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Nobonita Barua

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Regardless of whether you support Trump, you have to admit that the coup attempt was poorly thought out and will likely cost him his political career. At this point I think that Trump evading a prison sentence would be a major win.
That's why I like trump. He is an "honest" American. Without mask. Like his followers.
It's the other group you should be keeping an eye on.


Registered Member
Regardless of whether you support Trump, you have to admit that the coup attempt was poorly thought out and will likely cost him his political career. At this point I think that Trump evading a prison sentence would be a major win.
From Trump's perspective if he wanted to do this for real he need to get his supporter to burn down congress, declare a state of emergency and pause presidential transition for the duration of the crisis. At some point he needs to climb on top of a tank and give a speech.

Alas he's just a TV personality playing the part of a dictator, he doesn't actually have the balls to go through with it.


Registered Member
From Trump's perspective if he wanted to do this for real he need to get his supporter to burn down congress, declare a state of emergency and pause presidential transition for the duration of the crisis. At some point he needs to climb on top of a tank and give a speech.

Alas he's just a TV personality playing the part of a dictator, he doesn't actually have the balls to go through with it.

Regardless of whether you support Trump, you have to admit that the coup attempt was poorly thought out and will likely cost him his political career. At this point I think that Trump evading a prison sentence would be a major win.
I like @SampanViking's point about it being a show of power from TRump
Perhaps these angry mobs ought to take out their anger on the houses and estates of these american elites, starting with pottinger and pompeo and navarro.
You mean the primary proponents of the fake news and propaganda that rile this mob up for ulterior motives? It should not surprise anyone that the likes of not just Trump, but also Pompeo, Navarro, et al, would use the same tactics on the USA when it disagrees with them as they would use on Hong Kong or elsewhere.


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At the risk of being a dampener on the jubilation, I suspect that we will come to miss Trump in office. While he was present, he (inadvertently?) forced ppl over there to take a good, hard look at the US and its actions internal & external. With his departure the prevailing theme will be to pin the blame of everything bad on him and not deal with the real problems of a divided country and the consequences of their foreign policies. As a friend put it 'he pulled back the curtain'. Imho while the man said a whole heap of nonsense on Twitter, he might have been the most honest US president in many years. And that says a lot about his predecessors.


Senior Member
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1. Trumps digital presence will soon be history, looks most Social Media companies, websites are coming after him now . I'm personally enjoying this.:):)

2. This also shows how Big tech and Corporates in USA are more powerful than the US Govt. In no country in the world could a social media company de-platform its Head of State and continue to operate there.

C'mon Trump, just use TikTok.

I've seen some conservative TikTok already, not that bad actually.


Registered Member
1. Trumps digital presence will soon be history, looks most Social Media companies, websites are coming after him now . I'm personally enjoying this.:):)

2. This also shows how Big tech and Corporates in USA are more powerful than the US Govt. In no country in the world could a social media company de-platform its Head of State and continue to operate there.

The irony, if you're not aware guys, is that the US President promotes and supports violence in the Middle East every day. The moment he promotes and supports violence back home, he gets censored.


Registered Member
At the risk of being a dampener on the jubilation, I suspect that we will come to miss Trump in office. While he was present, he (inadvertently?) forced ppl over there to take a good, hard look at the US and its actions internal & external. With his departure the prevailing theme will be to pin the blame of everything bad on him and not deal with the real problems of a divided country and the consequences of their foreign policies. As a friend put it 'he pulled back the curtain'. Imho while the man said a whole heap of nonsense on Twitter, he might have been the most honest US president in many years. And that says a lot about his predecessors.