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Three-Body, the Chinese TV adaptation of Liu Cixin's Hugo Award-winning sci-fi novel The Three-Body Problem, debuted on Chinese Central Television 8 and Tencent Video during prime time on Sunday night.

The hashtag for the 30-episode series had earned more than 130 million views on China's Twitter-like Sina Weibo as of Sunday. Many Chinese netizens commented that the story was largely faithful to the original work.

Benchmark production

Shi Wenxue, a cultural critic based in Beijing, told the Global Times on Sunday that looking at the current viewership data on Tencent Video and the heated discussion on Chinese social media, the Three-Body TV series is sure to be a hit.

"The Three-Body TV series will be like the movie The Wandering Earth, becoming a benchmark for sci-fi TV series that forces filmmakers to continue to climb to higher peaks," he said.

The Wandering Earth, currently the fifth highest-grossing film in China, is also an adaptation of a short story from the Hugo Award-winning author.

Shi pointed out that under the influence of The Three-Body Problem, more and more sci-fi related film and TV series have been released in recent years, with several of them gaining critical praise.

With China's increasingly comprehensive national strength, especially in science and technology, China will have more fantastic sci-fi works besides The Wandering Earth and Three-Body Problem, Shang Yu, deputy director of the Yunnan People's Publishing House, told the Global Times on Sunday.

Heroes for all

From books to animated series airing on China's popular video sharing platform Bilibili to the new live-action TV drama, as well as an upcoming English adaptation produced by Netflix, the wide influence of the Three-body Problem IP has spread to the entire world. Cultural critics told the Global Times that the craze reflects the unique heroism of the Chinese people, human's strong desire to explore the unknown universe and concern for the future of mankind.

Yu Jinlong, a cultural critic based in Beijing, told the Global Times on Sunday that the work's huge success is based on the background of China's brilliant achievements in the aerospace industry and that it portrays China's specific type of heroism. "People in the West worship heroes, but this kind of heroism is more individual, while Chinese heroism strives for honor for the collective." He pointed out the heroes in Liu's science fiction novels are national heroes who sacrifice their lives to defend their homes and the country as well as individual heroes whose heroism lies in the individual's unyielding struggle against the unfair fate, the unremitting pursuit of truth and constant self-transcendence. But they all serve the collective - the development of human beings.

The unique story setting and values in the book can be another reason for its success. According to Yu, Liu describes a new form of community that transcends the nation and includes all mankind, or "a community with shared future for mankind." Four hundred years after the invasion of the Trisolaran civilization, the fate of all people are linked together. People's concept of time and vision of civilization have undergone major changes. The barriers between nations and countries have gradually broken down, and finally lead to a unified federal government. Ma Yongqiang, co-president of the Duzhe Publishing House, told the Global Times on Sunday that the reason that The Three-Body Problem has gained global attention is because the work itself is the epitome of the development of human beings.

"The Three-Body Problem does not deliberately emphasize national borders and races, because in the face of the survival of the human race, these issues seem pale and naive. The increasingly serious situation of global warming is the same essential threat to human society as the aliens in the book. Such a work that can resonate with all mankind surly will be liked by the whole world."

Compared with the universe described in other sci-fi novels, the universe described by Liu is dark, realistic and absolutely rational. He reveals the limitations of the Earth and human beings, which can be seen in the character Zhang Beihai, who pioneers one of the first Starship Earths and tries to evade the alien civilization to preserve hopes for the future of humanity.

After realizing humans' weakness, the characters in the book continue to reform and innovate step by step in the "dark forest" surrounded by powerful enemies. This shows Chinese people's pursuit of invigorating through science and education, and the core driving force for the development of all mankind, said Ma.


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I know some of you upon seeing this are going for that "they're trying to make Chinese new year into lunar new year" angle, but hear me out: isn't this soft power?

It's like if the Roman Empire was still around and we make it a law to celebrate Festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Yeah sure it doesn't have the name Rome in it but who are you fooling? Even in this article itself they make it clear it's Chinese.


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I know some of you upon seeing this are going for that "they're trying to make Chinese new year into lunar new year" angle, but hear me out: isn't this soft power?

It's like if the Roman Empire was still around and we make it a law to celebrate Festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Yeah sure it doesn't have the name Rome in it but who are you fooling? Even in this article itself they make it clear it's Chinese.
it feels like neolibs are trying to water down the holiday and appropriate it for themselves. I do not trust them much more than MAGA.


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I know some of you upon seeing this are going for that "they're trying to make Chinese new year into lunar new year" angle, but hear me out: isn't this soft power?

