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Remove Trump and restore everything back to normal.

.. Define "normal"

I don't call this any beautiful thing...

I agree that a chaotic US decline probably isn't in anyone's favor. I would much rather the Anglo-American Empire simply accept that its time at the top is over, and let the rest of the world go on without it. That's not going to be easy for them to accept, but they are actually moving in that direction. The concern is how much damage they will inflict on their way down... If it's too slow, then it's also a problem... We have the entire environmental eco-system to think about too...

Anyways, scenes like yesterday aren't actual chaos. It's just signs of decline and dementia. It seems blown up because of the social media technologies that they themselves invented.


The Capitalist
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Well who can honestly say that they have not enjoyed the very obvious Schadenfreude!
But there is serious business behind this.
Take away no:1 Trump is a President with a very real and very strong personal following - a true Demagogue. His followers now have at least one Martyr to celebrate. A fairly young and attractive female one at that.
I always believed that Trump merely wanted the Republican party as a vehicle and now it is a vehicle that has outlived its usefulness to him. I believe he always wanted to break and form his own party. Now he can point at the Republicans and say that he has not broken from them, they broke from him and they decided to side with the Democrats rather than save the election and Democracy.

Take away 2 - this was a demonstration of personal power, separate from the power of office and the state. He spoke, his people acted, Congress hid.

Take away3 - Trump will leave office and the Republican party and take vast numbers of its supporters with him. This includes now organisation and of course finance. Trump has been raising millions over the last few months.

I am curious as to what was going on behind the scenes, did Trump try to call a State of Emergency and Martial Law only to be snubbed by the security forces? Probably unlikely, I doubt he will have gone quiet so far - on this occasion.

I suspect this protest was his leverage to make himself untouchable once he leaves office and to ensure that all these threatened state level lawsuits being filed against him, never come to anything.

Will he or another Trump be back with a new party in 2024? Quite possibly. Joe Biden is the "business as usual" Candidate and it was "business as usual" that got Trump elected in the first place so it may well work for him or his successor next time around.

In fact, I can think of only one thing, one killer fact, that has the potential to sink Trump forever, and that is to admit that the Coronavirus started in the US and had already infected millions of Americans, before it was identified in China! and that under Trump, the US failed to identify the virus early, failed to act in a timely fashion to control it, instead waiting until it became identified somewhere else and lie about it.


Registered Member
Well who can honestly say that they have not enjoyed the very obvious Schadenfreude!

Well Sampan, I've no issue with your post. In fact it is a good deep analysis of the situation.

What I think it's perhaps unkind (and maybe I'm wrong) is the use of the word (correctly may I add, but not correctly applied if I may say) Schadenfreude.

It sounds as though we are all enjoying other people's suffering. Which is not entirely so, as it is out of context.

We are only enjoying the show because of what's gone on before for more than two years. First with Hong Kong, then Wuhan. So please give us a little slack and forgive us a little for now!