Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
Kiev threatens China with an economic crisis for supporting Russia

▪️Advisor to the head of Zelensky's office, Mikhail Podolyak, said that the time has come for China to decide which side it is going to play on.
"Now China has to make a choice: either it works within the framework defined by international law, and then replaces Russia in the full sense of the word, or China continues to stand aside and then it will gradually lose its influence, including economic influence," Podolyak said on the Rada TV channel.


China’s reply, [In Russian]: we will follow international law and the long established western traditions and be the first to recognise the newly expanded Russian boarders once NATO tires of being fleeced by you lot and is exhausted to the point of no longer being able to pump in the flood of weapons and money needed to keep the Russians at bay.


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Sounds like preparation for a false flag event to me, nobody believes US anymore.

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The United States is wiring Ukraine with sensors that can detect‌‌ bursts of radiation from a nuclear weapon or a dirty bomb and can confirm the identity of the attacker.

In part, the goal is to make sure that if Russia detonates a radioactive weapon on Ukrainian soil, its atomic signature and Moscow’s culpability could be verified.

The Nuclear Emergency Support Team, or NEST, a shadowy unit of atomic experts run by the security agency, is working with Ukraine to deploy the radiation sensors, train personnel, monitor data and warn of deadly radiation.

In a statement sent to The New York Times in response to a reporter’s question, the agency said the network of atomic sensors was being deployed “throughout the region” and would have the ability “to characterize the size, location and effects of any nuclear explosion.” Additionally, it said the deployed sensors would deny Russia “any opportunity to use nuclear weapons in Ukraine without attribution.”

That statement goes to the fog of nuclear war and how the United States could use the new system to pierce it.

In one scenario, Washington could use information gathered by the network to rule out the possibility of misidentifying the attacker who set off a nuclear blast. That might seem like an unnecessary step given the distinctiveness of a mushroom cloud. But if a weapon was delivered by a truck, tank or boat instead of a conspicuous missile with a trackable flight path, figuring out its origins might prove near impossible.

Public knowledge of such defensive planning, nuclear experts say, can deter Moscow by letting it know that Washington can expose what is called a false-flag operation.

For instance, Moscow could falsely claim that Kyiv set off a nuclear blast on the battlefield to try to draw the West into deeper war assistance. But in theory, with the sensor network in place, Washington would be able to point to its own nuclear attribution analyses to reveal that Moscow was in fact the attacker.

Last fall, Russia, without offering any evidence, claimed repeatedly that Ukraine was planning to explode a bomb designed to spread radioactive material, a so-called dirty bomb. Washington warned that the Kremlin was trying to create a false-flag pretext to escalate the war.

Nuclear experts say such defensive precautions could face their greatest test in coming weeks as the Ukrainian army launches its spring offensive. China has leaned on Russia to discontinue its nuclear saber rattling and Mr. Putin has not recently invoked a nuclear threat. But Western experts worry that Russia’s battlefield failures are making Mr. Putin, if anything, more dependent on his nuclear arsenal, and they worry that fresh setbacks could increase his willingness to pull the nuclear trigger.

The Russian forces also fired on and captured Europe’s largest nuclear power plant, Zaporizhzhia, a complex of six reactors. Edwin Lyman, a nuclear power expert at the Union of Concerned Scientists who has closely monitored the Ukrainian war, said a federal official told him of a possible reactor threat scenario. It posits that Russia, if it suffered a humiliating defeat and withdrew from Ukraine, might retaliate by firing on a reactor or its spent fuel storage areas in order to release high radioactivity into the environment.


