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Their problem is that they are young and did not have a tough upbringing like some of us, or like our parents or grandparents, to put it mildly.

You know, it would not be fair to call them spoiled, but let's face the fact that the last forty years has been the best for the masses in the entirety of Chinese history.

Being young, they should go discover the world. However, being young, means they don't have that knowledge.

Right now, Western society is split in half, the haves and have not.

What separates them is capital.

Try to explain something like that to a young person, they would have no idea what we are talking about. It is only when they feel forced to scrimp and save some money to do something, then these life lessons become clearer.

For Chinese of a different generation, going aboard to make a life for oneself, that was a noble pursuit. Today is it entirely different. Since the West has changed into a society of haves and have not, and China is right there being a high income country, the reason for a Chinese to go aboard is vastly different than previous generations.

This we all know, if we are of a certain age.

The biggest motivation I would believe to go aboard if you already got money and want an easy life, and don't mind paying some tax. Then living aboard in a wealthy Western country is quite alright. With the Chinese community being so large, it is almost like an extension of living in China, in some respects.
Yes. If you have never experienced extreme poverty, you won't understand the necessity of the lengths taken or appreciate the blood, sweat and tears that your ancestors and fellow countrymen have shed to escape from it. You won't have deep sympathy for the lower class and those still doing hard labor.

I come from a white collar background and have achieved a small understanding of what real poverty is like only after years of social, medical and rescue work in places like Oakland, Albuquerque, Flint, Detroit. I think China should encourage educators and youth to experience real poverty (ex. aid missions to poorer parts of the mainland or friendly countries). Xi's sending of party members to the countryside should just be the first step of a national initiative.

If you console an addict that has been taking opiates for so long he needs his arm and jaw amputated– hold a dead baby that is stillborn and disfigured because of poisoned water– see someone get shot and pass away right in front of you because of gang violence– then you'll learn many new things about the human condition. You will never escape from that vision of despair and suffering in your lifetime.

Our future generations should never forget the struggles that have brought them where they are now, and how easy it would be for our people to return to that state.
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Registered Member
Yoon's "performance" is deeply humiliating for a lot of Koreans.

Now I realize it.

The Biden people and this Yoon character, they're all just a bunch of freaks.

Who act freaky. Don't trust those snakes.

Look at the person that preceded him.

Whether we like President Trump or not, he made an effort to go visit Rocket Man Kim the grandson, in an effort to promote peace.

The Biden people, want Yoon to sing for them, then proclaim how strong their alliance is.

If someone thinks Biden is better than Trump, they got a different value system.

Trump is bad in many ways, but Biden, he is close to being downright evil. Total subjugation of Yoon. 19th Century style. Gunddamn style!

If President Trump comes back, the Chinese will speak to the Americans. Right now, no way the Chinese will want to speak to these snakes in Washington.

Threats only, no talk.


Registered Member
If you look at a world map this so called "new-europe" will have the potential to block off "old-europe" movement eastwards locking them into the atlantic camp.

Its kind of interesting, I think it was one of those Ukrainian nazi groups that also talked about this new europe two years ago just before the war broke out. It was a new coalition between Poland-Ukraine-Turkey i think in the past this was called the intermarum or something.


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Super Moderator
When you take a comfortable nap at IKEA and think Sweden is heaven...

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Young Chinese are moving to Sweden in record numbers, seeking better labor conditions and a more tolerant society. Many are underwhelmed by what they find.

But after they arrive, they often realize life here is more complicated than it appears on social media. For some young Chinese, it can be a painful realization — one that forces them to reassess not only their views on Sweden, but on their own country.

“Sweden isn’t as chill as I expected,” said Wang, who spoke with Sixth Tone under a pseudonym to protect her privacy. “I’m not enjoying my life here.”

Cold reality

For Wang, one of the biggest surprises was Sweden’s high cost of living. It has been a “tough six months” for Sweden, she said, with inflation running at over 10%. Many of the things Wang used to do without thinking in China — from eating out, to getting a takeout coffee — she now has to avoid to save money.

Dark times

Every Swedish winter, however, tests the mettle of Chinese expats living here. In January, the sun sets before 3 p.m. in Stockholm; in northern Sweden, it never rises at all. The lack of daylight makes the body secrete less melatonin, which can
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insomnia and depression.

Chinese liberals are stupid.


Registered Member
Looks like after decades-worth of Japan intentionally meddling with China's internal affairs vis-a-vis Taiwan and refusing to apologize & repent for what they did to China from 1894 to 1945, perhaps China's 忍气吞声 has finally reached its limit.

Beijing to Tokyo: "You want to play geopolitical hardball with me by disrespecting my sovereignty over Taiwan, right ? Fine. How about you have a taste of the same through the prefecture of Okinawa Joint US-Japan-occupied territory of the Ryukyus?"

Besides, it is pretty much a common knowledge by this point where the US military occupation and presence on those islands are a deeply unpopular sight with the Ryukyuan locals. In case Japan decides to intervene in the AR of Taiwan against China, then the PLA should put its full name to good use...
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Staff member
Moderator - World Affairs
Whether we like President Trump or not, he made an effort to go visit Rocket Man Kim the grandson, in an effort to promote peace.
Trump doesn't get credit for de-escalating a crisis of his own creation. It's like pouring out a fire that he started... no, he doesn't get credit for that. He was the one threatening "fire and fury" at little rocket man.

Also, looking back, the Kim-Trump visits was an abysmal waste of time and epic fail, just like Trump's US-China trade wars.


Staff member
Super Moderator
Trump doesn't get credit for de-escalating a crisis of his own creation. It's like pouring out a fire that he started... no, he doesn't get credit for that. He was the one threatening "fire and fury" at little rocket man.

Also, looking back, the Kim-Trump visits was an abysmal waste of time and epic fail, just like Trump's US-China trade wars.

Better waste of time than lying flat when everything is going to hell.


Lieutenant General
Better waste of time than lying flat when everything is going to hell.

Lying flat doing nothing would be a world better than what the Biden admin clowns have been doing since taking over. Which is the equivalent of bringing fire engines to a massive warehouse fire, only the fire engines’ hoses only spray gasoline; while also bring cargo ships full of chemical fertilisers to dump in the back of the warehouse and also throwing logs onto a nearby train track just as a train full of vinyl chloride was scheduled to pass.