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did you miss the aviation part that is increasingly important for Arabs.
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I am only referring to Germany and Mideast. Every thing works on connections.

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Aviation - another industry Germany used to be globally successful in. Even in the PR article you posted you neglected to mention the fact that Lufthansa will be refurbishing BOEING aircraft. 10-20 years ago they would have been Airbus.

For you the whole world is the Middle East, Germany and India with cherry picked PR releases to confirm your biases. What about Africa, South/central America, the rest of Asia?

"The King of Dubai bought a Maybach, German industry is great"
"The Shah of Iran bought a German toothbrush, German healthcare is number one."


Junior Member
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What is with you and your obsession with German engineering? Every time I read your posts there's 50% chance you will be simping over German engineering. The laws of physics do not operate differently in Germany.
This guy talks about aviation as if it's God's gift, yet no there are no major German nor Arab aircraft manufacturers. Of course, that doesn't matter to him.
Strategic goals of Arabs can only be achieved through Aviation. Just like Indian migration Iranian migration to North Amerca is fact and so why not create improve relations with India/Iran/Israel that will better preserve Arab wealth in West and make these countries depended on Arab aviation. I am sure there are Indians educated in wealthy Gulf countries schools that will create positive impression on future generation of Indians about there life in Gulf. This is that long term investment. India has much opportunities to move up the corporate ladder. but if at some point West declines and Arabs have to move there physical wealth away from West. they will have large Indian market with already known people. there is no stopping of Indian moving to Middleast. look at there huge real estate purchases.
Always look at pictures that not normal. when i posted that Toyota Pickup modification picture from UAE. i already knew some one is promoting Toyota and boom Toyotas showed up in Syrian May 9 Parade. These are the retro version with large capacity engines. This cannot happen without wealthy Arab influence. There is another picture from last year where an Afghan Minister putting a Black turban on Chechen MP in Moscow. Just by observing that picture i knew Pakistan is cooked. no power can save it unless Arabs want it. that kind of authority Turks does not have and with rise of India inside West Arab position will further improve. Look few pages back when i said Russia has ideological authority to intervene in Kazakhstan and few days latter Kazahk president associated Arabic holy book with great patriotic war. Just watch and observe and this world will be reshaped according to Arab interests. countries like India and Russia have joined this train.
Tell me you are a chatbot without telling me you are a chatbot. I don't know if this level of logic is even humanly possible.


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Registered Member
The Jewish diaspora in the West did not always have the level of power and wealth they enjoy today. At first they were just merchants and shop owners. It took a long time for them to build up their influence, but they did.

Indians have not been immigrating to the US for as long as Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. At least not in numbers. But they are already more successful as a group defined by wealth and political influence. There have been more Indian American politicians than there have been Chinese American politicians despite the Chinese population being historically larger. There have certainly been more Indian American executives.

There are obviously various reasons for this. It doesn't mean Indians are necessarily more talented - academically, they're weaker than Chinese, and as business founders, they have quantity (many technology unicorns were founded by Indians), but not quality (few became house hold names).

But if we want to project this forward, the number of Indian Americans at the top of corporate hierarchies is increasing, as networking effects are taking hold. Yes, the venture capitalists and founders sitting on the board aren't Indian. Yet with CEOs generally receiving massive equity packages, it is conceivable that one day, they will be.

What's even more important, though, is India's successful playing of the West. Diplomatically India was able to maneuver itself into a position that most countries would envy - having virtual immunity from Western actions despite gross violations of human rights and geopolitical aggression. Even at the height of US-China engagement, this was not the case - the US never supported China's territorial claims against the Soviets, the way it supports India's territorial claims against China, and it never ceased to punish China for actions like the Falun Gong crack downs, Tibet, Xinjiang, etc. While it does nothing about Indian actions in Kashmir, the Northeast, etc.

