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PLA Strategy in a Taiwan Contingency
China will not occupy the Ryukyu Islands. She will simply restored the Ryukyu Kingdom and free its people from illegal Japanese occupation.
I don't think that's enough. Ryuku Kingdom should be given protectorate status and be integrated into a formal military alliance with the PRC to deter future Japanese imperial ambition. Naturally, this means several PLARF, PLAAF and PLAN bases in Ryuku.


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Ukraine is selling off state assets in a privatization spree. The IMF is imposing neoliberal economic policies.
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Responding to the Financial Times report, economist Yanis Varoufakis, who previously served as Greece’s minister of finance, tweeted: “And there you have it. ExxonMobil, Chevron and Halliburton, after Iraq, are now taking over the Ukrainian oil and gas fields. Planning to introduce large scale fracking – a clear and present threat to poison Ukraine’s agriculture”.

Halliburton is also the world’s biggest provider of fracking services, or hydraulic fracturing, a controversial form of gas extraction that is so environmentally destructive it was banned in the United Kingdom.

The Financial Times reported that the Ukrainian government specifically hopes to drill for offshore natural gas in the Black Sea, off of Crimea. Kiev is unable to access that gas, however. Despite Crimeans’ overwhelming support for integration with Russia, Ukraine and its NATO sponsors have insisted that they will retake the region – not only because of its valuable offshore gas reserves, but also due its deep geostrategic importance for Russia.

Russia only has one warm water naval base, the Sevastopol base in Crimea. This is the main base used by Russia’s Black Sea Fleet – and, without it, the sea would effectively become controlled by NATO.

For Moscow, this is genuinely a security concern, not one motivated by ulterior economic interests.

This March, the IMF made the unprecedented decision of approving a $15.6 billion loan for Ukraine.

The IMF had never before provided financing to a country that is at war. A reporter at US state media outlet NPR admitted that the IMF had to implement a “rule change”, which “was obviously, you know, politically motivated”.

Тhe IMF’s conditions for Ukraine are a typical reflection of the Washington Consensus: neoliberal austerity measures, which increase the burden on Ukrainian workers, whose living standards are declining and who have fewer and fewer rights, while US corporations are offered profitable opportunities to buy up public assets.


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Ukraine is selling off state assets in a privatization spree. The IMF is imposing neoliberal economic policies.
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China to help Ukraine bring back Ukrainian children deported by Russia? What is Zelensky smoking? LOL!

Those children were escaping from a war. Duh! Escaping from Ukrainian genocidal attacks on the people of Donbass. If Russian 'Orcs' had kidnapped them. Why can't the mighty 'Ukrainian white knights' rescue them? Why the need to ask for Russia's ally, China to help? Isn't Ukraine winning the war? Would those 'kidnapped' children actually want to return to Ukraine anyway?


Registered Member
China to help Ukraine bring back Ukrainian children deported by Russia? What is Zelensky smoking? LOL!

Those children were escaping from a war. Duh! Escaping from Ukrainian genocidal attacks on the people of Donbass. If Russian 'Orcs' had kidnapped them. Why can't the mighty 'Ukrainian white knights' rescue them? Why the need to ask for Russia's ally, China to help? Isn't Ukraine winning the war? Would those 'kidnapped' children actually want to return to Ukraine anyway?
Well Ukraine will need every able body to work the fields for the next couple of centuries to pay back it's debt to the west.


Registered Member
Most of them are women. That’s why it’s almost always Chinese women the Western media hires to spew anti-China and anti-CPC propaganda.
on the other hand, women are the ones pushing hanfu revival and creating tons of traditional cultural products like TV, music, etc.

Hard power is useful when dealing with other countries, domestic cultural products are also very important - see Singapore, South Korea, etc.

For all of South Korea's supposed soft power, they don't even watch their own movies. Koreans strongly prefer Hollywood.

7/10 top movies in SK are foreign in 2022:
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8/10 top movies in SK are foreign in 2021:
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That's why their pres has become a court jester.

Singapore has completely neglected domestic cultural products in every way. And thus you see the result.

10/10 top movies in SG are foreign in 2022:
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Lieutenant General
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The change in terms where they even have to write news articles on it says how the position of the West is weak. Decoupling is so definite of a word and such terms are used by the arrogant that are in fact in no such position in geopolitics. That shows the Western mentality is racist first because again they think they need no one but everyone else needs them. It was their shoot from the hip first instinct to say. They thought China was going to come begging to them and thus could dictate terms of surrender. They thought their tactic was going help narrow global power in favor of the West. All it did was do the opposite as the world watched the West abuse the power they had by weaponizing economics.

Now they have to backtrack because they forgot that decoupling means China cuts-off from them as well especially since China hasn't fallen for their trick. And the West doesn't like anything mutual. They want it one-sided in their favor and their instinct to want that makes them forget reality.

The lukewarm response from the "Global South" to sanctions and UN resolutions against the war has come as a shock to Brussels. Its new China strategy is likely to prioritise building bridges with so-called "swing states", with a leaked internal document seen by the Post naming Brazil, Chile, Kazakhstan and Nigeria as the main targets.

