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Moderator - World Affairs
Lying flat doing nothing would be a world better than what the Biden admin clowns have been doing since taking over. Which is the equivalent of bringing fire engines to a massive warehouse fire, only the fire engines’ hoses only spray gasoline; while also bring cargo ships full of chemical fertilisers to dump in the back of the warehouse and also throwing logs onto a nearby train track just as a train full of vinyl chloride was scheduled to pass.
I interpreted Biden sending US SLBM nuclear subs to SK to reaffirm the nuclear umbrella, and pre-empt SK conservative's demand for independent nuclear arsenal or nuclear weapons sharing.

In contrast, Trump openly suggested South Korea can go nuclear arsenal (along with Japan and Saudi Arabia)...
Better waste of time than lying flat when everything is going to hell.
It was a Twitter war of words. Even SK was like "we ain't going to war with North"... Trump manufactured a crisis , then took credit for promoting peace, defacto acceptance of NK nuke status. Given he inherited this crisis from his predecessors, probably the best he can do given the situation.


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Kiev threatens China with an economic crisis for supporting Russia

▪️Advisor to the head of Zelensky's office, Mikhail Podolyak, said that the time has come for China to decide which side it is going to play on.
"Now China has to make a choice: either it works within the framework defined by international law, and then replaces Russia in the full sense of the word, or China continues to stand aside and then it will gradually lose its influence, including economic influence," Podolyak said on the Rada TV channel.



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Super Moderator
Lying flat doing nothing would be a world better than what the Biden admin clowns have been doing since taking over. Which is the equivalent of bringing fire engines to a massive warehouse fire, only the fire engines’ hoses only spray gasoline; while also bring cargo ships full of chemical fertilisers to dump in the back of the warehouse and also throwing logs onto a nearby train track just as a train full of vinyl chloride was scheduled to pass.

I guess I need to rephase: lying flat AFTER starting massive dumpster fires.


Registered Member
That's why I find countries like Australia, Japan, South Korea and other would be chihuahuas in Europe quite retarded and delusional in their thinking, not to mention their brain dead approach with China. If I was in their shoes, I would shut my mouth, says the right thing publicly but work diligently privately against their greatest perceived threat that's China to buy time and make strategic preparation in a conflict that they're hell bent on pursuing. Make China rely on key industries and lull the country, most importantly it's businesses not invest in key industries that their own President (Xi Jinping) had been advocating for independence and development since he announced the visionary plan of MIC 2025. But due to the immense arrogance, hubris, and ignorance of the west and it's ilk they went public with a loudspeaker on their intentions to deny, disrupt, and even destroy China's rightful desire to become a highly developed economy, with advanced technology. As a result, the naive more like greedy Chinese business elites finally saw Jesus and embraced Xi Jinping's admonition and call for tech independence and as we are seeing today the Chinese are going out full tilt in ensuring that they will not be stopped in the pursuit of prosperity and reunification with the island of Taiwan.

The only anchor that holds the choleric groupings the west and it's vassals have against China is the U.S. and if unfortunately the Americans commit it's forces against China in the war for scarborough shoals in SCS and or Taiwan and loses badly then all these so-called allies would fall out of the wayside like dominoes.
Indeed. These chihuahuas are quite idiotic. The end stage of that idiocy is Ukraine, Poland, and the Baltic States. Their leaders and followers are a bigger economic and security threat to their countries than Russia itself.

My theory as to why the chihuahuas had to act loud and arrogant is because like real chihuahuas, they want to be seen as the tough dogs, protecting their owner, America. They don't have a smart strategy against China, because their master is not smart to begin with. America, especially Trump, telegraphed to the Chinese the masterplan to destroy the Chinese economy. With tariffs, export bans, etc, and finally culminating with the removal of China from the global economy.

I would have to say that all these chihuahuas: Japan, South Korea, and Australia are just racist towards China. China was meant to be cheap labor, exploitable market, exploitable people, and a backwater 3rd-world communist curiosity in perpetuity. How dare China rises above them, and then rival America, upending the world order that they currently enjoy? No, this should not be happening, but it is happening. Then when their master finally issues the order for them to attack, they gladly do so. They believed that with American leadership, their victory is assured. That is why these chihuahuas barked so loudly and confidently.