Yes, India is not that strong, and the perception of Indian weakness is one reason it's been given a free pass. But where for most countries - like Iran or Saudi Arabia or pretty much everybody in Africa - national weakness is a license for the West to either isolate the regime or thoroughly dominate it, India has for whatever reason been able to operate at the margins of Western control, while taking full advantage of its perceived "weakness" to win Western sympathies. This might come back to what you said about Indians being great at kissing up, but while we might find that shameful, we should also recognize it's allowed a poor, weak country to punch well above its weight geopolitically, such that many Chinese strategists today consider India one of its greatest threats in the future.
As one member have mentioned before, the Jewish diaspora in the US helped build the scientific, industrial, entertainment, and economic might of the US. The Jews earned their place in the hierarchy of ethnicities in the US. The Indians in America didn't build any of those great corporations. They were merely managing them.

Indians are doing better in the US because they are better at kissing ass than any other ethnicity on this planet. This is the simple, uncomfortable truth. US companies hiring Indian CEOs is actually a recent phenomena, and its not because of merit. US companies in the 1980s and 1990s would not have hired Indian CEOs that easily because they were doing serious business. But after the 2008 financial crash, many US companies had lowered their standards. No longer were they going for excellence. They are now chasing bigger profits, and shareholder gains. The competent old guard CEOs who genuinely built the business don't always agree. So they were replaced with the perfect yesmen: the Indian CEO. You say that Indian CEOs will eventually get their share of the Western equity. I don't doubt that. But like any employee, they will never get enough to obtain a controlling stake. The white elites will never allow that.

China needs none of that crap. The Soviet cut short its nuclear weapons technology sharing with China. China can still develop its own H-bomb. The US denies space exploration cooperation with China. China builds its own space program. Chinese companies can innovate and compete with the best Western companies in a number of industries. The Chinese can build their very own great companies. They don't need to kiss-up their way into Western corporations. That kind of thing is for people who prefer to be servants than leaders.

You say that India is very successful at playing with the West. Just like South Korea, the Philippines, and Japan. Yes, the West gives India alot of slack in human rights, diplomacy, economy etc. Why do you think that is a good thing? That is just simply pathetic. Why does anyone need the the approval of the West to become a great nation? A great nation needs no approval by anyone, its own greatness will shine for everyone else to see. There will be fans, and haters.

The West hates China, Russia, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, etc. So what? Russia is hated by the entire West, but is getting a lot of admiration in Asia and Africa. Russia's standing in the world is actually on a net rise. China is hated by the West, but is adored by many in Africa, Asia, and Latin America. China is a close 2nd to the US as the largest economy in the world. And its all done without colonialism, war, and plunder. China is a great nation by being China. It doesn't need any approval by the West to be great. Have you not seen the flurry of foreign leaders, meeting with Xi Jinping recently? Howabout Narendra Modi? How many foreign leaders have been meeting with him during this time? This is happening even when there are idiots screaming about Uyghur genocide, China virus, Chinese spies, Taiwan war, etc. So much for India's charm. Yeah India may have its charm for the West, but that's it. There is nothing much else after that.

You say that India is punching above its weight diplomatically. Wrong. India is actually punching horribly below its weight. In most of SEA, Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. India is barely present at all. But China quite popular in these regions instead. No ass-kissing required. No Western approval needed. China had just brokered peace between Iran and Saudi Arabia. India had zero chance of making that happen. India abused its Kashmiri Muslim population, angering Muslims worldwide. The West kept quiet, and told Muslim leaders to look at the "Uighur genocide" instead. But the Muslim leaders knew the truth. They spoke out against India, and India spat back. India has nothing like the diplomatic clout of China in the Global South. If having 1.4 billion people is supposed to give India some diplomatic weight, then India is horribly underperforming.


"the engineer"
Engineers are not paid like Pilots unless its software engineering with RSU units. even in that case Pilots will get more once you look at tax status working in Arabic airline vs some one working in California. Pilot demand will increase due to more migration among continents.

yet most of H1B quota every year is filled mostly from India.

