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'Turned Back Towards Autocracy': Dem Lawmaker Pushes For Select Committee On China​

'I Applaud The Speaker's Comments': Dem Lawmaker Praises McCarthy On The China Competition Committee​

'A Threat To All Americans': Mike Gallagher Slams China And Praises Select Committee​

‘Clear And Present Danger’: Ryan Zinke Demands Action On China​

China should seriously consider a second Cuban Missile crisis but this time set those nuclear tipped missiles there permanently. These vicious bastards in the US are getting more and more unhinged every other day, time for them to actually feel the heat closer to their homeland. It's either this or they will keep escalating without any response from China and then they will normalise this shit.


Lieutenant General
China should seriously consider a second Cuban Missile crisis but this time set those nuclear tipped missiles there permanently. These vicious bastards in the US are getting more and more unhinged every other day, time for them to actually feel the heat closer to their homeland. It's either this or they will keep escalating without any response from China and then they will normalise this shit.

There is no reason or need for such overt provocation, especially since such a move would be a significant strategic overreach that is an obvious bluff, since China will not have the hard conventional power to protect such forward deployed nukes from conventional US attack.

Even if we assume all of the US intelligence network has collectively gone to take a group nap for however long it takes to establish those forward deployed nukes in Cuba, what would be the response if the US does a full Naval blockade and sends attack aircraft to bomb Cuba back to the Stone Age under the pretext of hunting for those missiles? Launch a nuclear first strike and kick off MAD?

The Cuban gambit was worth the risk for the Soviets because that was the only way they could credibly bring much of the US within range of their missiles to counter the US missiles in Europe. For China, it can already hit anywhere in the US from home, so what actual benefit is there to forward deploying nukes on the other side of the planet? Short response time for the enemy is only relevant if you want to launch the first strike. If your posture is purely defensive, forward bases adds nothing of much value or worth to the table.

You are also fundamentally misunderstanding why the US are making more and more brazen provocations against China. Elements within the US needs to do this precisely because they are not united internally and do not have the clout to push their agenda through the maze of conflicting interests of US government. They cannot convert or overrule their domestic rivals who can check most of their substantive moves to declare war against China, so they make symbolic provocations to try to push China to push back and use that pushback as evidence of Chinese hostility and aggression to try to outmanoeuvred their domestic rivals. In short, this sort overreaction from China is precisely what these US provocations are intending to trigger.

By making measured responses, China discredits the pro-war hawks in the US and traps them in an escalation spiral where they need to keep upping the ante to try to elicit a strong response from China and China holds its nerve until the provocations become so blatant that when it does push back propositionally and fundamentally changes the status quo in the straits in its favour, its viewed as a reasonable step since everyone else was expecting war. Case the point, the Pelosi visit.

Had China launched massive war games and basically cancelled the median line across the straits unilaterally, it would have triggered massive diplomatic pushback and maybe even military shows of strengths and economic sanctions from the west. But because that was done as a result of the Polesi provocation, there was nothing from the west other than some empty words.

China is now convinced and United in its war prep. No need to help America sort out its own political mess just for some fleeting feel goods from some empty PR shows of strength.

Rather than merely planning for the worst, China is preparing for it, and every extra day it can buy to prepare, the odds shift more in China’s favour for when the actual moment of truth comes.

I am pretty sure we are now on the express road to AR with very very few remaining off ramps. While it is not yet inevitable, it’s extremely hard to see how we can course change. China’s primary objective now is fully spectrum preparation for that such that it will leave the US with no good options when the day comes. Fight and loose or back off without daring to fight. And that fight includes, economic, diplomatic as well as military. That is the goal now, not some meaningless empty gestures to score short time feel goods.


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Man, it certainly didn’t take too long but this guys hatred for the west and allies reeks an extreme amount of black Air Force activity and given how the west is currently being screwed over quite badly as of late from the start of this year alone and how eager this man seems to be in regards to wanting to send the collective west, mostly the USA and the EU to hell in a radioactive hand basket and the scary part is that Russia as a nation seems to want to adopt this mindset one day given how bad the divide is between Russia and the west is right now (almost entirely western inflicted which probably explains why his hatred is almost HK rioter level of fanaticism but is worse due to his access to strong military and possibility nukes), I am thankful that China isn’t on his shit list although China should always be prepared regardless to ensure that his rage is firmly directed away from Chinas interest and squarely remained focused on the US and EU, at least so China can continue to exploit the situation in a good cop bad cop kinda way, and because I find the whole HK rioter black Air Force level max rage focused against the US to be kinda funny and karmic at the same time. With any luck, should luck be permitting, he might organise manhunts on the collective western leadership that stirred the world into this terrible crisis and none of us here can really argue that this is a bad thing, honest but damn one must find it quite scary as to how much rage he seems to have lately. Still that Japanese due kinda deserve this calling out for being that much a little bit!h any way, like a otaku hugging a body pillow while pretending that are sleeping with hot anime chick they will never be able to get with in real life
Medvedev probably thinks China is too soft-spoken and diplomatic so he's cranking it up for the both of us. He's our personal anger translator :D.



