Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
The King of Malaysia visits China, meeting with both Xi Jinping and Li Qiang. This is unusual for Malaysia because the monarchy rarely gets involved in foreign policy. And even if they do, its most likely for meetings with other monarchs, or with the Islamic world. So for the current king to visit China means that there is something special going on. This king has his own colourful history in Malaysian politics, but that is a story for another time.

It appears that one of the main agenda of the visit is to revive the Malaysia-Singapore HSR project which the former PM, Dr Mahathir torpedoed in 2018, in was one of the most idiotic move by any Malaysian PM. Because Malaysia had to pay Singapore around $75mil in compensation, and it destroyed real estate opportunities and prices along the planned route. And after all that, they want to revive the project. It makes the nation look like a clown. Hopefully this time, Malaysia can get serious with the HSR project.

The King of Malaysia is also a powerful figure in the military. He is the de jure commander in chief, but his command is usually delegated to the ministers. Maybe he could do some arms shopping if he has the time. Things are getting old in his military, and his navy had already lost a missile boat.


Registered Member
Marco Rubio is introducing a legislation that could potentially impact Chinese ability to bypass U.S. high tariffs by essentially placing them the same tariffs on countries like Mexico where Chinese goods have been made.

Then the Chinese companies can also go around it by forming shell companies and JVs. The brand and flag of the product can always be changed to suit the market. If America wants to tariff that too, it'll become a bureaucratic nightmare. All this while America's own industries continues to grow weaker from all that protectionism. So keeping Chinese goods out of America way easier said than done.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Marco Rubio is introducing a legislation that could potentially impact Chinese ability to bypass U.S. high tariffs by essentially placing them the same tariffs on countries like Mexico where Chinese goods have been made.

Can’t wait till he gets deported to Communist Cuba. This is why everyone on this forum should do his/her best to remain healthy and live long lives. With enough time anything is possible.


Registered Member
I can already see people dumping Western electronics. The BDS movement to boycott Israeli products appears to be expanding to include Taiwanese, Japanese and Western electronics. Not only exploding devices, but also that stint by Elon to kill-switch Kadyrov's Tesla, have both increased mistrust in Western tech.
i dont see kill switch. this Black Sea/Caspian region was always the most sophisticated so not rely on there statements. They are not relying on reliability of Cyber Truck so Toyota is included.
