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Japan is a cautionary example of the path China should NOT follow - selling your country's economic future for a seat at the Western table, and allowing garbage demographics to destroy the nation's talent base from within. Japan's increasing irrelevance on the world stage is precisely why it is getting more and more aggressive, militarily and geopolitically - kind of an "use it or lose it" situation.

If I had to guess, South Korea will be the next cautionary example, since it is following a similar path.


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China's 2022 trade report is out, I find this part particularly interesting.

China also announced Friday its trade with Russia hit a new record high in 2022.

The goods trade between the two countries reached 1.28 trillion yuan ($190 billion) last year, up more than 30% from 2021, according to Lyu Daliang, the spokesman for the customs authority.

I just want to smash this on the faces of the people who in the past months crying out loud of China is surrendering or should surrender to US pressure to walk away from Russia. The report is official and fact based instead of made-up by some "trust-me-bro" "journalists" or unnamed "Chinese official", I think this report is the nail in the coffin.

Also worth to note
Previous customs statistics showed China had
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. In November, Russia surpassed Saudi Arabia to become China’s top crude oil supplier, according to customs data released last month.


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That worthless bit!h is over 90 years old and even though no one really says it can no longer function at his best and in the end, his crusade against China has ended in failure and will continue in failure to the end of this worthless life and all that money he has accrued over his life will have no worth because he cannot take that money to the afterlife and he isn’t going to have a pleasant afterlife with all the harm done so in the end, his actions will ultimately amount to nothing. In the end, China will rise, the USA will fall and he will be six feet under with a meaningless statue that will ultimately be littered with graffiti at the very end of it all (unless he hides his tombstone which proves that he will go out a hated man)

Unfortunately, he has an army of disciples. IIRC, his son is likely doing most of the work.

How's Japan going to export cars after it's turned into a radioactive ash tray?

Not everyone gets to be an astronaut. The quality of politicians today especially in "The West" is horrendous. I sometimes wonder if Abe's assassination was really due to the influence of the "Moonies" or was it to place someone more hardline than him with the intent to start a hot war against China.


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China's 2022 trade report is out, I find this part particularly interesting.

I just want to smash this on the faces of the people who in the past months crying out loud of China is surrendering or should surrender to US pressure to walk away from Russia. The report is official and fact based instead of made-up by some "trust-me-bro" "journalists" or unnamed "Chinese official", I think this report is the nail in the coffin.

Also worth to note
An interesting dynamics that is emerging is that China is trading with Russia at an increasing deficit (~$30 billion), since Russians sell a lot of energy and resources but can't/don't buy much due to their failing demographics and sanctioned industries; but China is trading with India at an increasing surplus (~$100 billion) due to India's position as a market for intermediate products that they then do final assembly for before exporting to themselves or other countries, a consequence of India's growing population and role as "new favorite" of the West.

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An interesting dynamics that is emerging is that China is trading with Russia at an increasing deficit (~$30 billion), since Russians sell a lot of energy and resources but can't/don't buy much due to their failing demographics and sanctioned industries; but China is trading with India at an increasing surplus (~$100 billion) due to India's position as a market for intermediate products that they then do final assembly for before exporting to themselves or other countries, a consequence of India's growing population and role as "new favorite" of the West.

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So India is supporting Russia. Time to sanction the hell out of them.


Registered Member
An interesting dynamics that is emerging is that China is trading with Russia at an increasing deficit (~$30 billion), since Russians sell a lot of energy and resources
Turkey also has big trade deficit with Russia and i think same will happen with India once infrastructure to south in place.
there is alot more surplus left. I will not be surprized Russia deliberately understate its reserves whether its Gold production or energy to keep prices higher.
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"(Russian President Vladimir) Putin told me: 'I'll give you the grain
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, and you deliver it to poor African countries,'" Erdogan said on Sunday at an event in the southern Antalya province.
"And we say: 'Okay. We'll get this for free from you. Let's turn it into flour in our factories, and send it to these poor African countries.' We agreed," he added.

but can't/don't buy much due to their failing demographics and sanctioned industries;
They do buy things it is just different tastes or different supply routes and demographics will be the strongest anywhere in the world.
when i made that statement about Tourism, liberal and Turkey. it was in special context. i didnot mean that tourism is some lesser profession but once you understand this Arabic ideology and how Gulf Arabs look at things and how they came to know things due to there tremendous wealth and that relationship with that special country in Mideast than it is better to be conservative and restrained in society. no need to show off wealth and beauty.


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Germany's Minister of Defense Christine Lambrecht resigned from office on Monday following persistent criticism. Germany's next defense minister has not officially been named yet. According to local media, the refilling of the post could lead to a major reshuffle in the German government in order to maintain the gender balance that Chancellor Olaf Scholz has promised to uphold. The chairwoman of the Bundestag's Defense Committee, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann of the liberal Free Democratic Party (FDP) is among the potential candidates to succeed Lambrecht.
