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Registered Member
LOL! When has the US ever operates on real evidence? It has gone to war based on lies.
I mean you need real evidence from banks to convince the Chinese public the inner CPC members are corrupt. VOA and other hanjians regularly announce that XXX high CPC member is corrupt, nothing ever happens.

An NYT piece with anonymous sources say or a leak found xxx, long-time ally of Xi has a billion dollar stashed in tax haven is not going to be enough.


Registered Member
You are forgetting the Deagel 2025 projections..

The US elite are willing to cull/sacrifice the bottom 90% of American population aka useless eaters in order to defeat China at whatever the costs...

The Covid collateral damage was just the tip of the iceberg in terms of harbinger of ominous times soon to come
deagel 2025 also indicated that China will come out on top with the population actually growing. So China if it is by their projections is going to kick their ass whether they like it or not. Whatever the USA has planned for the world is ultimately going to fail and fail spectacularly


Registered Member
The fascists needed neither proper judgements nor rational justifications to wage war against peer powers in the Second World War.

As long as the nuclear button isn't carried onto the table, what makes you think they won't attempt similar misadventures against a (near-)peer power like China? Besides, China isn't known to be the ones who would swing their nuclear stick up in the air like Russia, North Korea and India do. Meanwhile, it is directly legit in the US military playbook to employ tactical nuclear warheads during wartime, and they do not have No-First-Use policy.

All the series of actions taken by the capitals of Western powers against China right now has clearly indicated that they would rather 杀敌一千,自损八百 (kill 1000 of the enemy, lose 800 of yourself) than accept China's rejuvenation to become a peer superpower. This is in direct contrast to Beijing's way of seeking win-win cooperation with everyone across the world.

Even if the end result turns out to be the West losing 1000 and China loosing 800, that doesn't matter as long as China's rejuvenation is stunted, and the global hegemonic stranglehold by the West is maintained. See the difference?
Regardless of how supposedly beautiful and menacing the US plan(s) are the ENEMY (China) gets a vote/say always.

The only thing you have to ask is are they truly and really prepared for what's to come? The answer to that is a f.. Hell No. The Ukraine war, and the preceding wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Serbia etc.. have convinced me that the west and their supposed commitment is a JOKE.

The China of today isn't the China of the just recently created and established PRC under Mao. The China of today is many times more powerful, sophisticated and technologically advanced. Most of all these people are highly disciplined, motivated to avoid any repeat of the 100 years of humiliation. Chinese people know their history and have long memories.

All I can confidently say is to underestimate China is to bring calamity to the west and the world. Taiwan is non-negotiable period.
I just think that the US is acting in dangerous, half-insane desperation at this point in time. The US, under the senile Joe Biden administration had delivered on almost all of its major threats so far. They had threatened to: impose the ultimate sanctions on Russia, blow up the Nord-Stream pipelines, send heavy military equipment to Ukraine, send Pelosi to Taiwan, and shoot-down a Chinese balloon.

Biden at this point had not yet threatened to go directly to war with Russia. But Biden had threatened to defend Taiwan against China. What exactly does he mean by that, we don't know for sure. But the Chinese top brass should not take any chances. Exercise, and be ready for war with the US. We don't know how stupid the the US can get, especially the Republican stupids, who have successfully pushed Biden into doing reckless anti-China stuff. The moment China see some new developments in US military deployments around it's neighborhood, it should start to go into a semi-wartime economy, like Russia in recent times. Time to stockpile on materiel, manpower, ammunition, and emergency stuff. China can mobilize for war much faster than any 'democratic nation'. But it's better to be safe than sorry. The US can no longer be trusted to be rational these days.

Remember that there were multiple papers in the US, dating back to 2016, setting the date for war with China by 2025. 2025 is that magic year for war that the US is telling everyone. Remember a recent memo written by USAF general, Mike Minihan, calling for war with China by 2025, and saying that the US should 'aim for the head'. Was that a call for nuclear first strike? We don't know for sure. What we do know is that the US is not making the same type of threats against Russia. I think because Russia has a declared nuclear arsenal powerful enough for the US to rule out any nuclear first strike. What China needs to do very soon, is to deal with this perception by the US that it can win a nuclear war with China. There are big progress on the hardware front, but China needs an official declaration to the US. Tell them that China's nuclear arsenal has been updated, and it's not trivial. No need to give numbers, but tell them that it is big enough to end the whole of the USA. And if the US tries any decapitation strike, China can still respond with a devastating second strike. China does not have a history of bluffing, so the US will have to take this threat seriously.

Is it better for China to not get into an arms race? Absolutely. But the arms race of the previous Cold War was more about power and dominance by both superpowers. For China, this current arms race is about survival, not domination. There can be no greater justification for an arms race than that.


Registered Member
Allegendly, the US will spend 150 thousand USD (or slightly more than 1 million RMB) to promote American values and culture in China through exhibitions, video platforms and social media, i.e. subversive cultural and value infiltration operation against China.

