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To the West crimes are not determined by the act one commits but by two factors... who commits the act and who's the victim of that act. When James Byrd Jr was murder by two white supremacists and made national headlines, there were whites who were angered how comes Asian racism doesn't get any attention? Maybe because an Asian didn't drag a black man behind a truck only to stop until there were no body parts left to drag... Just believing Asians are more racists than white people outweighs white racist crimes that people can actually point to. Obama said supposedly friends don't spy on friends referring to China then Edward Snowden revealed Obama was spying on it closest allies. And the US government will use AI to do everything they accuse of China but of course it's different when they do it because they're the good guys... that drag black men behind trucks only to stop when they are no body parts left to drag.

Why is the US whining like a cry baby over Chinese AI? Don't have the confidence for white genetic superiority to beat China's AI? The US wants the world to put pressure on China to stop. They're already decoupling from China so what are they worried about since China can't do anything without them?
He doesnt sound like a confident man, this is a man that knows his nation already lost

The only thing that constrains China is the laws of physics itself ... ASML is finding that out the hard way, and so will Director Wray


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I know some of you upon seeing this are going for that "they're trying to make Chinese new year into lunar new year" angle, but hear me out: isn't this soft power?

It's like if the Roman Empire was still around and we make it a law to celebrate Festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Yeah sure it doesn't have the name Rome in it but who are you fooling? Even in this article itself they make it clear it's Chinese.
They don't want to tell Vietnamese and Koreans that their New Year is Chinese New Year


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Iranian Parliament(Islamic Consultative Assembly) is going to amend the current legislation, the armies of the EU countries are recognized as terrorist organizations, this will be a response to the IRGC's inclusion in the European Union list of terrorist organizations, said Ahmad Naderi, a member of the presidium of the Iranian parliament.



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WASHINGTON -- The U.S. has expanded training provided to the military of Taiwan, sources familiar with the situation have told Nikkei.
The National Guard, a state-based American mlitary force, began training the Taiwanese military some time before spring 2022.
Washington aims to expand the scope of training for Taiwan's military to enhance deterrence against China and deepen the cooperation with the island territory, as National Guard drills for Ukrainian forces contributed to Ukraine's defense against the invasion by the Russian military.
Each U.S. state carries a National Guard, under control of the governor in normal times. The Guard is often mobilized during disasters or to maintain public order. During a war overseas, it can be activated for federal duty and deployed to engage in battle or provide logistical support. It was mobilized in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars.
When Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen hosted U.S. Sen. Tammy Duckworth in late May 2022, Tsai said the U.S. Department of Defense was "proactively planning cooperation between the U.S. National Guard and Taiwan's defense forces."
Sources directly involved in U.S.-Taiwan defense cooperation say the Guard's training began before Tsai's comment. Multiple Guards have trained Taipei's military in Taiwan and the U.S. The Guards working with the Taiwan military appear to include the unit of the American state of Hawaii.
"We don't have a comment on specific operations, engagements or training, but I would highlight that our support for, and defense relationship with, Taiwan remains aligned against the current threat posed by the People's Republic of China," a Pentagon spokesperson told Nikkei. "Our commitment to Taiwan is rock-solid and contributes to the maintenance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait and within the region."
The expansion of training reflects increasing U.S. concerns about potential military emergencies in Taiwan.
John Kirby, the National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications, told Nikkei last week in an interview: "We continue to believe that there's no reason for tensions over Taiwan to devolve into conflict. No reason. Because neither Japan nor the United States has changed our posture."
China has increased military pressure since then-Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi visited Taiwan in August.
The Guard trains militaries of more than 80 countries, mainly through the State Partnership Program (SPP). Its wide-ranging training, whose details vary for different countries, can include operation of infantry tactics, operation of aircraft, cyberdefense, disaster response, terrorism countermeasures and medical support.
While a single National Guard typically is charged to conduct training with a single country, the training for Taiwan is "different than the SPP since Taiwan is working with multiple states," a source said. "With the SPP, most countries are only working with one specific state. Taiwan has more training options than the SPP."
In the past, U.S. training of Taiwan's military often involved the use of weapons systems and platforms sold to Taipei.
The Wall Street Journal reported in October 2021 that a U.S. special operation unit and a contingent of Marines were training the Taiwanese military in Taiwan for at least a year, but the areas of training appear to have been limited.
"Increased training through a partnership between Taiwan's military and the U.S. National Guard is, if confirmed, a significant step and one that has been talked about in Washington for a while," said Jacob Stokes, a senior fellow at the Center for a New American Security. "U.S. National Guard training would likely be focused on improving Taiwan's ability to leverage its reserve forces to greater effect in support of a whole-of-society military mobilization plan."
The Guard has played a key role in bolstering Ukrainian defense capabilities. The U.S. launched Joint Multinational Training Group-Ukraine after Russia unilaterally annexed Crimea, a part of Ukraine, in 2014. National Guard units were dispatched in rotation to a training facility in the western Ukrainian region of Lviv.
U.S. Army Brig. Gen. Joseph Hilbert, who oversees the training of the Ukrainian forces, told reporters in May 2022 that 23,000 Ukrainian soldiers have been trained over about seven years under the program. Hilbert said training by the National Guard members has contributed to preventing the Russian military's advance.
"I think [the U.S. investment in the Ukrainian forces] has ... you just see how it's paid off," he said.
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I know some of you upon seeing this are going for that "they're trying to make Chinese new year into lunar new year" angle, but hear me out: isn't this soft power?

It's like if the Roman Empire was still around and we make it a law to celebrate Festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Yeah sure it doesn't have the name Rome in it but who are you fooling? Even in this article itself they make it clear it's Chinese.
In the US, we don't want to tell Koreans and Vietnamese they celebrate Chinese New Years so we say Lunar New Years instead, but everyone know it's Chinese origin. How does it work in Australia?


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I know some of you upon seeing this are going for that "they're trying to make Chinese new year into lunar new year" angle, but hear me out: isn't this soft power?

It's like if the Roman Empire was still around and we make it a law to celebrate Festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Yeah sure it doesn't have the name Rome in it but who are you fooling? Even in this article itself they make it clear it's Chinese.

Someone start a putting the Chinese back in the New Year movement like how they tried to put Christ back in Christmas.