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Kiev threatens China with an economic crisis for supporting Russia

▪️Advisor to the head of Zelensky's office, Mikhail Podolyak, said that the time has come for China to decide which side it is going to play on.
"Now China has to make a choice: either it works within the framework defined by international law, and then replaces Russia in the full sense of the word, or China continues to stand aside and then it will gradually lose its influence, including economic influence," Podolyak said on the Rada TV channel.


The only ones experiencing economic crisis are Ukraine, Europe and US. China is absolutely thriving. The way things are turning out, the only thing this war might be remembered for in 10 years is the start of de-dollarisation. US might end up the biggest loser of this whole war considering how they rely so much on the dollar to run their empire.


Registered Member
I would have to say that all these chihuahuas: Japan, South Korea, and Australia are just racist towards China. China was meant to be cheap labor, exploitable market, exploitable people, and a backwater 3rd-world communist curiosity in perpetuity. How dare China rises above them, and then rival America, upending the world order that they currently enjoy? No, this should not be happening, but it is happening. Then when their master finally issues the order for them to attack, they gladly do so. They believed that with American leadership, their victory is assured. That is why these chihuahuas barked so loudly and confidently.
Bro you hit the nail regarding Australia as a Racist nation BUT regarding Japan, SK and even Vietnam they all vie to be the inheritor of the Sinosphere and its culture. We all share the same facial feature and like the Collective West used to say THEY ALL LOOK ALIKE....lol Well brother I won't lose sleep thinking about it, we are returning to the Imperial tributary system with China at its center. It's just a matter of time as the three Asian Country I mentioned and you may include India are seeing country from afar paying tributes and respect to emperor Xi....lol It really VEXED them big time and jealousy played a part as the mandate of heaven as the big Dog of Asia is shifting. ;)
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Another tense stand off in the SCS between China and the Philippines. And we are wondering why a small, weaker country like PH are granting the US more bases.
Under Duterte, there were many incidents like these. But it was always kept relatively quiet, and managed quite well between both sides. Then China and the PH continue business as usual. Nothing else happens. But now, under Marcos Jr, the PH is turning incidents like these into publicity stunts. Calling for the US and the "international community" to gang up on China. Who does the PH think it is? Even its SEA neighbours dislike it, because the PH also has territorial disputes with them. Some of them were deadly.

China is not stupid, and its patience is not infinite. There will be a price to pay for the PH if this continues. China is always slow to anger, but when it does get pissed off, actions will come in fast and hard. All that FDI and economic deals that has been brought in by the Duterte administration can be taken away. China can forcibly take another shoal away from the PH. What is the PH going to do then? Cry to the WTO? Cry to the kangaroo Permanent Court of Arbitration? Shoot at the PLAN? Really? Does Marcos Jr actually think that Uncle Sam will fight WWIII, so that his nation could rename a portion of the SCS as "The West Philippine Sea"?


Registered Member
US Elites like Sullivan may have decided they want to copy China to get the goods that China currently has ie world class infrastructure, exponential growth, a committed and non homosexual society but they fail to realise that what China is today is because of incremental steps taken by the CPC as well as inherent strengths of Chinese society which the anglo americans simply do. not. have.
To achieve what China has achieved, they need to turn the clock back on their society back to the 1950s where american society was comparable to modern Chinese society today: cohesive, prosocial and optimistic.

Modern americans simply lack the true grit to achieve what modern China has achieved. US Elites for instance never grinded their way through college, they were given choice admissions to universities because of their family eg Pottinger, Clinton et al. The Anglos remain a feudal society in function if not in name, as opposed to the French who vigorously defend their rights with riots. US elites in fact demonstrate a willingness to 'cheat' ie using the NSA to steal industrial secrets and their military and police power to threaten and blackmail foreign competitors eg Alstom. They tried to do that with China but China proved to be the exception when the anglos were forced to release Meng and in their temper tantrums resorted to pogroms against ethnic Chinese citizens and witch hunts against Chinese scientists.

Really, the only way for America to win against China in the tech and trade war, is to become China and that they can never do becuase the anglo leadership simply don't have what it takes to become a Chinese hegemon. Very few US elites to none would even have been able to get beyond village cadre let alone accepted into the CPC if we are judging by ability to govern. Unfortunately, what we do get are westerners fantasizing about breaking up China on Twitter...whilst ignoring the fire raging outside their very windows.