chaired an emergency meeting on Thursday, convening government officials, trade and consumer association representatives and distributors, for crisis talks to discuss soaring pasta costs, which have seen the Italian staple rise by more than double the rate of inflation, according to data from the European Central Bank.
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Registered Member
Lithuania should talk to China from a position of strength, Lithuanian Foreign Minister said:

"You cannot talk to China from the position of a weak and dependent player. We have already done this with Russia. Europe forms the foundations of world geopolitics from a position of strength and risk reduction,” Lithuanian Foreign Minister Landsbergis at a meeting of EU foreign ministers.

A chihuahua wants to speak to a dragon from a position of strength...

I have been to Prague, beautiful city with a lot of its medieval architecture intact; this is only possible because the Czechs surrendered to everyone who so much as threw a pebble in its direction.
As one member have mentioned before, the Jewish diaspora in the US helped build the scientific, industrial, entertainment, and economic might of the US. The Jews earned their place in the hierarchy of ethnicities in the US. The Indians in America didn't build any of those great corporations. They were merely managing them.

Indians are doing better in the US because they are better at kissing ass than any other ethnicity on this planet. This is the simple, uncomfortable truth. US companies hiring Indian CEOs is actually a recent phenomena, and its not because of merit. US companies in the 1980s and 1990s would not have hired Indian CEOs that easily because they were doing serious business. But after the 2008 financial crash, many US companies had lowered their standards. No longer were they going for excellence. They are now chasing bigger profits, and shareholder gains. The competent old guard CEOs who genuinely built the business don't always agree. So they were replaced with the perfect yesmen: the Indian CEO. You say that Indian CEOs will eventually get their share of the Western equity. I don't doubt that. But like any employee, they will never get enough to obtain a controlling stake. The white elites will never allow that.

China needs none of that crap. The Soviet cut short its nuclear weapons technology sharing with China. China can still develop its own H-bomb. The US denies space exploration cooperation with China. China builds its own space program. Chinese companies can innovate and compete with the best Western companies in a number of industries. The Chinese can build their very own great companies. They don't need to kiss-up their way into Western corporations. That kind of thing is for people who prefer to be servants than leaders.

You say that India is very successful at playing with the West. Just like South Korea, the Philippines, and Japan. Yes, the West gives India alot of slack in human rights, diplomacy, economy etc. Why do you think that is a good thing? That is just simply pathetic. Why does anyone need the the approval of the West to become a great nation? A great nation needs no approval by anyone, its own greatness will shine for everyone else to see. There will be fans, and haters.

The West hates China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. So what? Russia is hated by the entire West, but is getting a lot of admiration in Asia and Africa. Russia's standing in the world is actually on a net rise. China is hated by the West, but is adored by many in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. China is a close 2nd to the US as the largest economy in the world. And its all done without colonialism, war, and plunder. China is a great nation by being China. It doesn't need any approval by the West to be great. Have you not seen the flurry of foreign leaders, meeting with Xi Jinping recently? Howabout Narendra Modi? How many foreign leaders have been meeting with him during this time? This is happening even when there are idiots screaming about Uyghur genocide, China virus, Chinese spies, Taiwan war, etc. So much for India's charm. Yeah India may have its charm for the West, but that's it. There is nothing much else after that.

You say that India is punching above its weight diplomatically. Wrong. India is actually punching horribly below its weight. In most of SEA, Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. India is barely present at all. But China quite popular in these regions instead. No ass-kissing required. No Western approval needed. China had just brokered peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia. India had zero chance of making that happen. India abused its Kashmiri Muslim population, angering Muslims worldwide. The West kept quiet, and told Muslim leaders to look at the "Uighur genocide" instead. But the Muslim leaders knew the truth. They spoke out against India, and India spat back. India has nothing like the diplomatic clout of China in the Global South. If having 1.4 billion people is supposed to give India some diplomatic weight, then India is horribly underperforming.
The sheer fact that Papua New Guinea ditched a meeting with Modi to make room for the US President reveals just how irrelevant India really is. Btw in China, the government treats all foreign dignitaries the same, doesn’t matter if you’re from Liberia or the US, you get a time slot and that’s it. No rearranging, no bs.

