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Poor thing can’t seem to get a break…

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I think Vietnamese may have a similar complex as another large Asian country. My experience, the Western Viet population i knew were Viet#1 even in the early 2000s, way before the Western Chinese started becoming more proud. Found in the comment section:

Ten years ago I visited China and Vietnam. 3 years ago I visited both again. The pace of development in those 7 years was astonishing. Even blowing China out of the water.

It might be a rough start but after only a few years existing, Vinfast is selling cars in America. Something China has yet to do.

I wouldn’t ever bet against Vietnam. Give them a few years.


Registered Member
what happened with the Ottomans then?
Ottomans failed even with support of Europeans. Arab culture and language proved stronger. infact these Arabs are keeping that idiot Erdo in power to run down Turkey and use him to keep pressure on Europe.
German engineering, Aviation and Arabs are deeply interconnected. There is no replacement for German engineering and this put constraints on Arabs. That Boeing 747-8 is gift from an Arab to Turkish president.
The topic somehow always comes to Germanic engineering, aviation, Arabs and other irrelevant topics.
Strategic goals of Arabs can only be achieved through Aviation. Just like Indian migration Iranian migration to North Amerca is fact and so why not create improve relations with India/Iran/Israel that will better preserve Arab wealth in West and make these countries depended on Arab aviation. I am sure there are Indians educated in wealthy Gulf countries schools that will create positive impression on future generation of Indians about there life in Gulf. This is that long term investment. India has much opportunities to move up the corporate ladder. but if at some point West declines and Arabs have to move there physical wealth away from West. they will have large Indian market with already known people. there is no stopping of Indian moving to Middleast. look at there huge real estate purchases.
Always look at pictures that not normal. when i posted that Toyota Pickup modification picture from UAE. i already knew some one is promoting Toyota and boom Toyotas showed up in Syrian May 9 Parade. These are the retro version with large capacity engines. This cannot happen without wealthy Arab influence. There is another picture from last year where an Afghan Minister putting a Black turban on Chechen MP in Moscow. Just by observing that picture i knew Pakistan is cooked. no power can save it unless Arabs want it. that kind of authority Turks does not have and with rise of India inside West Arab position will further improve. Look few pages back when i said Russia has ideological authority to intervene in Kazakhstan and few days latter Kazahk president associated Arabic holy book with great patriotic war. Just watch and observe and this world will be reshaped according to Arab interests. countries like India and Russia have joined this train.



Registered Member
Ottomans failed even with support of Europeans. Arab culture and language proved stronger. infact these Arabs are keeping that idiot Erdo in power to run down Turkey and use him to keep pressure on Europe.
German engineering, Aviation and Arabs are deeply interconnected. There is no replacement for German engineering and this put constraints on Arabs. That Boeing 747-8 is gift from an Arab to Turkish president.
Ottomans conquered Arabs for 400 years.

If German engineering is so great how come they don't have a space, semiconductor, EV, shipbuilding or software industry? Clearly they're replaceable there. So you're wrong again.


Registered Member
"We reiterate our unwavering support for Ukraine for as long as it takes and are united in our condemnation of Russia's illegal, unjustifiable, and unprovoked war of aggression against Ukraine," the statement said. The G-7 will "take any necessary and appropriate enforcement actions required" to counter "any attempts to evade and undermine our sanction measures" and will "call on other countries" to join them.

"We were able to firmly confirm that the G-7 will respond in a more united manner to major international issues" such as Russia's invasion of Ukraine, Japanese Finance Minister Shunichi Suzuki told reporters.
They are also counting as Japan take the role to further weaken Europeans. Arabs want weak Europe to further weaken Turkey.
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Actually i was surprised Finnish people can buy cheap products in Russia.
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Those turned back were typically heading to Russia for refuelling or shopping trips.

Since invading Ukraine, Russia has stopped issuing multiple-entry visas to EU citizens, apart from business travel visas.

Those looking to buy cheaper petrol across the border have generally had business visas, according to HS.

The average price for a litre of gasoline in Finland has been up to
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than that in Russia.

Shopping trips do not meet the requirements for a business trip under Russian law. But up until now, Russian authorities have generally overlooked this criteria.


