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I don't believe the traditional US allies would support the US if the US simply deploys combat units in Taiwan without plausible justifications, such as having China firing the first shot or mobilising a large amount of forces and declaring a "SMO".
The military forces of the US allies already are firmly stationed in the WestPac region, with the specific aim to contain China using the Pacific island chains. It would only be a matter of time before they too join the US on the ground in Taiwan.

Besides, the countries which I have listed above is already knee-deep in containing (and destroying) China's rejuvenation, the nation and the people. So if their master is already acting, what's going to stop them from joining?
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I wanna know the number of nuclear warheads. In case of conflict, you must have the capability to terraform the environment of native america inside out & top to bottom . MAD is an outdated concept. Anything less than 20000 warheads isn't to my liking. Russia too should target around 10000 warheads.
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Registered Member
Regardless of how supposedly beautiful and menacing the US plan(s) are the ENEMY (China) gets a vote/say always.

The only thing you have to ask is are they truly and really prepared for what's to come? The answer to that is a f.. Hell No. The Ukraine war, and the preceding wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Serbia etc.. have convinced me that the west and their supposed commitment is a JOKE.

The China of today isn't the China of the just recently created and established PRC under Mao. The China of today is many times more powerful, sophisticated and technologically advanced. Most of all these people are highly disciplined, motivated to avoid any repeat of the 100 years of humiliation. Chinese people know their history and have long memories.

All I can confidently say is to underestimate China is to bring calamity to the west and the world. Taiwan is non-negotiable period.
You are forgetting the Deagel 2025 projections..

The US elite are willing to cull/sacrifice the bottom 90% of American population aka useless eaters in order to defeat China at whatever the costs...

The Covid collateral damage was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of harbinger of ominous times soon to come


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I wanna know the number of nuclear warheads. In case of conflict, you must have the capability to terraform the environment of native america inside out & top to bottom . MAD is an outdated concept. Anything less than 20000 warheads isn't to my liking. Russia too should too target around 10000 warheads.
50000 nukes and not one less... must exceed US nuke per capita by 2x


Registered Member
Sounds like a pretty good bill, they should really implement it. Rooting out corruption for China, mass capital flight from US, what could go wrong?

Looks like Biden finally understands what win-win cooperation between China and US means.
Jokes aside. We all know where the US is going with this. When the next 'Panama Papers' are published by the CIA, it'll slander Xi Jinping and his colleagues of corruption. Then the US can act on it with sanctions and media shaming. It's not an 'anti-corruption' bill, it's a slander, punish, and shame bill.

The US is acting like it can police China, while it cannot even police Russia and Iran. This is them trying to double down on delusions that it is still in the undisputed top dog. The more the US does this, the faster it is forcing China to move away from the dollar hegemony.
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Registered Member
Jokes aside. We all know where the US is going with this. When the next 'Panama Papers' are published by the CIA, it'll slander Xi Jinping and his colleagues of corruption. Then the US can act on it with sanctions and media shaming. It's not an 'anti-corruption' bill, it's a slander, punish, and shame bill.

The US is acting like it can police China, while the US cannot even police Russia and Iran. This is the US trying to double down on delusions that it is still in the undisputed top dog. The more the US does this, the faster it is forcing China to move away from the dollar hegemony.
I don't think fake allegations of corruption will work, you need real evidence from banks to back your assertion.


Registered Member
It's one thing for the US to play financial games with Russia. It's a whole other thing to play this game with China. Not too long ago, Janet Yellen was begging China for help. She is not doing that if China is in a position of weakness vs the US.

So either the US government is playing a duplicitous game with China, or the US government is operating in impulsive-chaos mode. I think the latter is more likely, because there doesn't seem to be any grand coherent strategy in sight for the US government. It's just as erratic as it's senile president.