The myth around the A-10 is among the weirdest things about civilian defense discussions. The aircraft has a reputation it doesn't come close to deserving. USAF tried to retire it many times, politicians didn't allow them. Currently, it is kept operational for political purposes. A few congress members are trying to keep jobs in their districts.
The A10s legendary status is mostly made up. Of course multiple YT footages of the GAU 8A lighting up enemy positions further evoke these primal emotions especially amongst the civilian populations afterall who amongst us do not like seeing thousands DU rounds lighting something up as opposed to a lone munition?
I like the A10 but the USAF is not stupid. They like I know that in any serious modern conflict with an adversary that has a robust A2A and c4isr environment, it wouldn't stand a chance.


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>On the Chinese side, because of censorship and because of the Great Firewall, it’s very difficult for us to project the true sense of what our government believes in, what it’s trying to do, what Congress is doing, or what the average American is thinking about China. Google and Facebook and YouTube are not permitted to operate here. And as the American ambassador, I am not allowed to print an unedited op-ed in the People’s Daily, the way that the Chinese ambassador to the United States is welcome to print op-eds in our press. So all of us here worry that the Chinese people often aren’t able to get a true picture of who we are as a society because of all these because of all these barriers.

That was a Grade A amerimutt moment
Who the f...k wrote that above statement? is that a joke? or is that person and any Americans believing in that shit must be mentally handicapped. Are we to believe that all the American government actions, along with the U.S. congress bills designed against China would be more than welcomed by Chinese in China if they have access to the above propaganda channels that person is suggesting? So in his words Chinese people are composed of American loving sycophants that would rather see America succeed against their own interests because Chinese people hate China more than they love America? LOL

Ahh...alas, it's Nicolas Dumbo Burns. I took a peek and read the piece a little and quickly closed the link because it's nothing but gaslighting and projection on China by the most delusional idiot that passes as the American diplomat in Beijing.
Typical projection by Nicolas Dumbo Burns.

The next Chinese ambassador to the US can say this, and it's actually much closer to the truth:

"On the American side, because of Social Media censorship and because of the US government's hostility, it’s very difficult for us to inform the true sense of what our government believes in, what it’s trying to do, what the National People's Congress is doing, or what the average Chinese is thinking about America. Chinese media and even American truthtellers are censored, shadow-banned, or cancelled here in America. Qin Gang, our previous the Chinese ambassador to America, have been interrogated and misquoted on CBS News. But the US ambassador to China is free to insult, threaten, and belittle our country without serious consequences. So all of us here in America worry that the American people often aren’t able to get a true picture of who we Chinese are as a society because of all these barriers."

I personally would add this:

"America should actually lift the censorships on the Chinese media and the alternative media. Because we are all telling the truth about America. The whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Isn't that what the news is for? The American people deserves to know the truth about their nation instead of bickering about who is more woke, or who is tougher on China. Once the average Americans know what is the problem with their once-great nation, then they can start to remedy the problem. We are actually doing America a favor. In China, we had to censor your American media because they were telling lies, and they spread hateful lies. We did that not because we fear that the average Chinese will fall for those lies. The Chinese people are not that dumb. They have always watched your American media via VPN. We actually censored your media so that the average Chinese don't get overly bombarded by hate from your media, thus becoming too hateful towards America. So America, you should actually be grateful for our censorship."


Grumpy Old Man
Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Looks like after decades-worth of Japan intentionally meddling with China's internal affairs vis-a-vis Taiwan and refusing to apologize & repent for what they did to China from 1894 to 1945, perhaps China's 忍气吞声 has finally reached its limit.

Beijing to Tokyo: "You want to play geopolitical hardball with me by disrespecting my sovereignty over Taiwan, right ? Fine. How about you have a taste of the same through the prefecture of Okinawa Joint US-Japan-occupied territory of the Ryukyus?"

Besides, it is pretty much a common knowledge by this point where the US military occupation and presence on those islands are a deeply unpopular sight with the Ryukyuan locals. In case Japan decides to intervene in the AR of Taiwan against China, then the PLA should put its full name to good use...

PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency
China will not occupy the Ryukyu Islands. She will simply restored the Ryukyu Kingdom and free its people from illegal Japanese occupation.