It's like if the Roman Empire was still around and we make it a law to celebrate Festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Yeah sure it doesn't have the name Rome in it but who are you fooling? Even in this article itself they make it clear it's Chinese.
I don't mind if they do the lunar new year to replace, Chinese new year, but the problem is when the neolibs like NYT introduce terms like Chinese lunar new year.
A Chinese Lunar New Year fair in Chinatown in San Francisco.
Lunar New Year is already Chinese, or Chinese by default, adding Chinese to Lunar New Year is intentionally removing Chinese roots from the term Lunar New Year. In your example it would be if we used the term Romanus Dies Natalis Solis Invicti or Jewish Hanukkah.


Registered Member
I don't mind if they do the lunar new year to replace, Chinese new year, but the problem is when the neolibs like NYT introduce terms like Chinese lunar new year.

Lunar New Year is already Chinese, or Chinese by default, adding Chinese to Lunar New Year is intentionally removing Chinese roots from the term Lunar New Year. In your example it would be if we used the term Romanus Dies Natalis Solis Invicti or Jewish Hanukkah.
Try as they might I don't think it's actually making any difference.

I picked a Roman example specifically because Roman Empire had huge influence in its days but since it's gone people are all culturally appropriating it. Never mind all the US government buildings built in the Roman style with all the pillars, Dies Natalis Solis Invicti was a festival to celebrate the Roman god of the invincible sun and it was on December 25th. Nowadays when people celebrate Christmas they hardly see any Roman connection even though besides the pagan festival connection Jesus himself was a Roman subject.

On the other hand because jews are still around and Israel is a fairly powerful country their cultural gravity makes it impossible to appropriate say, passover away from them, even though it's also celebrated in the US.

So if the Roman Empire was still around today and could claim unbroken cultural linage to antiquity it would also be impossible to culturally appropriate Christmas. Based on this I don't really think it's possible to delineate Chinese New Year away from China as long as China continue to exist and celebrate Chinese New Year domestically.

Myself and the Vietnamese-Chinese guy in my team get Monday off because according to my manager, Chinese New Year is totally a legit case for the company's one day a year "religious holiday". I recall when I started working 15 years ago that wasn't the case and you could only use it for things like Ramadan and Orthodox Easter, so I'm very glad for this Chinese soft power.


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I don't mind if they do the lunar new year to replace, Chinese new year, but the problem is when the neolibs like NYT introduce terms like Chinese lunar new year.

Lunar New Year is already Chinese, or Chinese by default, adding Chinese to Lunar New Year is intentionally removing Chinese roots from the term Lunar New Year. In your example it would be if we used the term Romanus Dies Natalis Solis Invicti or Jewish Hanukkah.
That's fine IMO, after all even Ferrari named its hypercar LaFerrari, so Ferrari LaFerrari is the name.


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I know some of you upon seeing this are going for that "they're trying to make Chinese new year into lunar new year" angle, but hear me out: isn't this soft power?

It's like if the Roman Empire was still around and we make it a law to celebrate Festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti. Yeah sure it doesn't have the name Rome in it but who are you fooling? Even in this article itself they make it clear it's Chinese.
As a racially Chinese person, I agree with this. Let everyone else celebrate lunar new year however they want. In fact, let them redefine lunar new year if they really want to

Another more contemporary example rather than "Festival of Dies Natalis Solis Invicti" would be Christmas. It has a Christian origin but nobody really cares. All races and religions celebrate it. They don't necessarily celebrate it the Christian way. They celebrate Santa Claus and reindeer and snowmen and green fir trees and giving presents. Even White Christians do their best to celebrate the non Christian aspects and make fun of the stuffy people who want to keep it "strictly religious Christian" only. In this way, Christmas became really popular.

At the same time, nobody is able to stop the religious people who still want to take Christmas as a religious festival and go to church on 25 december


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To the West crimes are not determined by the act one commits but by two factors... who commits the act and who's the victim of that act. When James Byrd Jr was murder by two white supremacists and made national headlines, there were whites who were angered how comes Asian racism doesn't get any attention? Maybe because an Asian didn't drag a black man behind a truck only to stop until there were no body parts left to drag... Just believing Asians are more racists than white people outweighs white racist crimes that people can actually point to. Obama said supposedly friends don't spy on friends referring to China then Edward Snowden revealed Obama was spying on it closest allies. And the US government will use AI to do everything they accuse of China but of course it's different when they do it because they're the good guys... that drag black men behind trucks only to stop when they are no body parts left to drag.

Why is the US whining like a cry baby over Chinese AI? Don't have the confidence for white genetic superiority to beat China's AI? The US wants the world to put pressure on China to stop. They're already decoupling from China so what are they worried about since China can't do anything without them?


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Remember at the start of the war when the globalists were claiming Russia's GDP would drop by a third? The results are in and it looks like a drop by 2.5%. Most of that is probably due to all the western companies like McDonalds that shut down for several months before being bought out at bottom prices.

Meanwhile trillions will be wiped off the European economy thanks to the American inflicted suicide.
That is just economic activity we can put it on the gdp sheet and say EU economy is doing fine, everything is just fine.........