Miscellaneous News


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India is the Horned Rat of Warhammer Fantasy.

"In this case the Horned Rat is an embodiment of decay, ruin, pestilence, strife, hunger, ambition and all the other ignoble characteristics that represent the sum total of all the Skaven race is and all the ratmen hope to be."

"Undying and eternally scheming, this cunning deity patiently awaits the day of the 'Great Ascendancy,' when his children will swarm across the face of the mortal world, devouring it from within and granting him the power to become the greatest of all the gods."

Hmmm... In another fantasy world, the Rat was implied to symbolize the British.
Yellow Wind Sage.jpg


Registered Member
Dude scammed poor parents into something else, then performed risky experiment on baby. Didnt even work. Time will tell if baby suffer from it.

Lets not be racist here. Btw Skaven won in warhammer by lore.
Indeed, it is unfair to the skaven to be compared to Indians, since skaven can at least devise warpstone technology and Indians excel in the magic of loquacious phone scamming.

in fact, it is unfair to the noble rat of the Chinese zodiac to be compared to such scum as the British or Indians. Rats have contributed their bodies to science, anglos and Indians contribute nurgle level disease and plague.