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I don’t think much will come out of it. Even if Xi does a 180 and agrees to bail out the US economy, China is in no position to do so. The hole is too big this time around and China has its own issues to worry about.
More importantly, Biden is in no position to offer Xi anything. Congress is competing over who can bash on China more, mainstream media has already ensured that 80-90% of Americans hate China over the last 5 years, and the Republicans are looking for any opportunity to bait the Democrats into looking weak on China.

In short, China hate has already reached a fever pitch in the US and taken on a life of its own. Once you open the war box, you can’t put it back in even if you have second thoughts.


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The Davos Forum starts next Monday! Do you know who that will be? The leaders of Pfizer, BlackRock, the EU, the Gates Foundation, Zelenskyist Ukraine! In short, all the globalist scum:

Russian and Chinese businessmen to skip 2023 World Economic Forum in Davos - Bloomberg

Elon Musk declined an invitation from the World Economic Forum "I was invited to WEF, but declined."

BlackRock plans to help "rebuild" (buy up) Ukraine:



Registered Member
I guess China is populated by aliens now. You know, Falun Gong was preaching about imminent alien take-over
I first I thought that it was a joke but they really believe this. Whatever drugs this people are taking have to be really strong to be tripping this hard at this time of the day. They aren't even in this planet anymore, they are in another dimension.



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It's even more impressive when you include immigrant Chinese researchers & their descendants.

Already in 2015, ethnic Chinese contributed 43% of research in top 100 AI journals and conferences. Today, that number is likely a lot larger, and it wouldn't be surprising to find ethnic Chinese writing a majority of the research papers in AI.

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China just recently surpassed Germany to become the world's second biggest car exporter, closing in on Japan. Now one can see why the Japanese are so eager to re-militarize.

Most, if not all, wars is due to economic reasons. On the other hand, the public gets told of a different narrative. Follow the money or the lack of it in Japan's case.

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Good lunch read

One can hope this bastard gets what's coming to him.

Is it common practice in Germany to ask for dismissal rather than hand in your resignation? Seems a rather roundabout and needlessly convoluted way to doing things if that’s standard practice. If this isn’t standard, is this Lambrecht woman trying to get one last handful of cash before she leaves? As normally you don’t get severance if you resign but do if you are fired.

For us plebs, no severance if you quit or get fired. If you're part of the political-financial elite class you can get severance for anything.


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Seriously? I looked him up and he really pisses off the wrong demographics. Not Chinese people of course, who are harmless. No, he pissed off Star Citizen gamer nerds with his bashing, SJWs with his red pill incel stuff and MAGA with his aggressive pro neolib stuff. It's not easy to piss off both SJW and MAGA yet here he is.

He is right about Star Citizen though. Whole thing is a scam.


Registered Member
How can China help out the US when 800 million Chinese just died of Covid and the Chinese economy is projected to implode in the next 7 minutes
More importantly, what the hell can the USA offer China. Will they offer the ability for China to by those EUV devices from Europe or will they withdraw aid to Taiwan or will they stop trying to cause chaos in SE Asia. The simple answer is no to all of them. Just like with Ukraine and how they eagerly worked to screw the Minsk agreement, they agreement is automatically broken on the day they sign it. I take it that the USA is desperate for help but they still refuse to humble themselves as per what the Bible should have taught these so called God blessed people. To be honest, all I see is a nation that still hasn’t suffered remotely enough and that the rich still lives in Lala land. The only time China could entertain any deals with the USA is only when the USA has gone through a civil war of their own making and then all of those elite have finally started to suffer like they never suffered before and even the this deals should have the entire NGO apparatus and all those destabilising elements in the USA dragged in front of the UN and forced to pay for all of the crimes they have performed for the last half century. In other words at the time of Chinas choosing, they simply should let the USA destroy itself and China should withdraw all help to the nation and simply let it rot, maybe protect the Chinese citizens or people in the USA if they can but for the rest of the rable, they are too tainted by the whole ideology/white supremacy to be reasoned with.

Most, if not all, wars is due to economic reasons. On the other hand, the public gets told of a different narrative. Follow the money or the lack of it in Japan's case.

One can hope this bastard gets what's coming to him.

For us plebs, no severance if you quit or get fired. If you're part of the political-financial elite class you can get severance for anything.
That worthless bit!h is over 90 years old and even though no one really says it can no longer function at his best and in the end, his crusade against China has ended in failure and will continue in failure to the end of this worthless life and all that money he has accrued over his life will have no worth because he cannot take that money to the afterlife and he isn’t going to have a pleasant afterlife with all the harm done so in the end, his actions will ultimately amount to nothing. In the end, China will rise, the USA will fall and he will be six feet under with a meaningless statue that will ultimately be littered with graffiti at the very end of it all (unless he hides his tombstone which proves that he will go out a hated man). In the end, zee bit@h will own nothing and be happy for it because in hell he will be exactly that
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