Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Now where is gadget tool who extoll American softpower which literally burn to ashes yesterday If they can't control mob rule from occupying the symbol of liberty and freedom what softpower are they talking here . total failure of police , intelligence and everything else and hypocrisy about race equality. Make a moviery of basic tenet of democrazy "peaceful transition of power and the will of people"

The assault on the U.S. Capitol has sparked major security concerns about the police response and domestic terrorism. CBS News senior security contributor and former acting director of the CIA Michael Morell says, "There is no doubt in my mind that if those were Black Lives Matter protesters yesterday breaking into the Capitol building there would be dozens and dozens of people dead today." He joins CBSN to discuss.

The world shock

World shocked by assault on the US Capitol by radical pro-Trump supporters in Washington​



At the risk of being a dampener on the jubilation, I suspect that we will come to miss Trump in office. While he was present, he (inadvertently?) forced ppl over there to take a good, hard look at the US and its actions internal & external. With his departure the prevailing theme will be to pin the blame of everything bad on him and not deal with the real problems of a divided country and the consequences of their foreign policies. As a friend put it 'he pulled back the curtain'. Imho while the man said a whole heap of nonsense on Twitter, he might have been the most honest US president in many years. And that says a lot about his predecessors.

How did that nursery rhyme go?

Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall;
All the king's horses and all the king's men
Couldn't put Humpty together again.

Do you really think the world will go on as if Trump never happened?


Registered Member
Off topic: I prefer those mods to be around. We're international forum, aren't we? We discuss matters, mainly, China and the whole world. We accept different ideas and different people as well. Popeye and AFB are supporters of Trump and it's their right to do so. I personally don't like Trump but I'd accept people from all sides.

I can't disagree with that..... BUT I'll say judging by what happened last time which is the reason they left. They, certainly one of them is a bit.... Shall I say over bias and over zealots. Which, just as you point out when is one sided is not good. Then suely, when they were around, only one side get shut down can't be good either.


Registered Member
What we see here is the true division of the American society: the imperialist elite, of which Pence and Pelosi are a part of, and the common masses, of which the Trump supporters are a part of.

In its essence, yesterday's peaceful demonstration was an anti-imperialism protest.
Exactly. I still do not see what is the big deal, in the larger context.

America has always been about power and money.

America has always seen riots. The riots are always against the power, and over grievances about money.

Usually it is the blacks who riot, but this time yesterday it was the whites. Same difference.

All I can guess at is that the rot in American society that affects many blacks, that rot has infected the whites too some segments of that population.

It will be very difficult to make things right internally for the USA.


But how can you give a crap about stuffs you don't believe In?

You know what I think? Nobody's that dumb. I mean sure, there are some individuals that can be that dumb, but when you see great numbers of people all professing to believe in an evident lie, e.g. "COVID-19 is a hoax", "Trump won the election", "Jews are evil", it's always because those people are using the lies as an excuse to advance their own agenda.

The fact is, the American Right no longer believes in democracy (you could argue the Left doesn't either). They no longer believe in the institutions (legal and political) that makes democracy possible. They believe in Trump because he is basically the alternative to democracy.

They believe Biden stole the election despite all contrary evidence because they really don't want elections anymore. They just want a leader they believe in to be in power.