Is that Canadian dollars after tax?
You really need to learn to use Google. Salaries are all pre tax and in order to compare apple to apples you need to look at each country separately. ME is not the world and most people don't give a crap about it.

Software engineers don't actually get paid that much. If you look at anywhere in north America, petroleum engineers get paid the most.

You haven't backed up your statements with any facts/statistics.


Junior Member
Registered Member
The Jewish diaspora in the West did not always have the level of power and wealth they enjoy today. At first they were just merchants and shop owners. It took a long time for them to build up their influence, but they did.

Indians have not been immigrating to the US for as long as Chinese, Japanese, and Koreans. At least not in numbers. But they are already more successful as a group defined by wealth and political influence. There have been more Indian American politicians than there have been Chinese American politicians despite the Chinese population being historically larger. There have certainly been more Indian American executives.

There are obviously various reasons for this. It doesn't mean Indians are necessarily more talented - academically, they're weaker than Chinese, and as business founders, they have quantity (many technology unicorns were founded by Indians), but not quality (few became house hold names).

But if we want to project this forward, the number of Indian Americans at the top of corporate hierarchies is increasing, as networking effects are taking hold. Yes, the venture capitalists and founders sitting on the board aren't Indian. Yet with CEOs generally receiving massive equity packages, it is conceivable that one day, they will be.

What's even more important, though, is India's successful playing of the West. Diplomatically India was able to maneuver itself into a position that most countries would envy - having virtual immunity from Western actions despite gross violations of human rights and geopolitical aggression. Even at the height of US-China engagement, this was not the case - the US never supported China's territorial claims against the Soviets, the way it supports India's territorial claims against China, and it never ceased to punish China for actions like the Falun Gong crack downs, Tibet, Xinjiang, etc. While it does nothing about Indian actions in Kashmir, the Northeast, etc.

Yes, India is not that strong, and the perception of Indian weakness is one reason it's been given a free pass. But where for most countries - like Iran or Saudi Arabia or pretty much everybody in Africa - national weakness is a license for the West to either isolate the regime or thoroughly dominate it, India has for whatever reason been able to operate at the margins of Western control, while taking full advantage of its perceived "weakness" to win Western sympathies. This might come back to what you said about Indians being great at kissing up, but while we might find that shameful, we should also recognize it's allowed a poor, weak country to punch well above its weight geopolitically, such that many Chinese strategists today consider India one of its greatest threats in the future.
I absolutely agree with most of your points, but I still believe that true power stems from the creation of value. For instance, Mark Zuckerberg alone has created more wealth and influence for the Jewish-American community than 100 Indian CEOs.

Chinese-Americans founded or co-founded many household names like YouTube, Nvidia, Twitch, Yahoo, Snapchat (Filipino-Chinese), and Zoom but none of these companies are helping Chinese-Americans assert influence on the affairs of the United States. Chinese-Americans are academically gifted, but seem to lack business acumen. For instance, YouTube and Twitch were sold to other companies in their infancy and Yahoo refused to purchase Google. In my opinion, Chinese-Americans need to understand the importance of political influence. Many Chinese-Americans, due to our upbringing, aspire to be scientists and engineers because those professions enable us to generate value. However, for the sake of our community, more of us should aspire to be executives and politicians.

Indian-Americans are great at securing political influence, but I still believe that Chinese-Americans should follow the Jewish-American model by generating influence through the creation of value. YouTube, Twitch, and Yahoo could have led to Chinese-owned business empires, but unfortunately they didn't. Nonetheless, I hope that the next big company founded by a Chinese-American does lead to more influence for our community. I attend an Ivy League school and one of my Chinese-American classmates, who is a close friend of mine, recently founded a startup that is already worth millions. I don't want to say too much about this matter due to the presence of lurkers on this forum, but I'll discuss these thoughts with him. Who knows, maybe 10 years down the line his company will become the source of the influence so many of us are talking about on this forum.