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At the risk of being a dampener on the jubilation, I suspect that we will come to miss Trump in office. While he was present, he (inadvertently?) forced ppl over there to take a good, hard look at the US and its actions internal & external. With his departure the prevailing theme will be to pin the blame of everything bad on him and not deal with the real problems of a divided country and the consequences of their foreign policies. As a friend put it 'he pulled back the curtain'. Imho while the man said a whole heap of nonsense on Twitter, he might have been the most honest US president in many years. And that says a lot about his predecessors.

I won't say honest. Come on. I would called it more of an opened book. He's dumb and he doesn't even know it. Which is why he always praise himself as knowing more than.... put your name here.

Yes it sound honest, but he's not. Like he told people to drink disinfectant. And then said he was joking. That's honest?

He just a dumb piece of crap. But after saying that, yes China and us is going to miss him. He's been good for China.
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How did that nursery rhyme go?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Do you really think the world will go on as if Trump never happened?
I think Europe and most of the West will certainly -try- to do so, including of course Australia. And despite the recent EU-China trade agreement, they'll have enough pro-US ppl in power to seriously move towards that, once they can sell that the 'US was just going through a bad phase, one bad crazy crazy man!'. Generations of favourable US-EU relationships (in their eyes anyway) won't be overdone in a mere four years. At the end of the day, they simply trust the US far more than they will probably ever trust China.

Of course, the relevance of the West is increasingly coming to an end. It'll be difficult to overstate how well China came out of all of this and the influence gained from outside the West.


Lieutenant General
I think America’s left and MSM are making things worse with their cookie cutter use of their foreign playbook on American soil.

In their desperation to try to stamp out this movement ASAP, the American media elites are pushing too hard on their pawns on the frontlines such that they are loosing their usual subtly on domestic reporting.

American MSM colluding and closing ranks on China can fool the average American, but when you use the exact same tactics when reporting on major events in America, ones that the participants are extensively documenting and sharing themselves, well you are actually reinforcing their conspiracy theories as they can now explicitly see the media party line, which clashes jarringly with what they are seeing and hearing from sources they trust much more.

The storming of the capital was overwhelmingly peaceful, with the only killing done by police in pretty questionable circumstances (the other deaths apparently happened due to accidents and were not killed by other people so I’m not counting those as killings). Yes, the woman wasn’t supposed to be there, but plenty of others were there as well, and there were police on both sides of the barricade. She was unarmed and not presenting any clear immediate threat to anyone. The officer who killed her had plenty of time to fire a warning shot first, which would very likely have achieved his objective of dissuading her from climbing across. Hell, that shooting came very close to starting a blue-on-blue firefight between police on both sides of the barricade.

And Trump’s supporters would believe that. So the more the American MSM calls them a mob and describe it as a violent storming (there is video showing police literally opening the gates to let them in), the more they are going to disregard what the MSM says and believe their own circles accounts. Which in turn also invalidates all the other things the American MSM is reporting, specifically on the outcome of the elections.

I actually now believe that there will be massive widespread violence, which might be so extreme and widespread as to trigger a civil war, if Trump calls for it.

I think Trump’s instinctive cowardice is the only thing stopping this powder keg from blowing up. Which is a striking testimony to how spectacularly America’s much vaunted soft power is failing to control even its own people.


I think Europe and most of the West will certainly -try- to do so, including of course Australia. And despite the recent EU-China trade agreement, they'll have enough pro-US ppl in power to seriously move towards that, once they can sell that the 'US was just going through a bad phase, one bad crazy crazy man!'. Generations of favourable US-EU relationships (in their eyes anyway) won't be overdone in a mere four years.

Of course, the relevance of the West is increasingly coming to an end. It'll be difficult to overstate how well China came out of all of this and the influence gained from outside the West.

Well yes, there's going to be two levels of disillusionment at work here. On the wider level, the world is going to increasingly reject Western sociopolitical values. I predict Islamic fundamentalism will be seeing a resurgence, which will bring its own challenges to China.

On a lower level, there will be increased disillusionment in the West about the US. Various Western-aligned countries will start moving away from obedience to the US. I see Germany, South Korea, and Japan to be at the forefront of that trend. Unfortunately, Canada, UK, and Australia will likely be the last on that train.


I think America’s left and MSM are making things worse with their cookie cutter use of their foreign playbook on American soil.

In their desperation to try to stamp out this movement ASAP, the American media elites are pushing too hard on their pawns on the frontlines such that they are loosing their usual subtly on domestic reporting.