They don't have the money so what is it they think they have to lure "swing states" into their web? Again is it all because they're white? Just being in the West's good graces is the greatest gift of all? They haven't learned a thing. They prefer to believe being white gives them all this and thus confirms to themselves their superiority. Look at the West's version of soft power. They'll emphasize China having money where countries want China's help over the West is not soft power. They think that's still coercion. What soft power does the West have that doesn't involve coercion? They want to make others believe that being white is soft power. People and countries choose them just for being white. The manipulation is they want to believe that's natural. They think the communist government of China or any other country that doesn't worship the West are being prevented from doing what they think is natural and that is loving white people. No, that's called generations of brainwashing especially in countries that have been colonized by the West. If everything was natural, they wouldn't have the history of the worst human rights abuses ever committed upon the world. So are they going to claim that as soft power?


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The change in terms where they even have to write news articles on it says how the position of the West is weak. Decoupling is so definite of a word and such terms are used by the arrogant that are in fact in no such position in geopolitics. That shows the Western mentality is racist first because again they think they need no one but everyone else needs them. It was their shoot from the hip first instinct to say. They thought China was going to come begging to them and thus could dictate terms of surrender. They thought their tactic was going help narrow global power in favor of the West. All it did was do the opposite as the world watched the West abuse the power they had by weaponizing economics.

Now they have to backtrack because they forgot that decoupling means China cuts-off from them as well especially since China hasn't fallen for their trick. And the West doesn't like anything mutual. They want it one-sided in their favor and their instinct to want that makes them forget reality.

They don't have the money so what is it they think they have to lure "swing states" into their web? Again is it all because they're white? Just being in the West's good graces is the greatest gift of all? They haven't learned a thing. They prefer to believe being white gives them all this and thus confirms to themselves their superiority. Look at the West's version of soft power. They'll emphasize China having money where countries want China's help over the West is not soft power. They think that's still coercion. What soft power does the West have that doesn't involve coercion? They want to make others believe that being white is soft power. People and countries choose them just for being white. The manipulation is they want to believe that's natural. They think the communist government of China or any other country that doesn't worship the West are being prevented from doing what they think is natural and that is loving white people. No, that's called generations of brainwashing especially in countries that have been colonized by the West. If everything was natural, they wouldn't have the history of the worst human rights abuses ever committed upon the world. So are they going to claim that as soft power?
Ask these blowhards in EU and these chihuahua baltic countries what's happened to the Build Back Better World and other like it that these same clowns unveiled not too long ago during their meeting in Britain when Bojo the clown was still the U.K. P.M. I have yet to see any constructions or start of that charade they call "plan" materialize and these same court jesters want another go without showing any achievements to rope those countries in the global south they're trying to impress? Unless their plan is to simply select the few and usual corrupt leaders and would be next leaders of those countries mentioned in the article then that's not much to write home about. I am not even sure if those corrupt lapdogs would be too slavish to the western interests since they too am assuming can see, feel, sense the tectonic plate that's shifting in the world. If they're going to bet their cards on what can be perceived as a losing hand then they might suck these dumb EU clowns for all their money's worth and then leave them hang out to dry empty handed.


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Saying the Indian economy is roughly similar in size to the Chinese economy in 2007 is massively misleading since it implies Indian growth will mirror Chinese growth of the 00s. In 2007 China experienced a staggering 14.2% GDP growth. India this year won't even do half of that. China throughout the 00s had multiple years of consistent >10% growth. That's how it's a 18 trillion dollar economy today. Chinese leaders made a series of intelligent, logical decisions in the reform and opening up period that set the economy up for sustained high quality growth in the years ahead. While Chinese leaders were busy opening SEZs, reforming its pricing system, attracting FDI, Indian leaders were worshipping cows. China is interested in doing. India is interested in saying. With India's current institutions, ethnic issues and culture, India is more like 30 years behind China economically.
I'm confused why India's economic performance isn't translating into actual purchasing power. I mean by 2007 China has already surpassed US in automobile ownership, becoming world's largest car market. Meanwhile India's car market is only a fraction of US even in 2023. I mean at this point India should at least have reached parity with US in car sales.


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The A10s legendary status is mostly made up. Of course multiple YT footages of the GAU 8A lighting up enemy positions further evoke these primal emotions especially amongst the civilian populations afterall who amongst us do not like seeing thousands DU rounds lighting something up as opposed to a lone munition?
I like the A10 but the USAF is not stupid. They like I know that in any serious modern conflict with an adversary that has a robust A2A and c4isr environment, it wouldn't stand a chance.
I havent looked A10 videos how they are prepared for sorties but there is place for CAS aircraft. not every place will need F-35. look at Middleast and Africa where low altitude flying is much easier.
if too many air defense systems are in the field there logistics can become targets. its all about discretion and decoys. air defense will runout of missiles dealing with drones and rockets. there is limitation on altitude and range of intercepts on air defense.
The few videos i watched of current Su-25 action in Ukraine. it is used from airstrips where there are no other aircrafts. so they are austere fields. The runway for Forpost R UCAV looked much different than Su-25. I am sure there will be combat choppers observing this action to find out targets that creating response. The bottom line is to subjugate large population with endless stream of mercenaries. CAS aircraft and attack choppers are important and this is proven from recent conflicts.