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The anglos cannot avoid losing more and more Qian Xuesens because anglos are by nature and practice, a white supremacist culture. It would not kill them to avoid persecuting Chinese scientists but they can’t resist like a chimpanzee flinging shit at its plexiglass enclosures.


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Moderator - World Affairs
I absolutely agree with most of your points, but I still believe that true power stems from the creation of value. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg alone has created more wealth and influence for the Jewish-American community than 100 Indian CEOs.

Chinese-Americans founded or co-founded many household names like YouTube, Nvidia, Twitch, Yahoo, Snapchat (Filipino-Chinese), and Zoom but none of these companies are helping Chinese-Americans assert influence on the affairs of the United States. Chinese-Americans are academically gifted, but seem to lack business acumen. For instance, YouTube and Twitch were sold to other companies in their infancy and Yahoo refused to purchase Google. In my opinion, Chinese-Americans need to understand the importance of political influence. Many Chinese-Americans, due to our upbringing, aspire to be scientists and engineers because those professions enable us to generate value. However, for the sake of our community, more of us should aspire to be executives and politicians.

Indian-Americans are great at securing political influence, but I still believe that Chinese-Americans should follow the Jewish-American model by generating influence through the creation of value. YouTube, Twitch, and Yahoo could have led to Chinese-owned business empires, but unfortunately they didn't. Nonetheless, I hope that the next big company founded by a Chinese-American does lead to more influence for our community. I attend an Ivy League school and one of my Chinese-American classmates, who is a close friend of mine, recently founded a startup that is already worth millions. I don't want to say too much about this matter due to the presence of lurkers on this forum, but I'll discuss these thoughts with him. Who knows, maybe 10 years down the line his company will become the source of the influence so many of us are talking about on this forum.
Most of Chinese diaspora in Southeast Asia completely dominate the economy, in places like Thailand, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam etc.... It takes many generations to be deeply embedded in the economy (particularly to highly fluent in local language) to generate that sort of dominance, whereas most Chinese-Americans in U.S. are 1st or 2nd generation at best, with English as second language (unlike Indians who were colonized by British empire with English as their Official language). Give it time.... For example, I also attended a T10 and have Chinese-American friends who built start-ups that is now Unicorn IPO. There are many Chinese-Americans who are becoming CEOs or founders now, and it will only grow in the future.


Registered Member
This guy talks about aviation as if it's God's gift, yet no there are no major German nor Arab aircraft manufacturers. Of course, that doesn't matter to him.
I have an unpopular opinion that civilian aviation didn't change the world that much. Yes, tourism as it exists today wouldn't be possible without aviation but is that really essential? The air transport industry almost completely relies on tourists and operates on very small profit margins. Everything else makes a small percentage of revenues. This is why it needs subsidies to survive during every single economic disruption including small ones. Pleasure spending is the first thing people decrease and that directly hit airlines since they depend on that.

Coming to Arabs, I can see why they are after developing tourism, financial industry, import-export businesses and some manufacturing. The Gulf and SA have been utterly dependent on very cheap South Asian labor and oil profits. Prospects for both of these look dim beyond 2040. 10 years ago people were talking about how the Gulf will return back to Monke after oil runs out or becomes unimportant. Good for them they started diversifying early.

BTW labor part is why they are giving more rights to women nowadays. They plan to partially replace South Asian labor with their own women who they haven't been utilizing until now.


Registered Member
Lmao. 60 severed cables on a UK warship may be due to a payment dispute.

Alleged sabotage onboard frigate HMS Glasgow​

Exclusive – the uk defence journal can reveal the news that there has been an alleged incident of sabotage onboard hms glasgow, with claims that a group of disgruntled contractors have interrupted the fitting out process of the type 26 frigate by severing over 60 cables.

the suspected motive behind this destructive act is said to be an issue related to payment disputes, although this cannot be confirmed.
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