American MSM colluding and closing ranks on China can fool the average American, but when you use the exact same tactics when reporting on major events in America, ones that the participants are extensively documenting and sharing themselves, well you are actually reinforcing their conspiracy theories as they can now explicitly see the media party line, which clashes jarringly with what they are seeing and hearing from sources they trust much more.

The storming of the capital was overwhelmingly peaceful, with the only killing done by police in pretty questionable circumstances (the other deaths apparently happened due to accidents and were not killed by other people so I’m not counting those as killings). Yes, the woman wasn’t supposed to be there, but plenty of others were there as well, and there were police on both sides of the barricade. She was unarmed and not presenting any clear immediate threat to anyone. The officer who killed her had plenty of time to fire a warning shot first, which would very likely have achieved his objective of dissuading her from climbing across. Hell, that shooting came very close to starting a blue-on-blue firefight between police on both sides of the barricade.

And Trump’s supporters would believe that. So the more the American MSM calls them a mob and describe it as a violent storming (there is video showing police literally opening the gates to let them in), the more they are going to disregard what the MSM says and believe their own circles accounts. Which in turn also invalidates all the other things the American MSM is reporting, specifically on the outcome of the elections.

I actually now believe that there will be massive widespread violence, which might be so extreme and widespread as to trigger a civil war, if Trump calls for it.

I think Trump’s instinctive cowardice is the only thing stopping this powder keg from blowing up. Which is a striking testimony to how spectacularly America’s much vaunted soft power is failing to control even its own people.

Completely agreed.

What's most peculiar about this is that the Right has always supported the elite, but they are now given the Occupy treatment.

Battle lines are being drawn. This might sound crazy right now, but I think it's only a matter of time before MAGA and BLM find common ground.


Lieutenant General
Completely agreed.

What's most peculiar about this is that the Right has always supported the elite, but they are now given the Occupy treatment.

Battle lines are being drawn. This might sound crazy right now, but I think it's only a matter of time before MAGA and BLM find common ground.

I don't think so The MAGA come into existence because of threat of losing the white privilege since they are competing on the same low skill, low entry barrier jobs In fact the maga crowd hated black what are you talking here . Basically these people are on the fringe of economy and they lost all hope because the elite couldn't care less. The blame the elite for their problem. They hope for a savior and along come Trump. Trump only validate their bias and their alternative reality. Now they are losing their only hope that is why they are mad. It is like a loop of self reinforcement
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities" good op/ ed from NBC
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Trump's claims that the election was rigged have only added to the conspiratorial thinking of these groups, a development with dangerous consequences. No longer relegated to far-flung corners of the internet, this collective descent into conspiratorial thinking is what some researchers of the far right, such as Georgetown Law professor Mary McCord, are calling a "
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" episode. If the "elites" are willing to steal the election (or invent a virus), why engage in aboveground electoral politics at all? Why not just take up arms, storm government buildings and try to overthrow democracy itself?

Conspiracies lead to acts of violence because they infect people with the belief that they are heroes destined to stop profound acts of evil that less enlightened citizens can't see. But seeing satanic cabals of pedophiles around every corner creates a distinctly unpleasant emotional state. "It's like they're virtually traumatizing themselves. It's like they're inventing stories, experiencing those stories, and then living through the vicarious trauma of the stories," said
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We now live in a bifurcated reality, where more than 75 percent of Republicans (which translates to tens of millions of people)
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, a belief that requires a tacit commitment to conspiracies. Tens of millions of people believe that the world is not as we see it but that, instead, a shadow class is pulling the strings.


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Bans on Australian imports ‘beginning to bite’ as commodity exports fall​

  • Australia’s overall exports, including those to China, rose slightly in November but iron ore and coal exports to China both fell
  • Coal exports, which has been unofficially banned by China, fell to their weakest level since 2016, with total exports to China down 6.4 per cent compared to a year earlier
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Australia’s major commodity exports to China sank in November as Beijing’s trade restrictions hit home, although the impact of the slowdown was cushioned by redirected sales to other countries.

Australia’s overall exports, including those to China, rose slightly in November as a result of an increase in non-volatile gold exports, but iron ore and coal exports to China both fell 2.2 per cent and 3.6 per cent, respectively, compared to October.

Despite record iron ore prices in the past few months, the value of iron ore exports fell, indicating the volume of shipments would have decreased. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the quantity of iron ore shipped to China in November fell 7 per cent compared to October.