Miscellaneous News


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Moderator - World Affairs
Someone explain to me what is Turkey's endgame here because I'm having a hard time figuring out why they're pissing off their allies in Nato. Are they not receiving enough concessions? Is there a reason why they chose the S-400 system over F35 that their pilots were still training for? If they're trying to pivot to the east like Saudi did, they're certainly not making any friends harbouring all those Uyghurs in exile.
Turkey is posturing for more concessions from the United States. It's that simple, have you ever negotiated before? You drive an impossible bargain, then you settle for your true target. Turkey is demanding the impossible (extradition of some journalist suspected of collusion with anti-Turkey coup org. that Swedish judicial system denied to extradite), but will settle for concessions elsewhere from United States. Turkey probably has a list of asks that is probably not hard for US to fulfill. It's a purely transactional relationship.


Registered Member
Japan car sales worldwide will shrink 16% per year the next couple of years. This trend is happening first in China and then overseas in other countries, as Chinese EVs start to take over the market worldwide.
Someone just sent me a piece of news that perfectly represents everything wrong with Japan and new energy vehicle and how they are stuck in the past:

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Yesterday I made these comments, but forgot to provide the link to the tweet: victims of communism? If you add up all those deaths in WW1 and WW2, which were wars started by capitalist countries and fought mainly among capitalist countries, it's a "cool" 100 million. If you add up all the excess deaths in India and other colonies of imperialists, it's probably another "cool" 50-100 million.

Plane crashes in Nepal in a tragic accident
Indian media: China did it!!!

Things like this are the reason why I say the PLA should be wary of India during any Taiwan straits crisis
Some Taiwanese media made similar claims. It's just idiots taking cheap shots at China.

Another idiotic take: meritocracy, technology, and stability will bring China's downfall?

Today's fine example of Western value: the modern art edition:


Senior Member
Plane crashes in Nepal in a tragic accident
Indian media: China did it!!!

Things like this are the reason why I say the PLA should be wary of India during any Taiwan straits crisis
My two cents, there are many separatist movements in india practically begging for China support, especially the maoists
China can easily send arms and money through the porous myanmar india border


Registered Member
Apparently, some US schools in Virginia are so woke for equality that they won’t tell top performing students they can apply/compete for a college scholarship in the name of equality… slight correction. They tell them after the scholarship deadlines has passed.

Students who weren’t informed of their merit awards weren’t able to compete for college scholarships. A few of the schools that kept the awards secret reportedly informed their winners belatedly but, by then, deadlines for college scholarship entries had passed.

“We need to get to the bottom of what appears to be an egregious, deliberate attempt to disadvantage high-performing students . . .,”Youngkin said in a statement last week. “Parents and students deserve answers.” He added that Attorney General Jason Miyares will investigate the matter because some families may have suffered material harm.
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