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150 thousand USD... have they used up that 500 million USD allowance for the CIA and NED?

Man, the SeeSeePee really treated us wumaos well. Imagine those 反贼s, 殖人s and 汉奸s fighting tooth-and-nail with each other over that 150 thousand USD like how hyenas fight with one another over their prey's meat.

Besides, wouldn't it be a shame if someone uses that 150 thousand USD to buy a premium BYD's U8 SUV or a U9 sports car... hmm?
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Registered Member
I mean you need real evidence from banks to convince the Chinese public the inner CPC members are corrupt. VOA and other hanjians regularly announce that XXX high CPC member is corrupt, nothing ever happens.

An NYT piece with anonymous sources say or a leak found xxx, long-time ally of Xi has a billion dollar stashed in tax haven is not going to be enough.
Off course. Lies alone can do nothing to China. But the US is creating the conditions to act on its lies against China. We remember their HK, Tibet, and Xinjiang Human Rights Acts. They are creating the new mechanisms for more sanctions on China based on lies. This time, targeting China with major financial sanctions.

Not too long ago we had the passing of the Uighur Forced Labor Prevention Act. Using that act, the US and it's friends have already imposed a blanket ban on products from Xinjiang based on Uighur genocide and slave labor lies publish by Adrian Zenz. The US is now laying the groundwork to impose much more serious financial sanctions on China.

Just look at the 3 bills the US is proposing:
1. PROTECT Taiwan Act [or Ostracize China Act 2023] If China threatens Taiwan's economic or social security, the US would: – seek to exclude China from 6 key organizations – incl. the G20, the Bank for International Settlements, and the Financial Stability Board
2. Taiwan Conflict Deterrence Act 2023 If China threatens US interests, the US would: – "publish a report on financial institutions and accounts connected to senior officials of the PRC" – "restrict financial services for certain immediate family of such officials"
3. Taiwan Non-Discrimination Act 2023 This bill would mandate the US to support: – Taiwan's admission to the IMF – Taiwan's participation in the IMF's regular surveillance activities – the ability of Taiwan to receive IMF assistance
#1 gives the US powers to attempt to exclude China from a number of major international financial institutions. Including the G20 and possibly SWIFT.

#2 gives the US powers to impose targeted financial sanctions on individual Chinese figures.

#3 is there to provoke China into some sort of action against Taiwan to justify #1 and #2.

It's like saying. I give myself the right to shoot, and humiliate you. But before that, I'll take your child away. And when you act in any way that I consider hostile, it'll justify my actions to shoot and humiliate you. It's gangster's justice.

It's a tried and tested playbook that we all know so well. The US is looking to step up the sanctions game on China soon. And Taiwan is their excuse. But this time, it is different. If the US acts on this new sanctions threat, it'll hurt China for sure. But it'll hurt the US much more in the longer term.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Off course. Lies alone can do nothing to China. But the US is creating the conditions to act on its lies against China. We remember their HK, Tibet, and Xinjiang Human Rights Acts. They are creating the new mechanisms for more sanctions on China based on lies. This time, targeting China with major financial sanctions.

Not too long ago we had the passing of the Uighur Forced Labor Prevention Act. Using that act, the US and it's friends have already imposed a blanket ban on products from Xinjiang based on Uighur genocide and slave labor lies publish by Adrian Zenz. The US is now laying the groundwork to impose much more serious financial sanctions on China.

Just look at the 3 bills the US is proposing:

#1 gives the US powers to attempt to exclude China from a number of major international financial institutions. Including the G20 and possibly SWIFT.

#2 gives the US powers to impose targeted financial sanctions on individual Chinese figures.

#3 is there to provoke China into some sort of action against Taiwan to justify #1 and #2.

It's like saying. I give myself the right to shoot, and humiliate you. But before that, I'll take your child away. And when you act in any way that I consider hostile, it'll justify my actions to shoot and humiliate you. It's gangster's justice.

It's a tried and tested playbook that we all know so well. The US is looking to step up the sanctions game on China soon. And Taiwan is their excuse. But this time, it is different. If the US acts on this new sanctions threat, it'll hurt China for sure. But it'll hurt the US much more in the longer term.
China's exports to USA were about 600 billions in 2022, just over 4% of China's GDP. China can afford to completely decouple with the US now.

China can still trade with other Western countries and the entire global south. Will the US survive empty Walmart shelves without serious civil unrest for long, I'm not so sure.
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Senior Member
Registered Member
These senators don't seem to have anything better to do except China, China, China.
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All the big Chinese companies are easy targets. We should expect to see TEMU eventually get brought up as well.

The TikTok hearing this March 23rd is going to be a fiasco. It's going to be the Zuckerberg Trials all over again. Why did the CEO agree to go? He's going to get himself kidnapped like Meng Wanzhou.