Lieutenant General
CCP continues to genocide poor, innocent American government officials /s:

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13 May, 2023 06:09
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Architect of Biden’s China policy to resign​

Washington’s number-two diplomat, a key foreign policy player, will soon end her three-decade career in government
Architect of Biden’s China policy to resign

FILE PHOTO: Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman speaks at the State Department in Washington, DC, August 18, 2021. © AP / Andrew Harnik

US Deputy Secretary of State Wendy Sherman is set to retire, the State Department said on Friday. The 73-year-old official was heavily involved in devising Washington’s current strategy toward China and the broader Asia-Pacific, where it seeks to challenge Beijing on several fronts.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken hailed Sherman’s lengthy career as a diplomat in a statement announcing her resignation, saying she has “helped lead our engagement in the Indo-Pacific, the region where the history of the 21st century will be written.”
“She has deepened our bonds with our friends around the world, especially with the Republic of Korea, Japan, and the European Union. She has overseen our efforts to strengthen the [State] Department’s capabilities to manage our relationship with the People’s Republic of China, and built greater convergence with allies and partners,”
he added.
In an internal memo sent out to department staffers, Sherman stated that “Diplomacy is not for the faint of heart,” urging colleagues to “have courage” and to use their power “for good.” She said her retirement would be effective at the end of next month.
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With a career spanning more than three decades, several presidents and five separate secretaries of state, Sherman has been involved in a long list of important foreign policy decisions over the years. As Blinken’s deputy, her focus has largely been set on China, often acting as an official spokesperson to explain the US strategy toward the People’s Republic.
In comments to lawmakers earlier this year, Sherman warned that China is “the only competitor with the intent and means to reshape the international order,” accusing Beijing of “provocations in the South China Sea,” human rights abuses, “economic coercion,” and “threatening behavior against Taiwan,” which China considers to be part of its sovereign territory.
Since President Joe Biden took office in 2021, US relations with China have plumbed new depths. Over the last two years, the Pentagon has ordered near-constant transits of the disputed Taiwan Strait by US warships, while a visit to Taipei by then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in 2022 triggered unprecedented Chinese military drills in the airspace and waters around the island. It carried out additional war games following a trip to the US by Taiwan’s leader earlier this year.
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However, as Sherman prepares to leave the State Department for good, there appear to be signs of renewed diplomacy with China. Earlier this week, White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan held an unannounced round of talks with a senior Chinese Foreign Ministry official, the highest-level engagement between the two nations since Biden’s meeting with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, last November.

Sorry but she's not the architect. Sounds more like Kurt Campbell, Antony Blinken, and/or Jake Sullivan. Campbell was a part of the Obama Administration. This strategy is what Obama tried to do with the Pivot to Asia that Campbell was credited for but the timing wasn't right. Look at Janet Yellen. She early on called for removing Trump era tariffs on China. No more of that. She's more hawkish because her job is to do what the President wants and to carry out his wishes. One of the reasons why people resign unexpectedly in politics is because they don't want to be associated with something that they'll be credited for. Just like how the US forces countries to burn their bridges to China, that happens with people also and if you don't want that to happen, you bow out before the real damage is done.

The US is beating the drums of war and all that go along have a delusion that it's going to be one-sided in the US's favor. Any realistic person knows that's not going to happen. Look at how the West changed terminology from decoupling to de-risking. If you think it's going to be one-sided in your favor, why change it? It makes your side look like it's in the position of strength. That's why they chose those words in the first place. They changed it because it tells China it should do the same to the West. China called their bluff by ghosting the US and doing to the West what they taunted they were going to do to China... and that made them nervous. Now they're using de-risking because it doesn't sound as definite. Look at the cancelled corn shipments. That's something the US wanted to continue as "normal" but the US talks about supply chain threats on something as simple as medical masks. The US will still complain when China is just doing what the West is doing and "re-shoring" to friendly countries.

Who are you going to bet on? The side that has the supplies or the ones that don't? Sure in the West people get paid more which makes them think they're rich but then everything cost more for them to do. Even they claim their manufacturing capability has been hollowed out due to outsourcing. As economist Richard Wolff said, the US has been able to fool the world into trading their tangible goods for American pieces of paper called dollars. The only reason that's possible is because people around the world trust the US will not politicize the dollar. Well now the US is weaponizing the dollar and the world is looking to dump it. When you admit you have no important manufacturing left and no one trusts the dollar anymore, what do you have to trade with the rest of the world. Nothing.

Now would you want to be credited as being the architect of the downfall of the West?


Junior Member
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Meanwhile they can enjoy their double-digit food inflation...
Which they are you talking about? They who intimidate, threaten and disrupt trades that other nations enjoy with Russia do not care about and are not affected by double-digit, triple-digit or quadruple-digit food inflation. They already have more than enough wealth for luxury living for the rest of their life, their children and grandchildren, and they always have the subject to tax. They most likely don't even know the prices of the food they eat. You need to figure out who is who.