Registered Member
There is no reason or need for such overt provocation, especially since such a move would be a significant strategic overreach that is an obvious bluff, since China will not have the hard conventional power to protect such forward deployed nukes from conventional US attack.

Even if we assume all of the US intelligence network has collectively gone to take a group nap for however long it takes to establish those forward deployed nukes in Cuba, what would be the response if the US does a full Naval blockade and sends attack aircraft to bomb Cuba back to the Stone Age under the pretext of hunting for those missiles? Launch a nuclear first strike and kick off MAD?

The Cuban gambit was worth the risk for the Soviets because that was the only way they could credibly bring much of the US within range of their missiles to counter the US missiles in Europe. For China, it can already hit anywhere in the US from home, so what actual benefit is there to forward deploying nukes on the other side of the planet? Short response time for the enemy is only relevant if you want to launch the first strike. If your posture is purely defensive, forward bases adds nothing of much value or worth to the table.

You are also fundamentally misunderstanding why the US are making more and more brazen provocations against China. Elements within the US needs to do this precisely because they are not united internally and do not have the clout to push their agenda through the maze of conflicting interests of US government. They cannot convert or overrule their domestic rivals who can check most of their substantive moves to declare war against China, so they make symbolic provocations to try to push China to push back and use that pushback as evidence of Chinese hostility and aggression to try to outmanoeuvred their domestic rivals. In short, this sort overreaction from China is precisely what these US provocations are intending to trigger.

By making measured responses, China discredits the pro-war hawks in the US and traps them in an escalation spiral where they need to keep upping the ante to try to elicit a strong response from China and China holds its nerve until the provocations become so blatant that when it does push back propositionally and fundamentally changes the status quo in the straits in its favour, its viewed as a reasonable step since everyone else was expecting war. Case the point, the Pelosi visit.

Had China launched massive war games and basically cancelled the median line across the straits unilaterally, it would have triggered massive diplomatic pushback and maybe even military shows of strengths and economic sanctions from the west. But because that was done as a result of the Polesi provocation, there was nothing from the west other than some empty words.

China is now convinced and United in its war prep. No need to help America sort out its own political mess just for some fleeting feel goods from some empty PR shows of strength.

Rather than merely planning for the worst, China is preparing for it, and every extra day it can buy to prepare, the odds shift more in China’s favour for when the actual moment of truth comes.

I am pretty sure we are now on the express road to AR with very very few remaining off ramps. While it is not yet inevitable, it’s extremely hard to see how we can course change. China’s primary objective now is fully spectrum preparation for that such that it will leave the US with no good options when the day comes. Fight and loose or back off without daring to fight. And that fight includes, economic, diplomatic as well as military. That is the goal now, not some meaningless empty gestures to score short time feel goods.
What timetime to war? this year? 2024? 2025? etc

So I can max out my credit cards on something like this, its not like im going to be concerned about paying back unsecured debt when im camping or gassed



Lieutenant General
What timetime to war? this year? 2024? 2025? etc

So I can max out my credit cards on something like this, its not like im going to be concerned about paying back unsecured debt when im camping or gassed

If I could accurately predict such a thing with any confidence, I would not be posting about it on the inter-webs ;)

I think between 2025 and 2030 would be a reasonable timeframe for when the US either finally sorts out it’s own internal squabbling to push for war, or accidentally-on-purpose stumbles across a line China cannot allow them to cross.

If it was totally down to China’s timetable, I think between 2035 and 2040 since China should enjoy overwhelming overmatch in most if not all domains by then.

So I would not be in a rush to max out credit cards if I were you.

Even if you were so inclined, a luxury vacation seems like a very unwise investment of that money. Better to invest in weapons, ammo, armour, night vision, training and practice on the use of your gear, water purification, power generation and the like if you cannot or will not leave the US. If you are not trapped, it’s better to make and implement an exist strategy and move back to China, or some far away corner of the world unlike to get too caught up in any war.


Just Hatched
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Vietnamese people is not comfortable with Chinese infrastructure project because of war history with China. Beside that, corruption in Vietnam is very severe and government very inefficient, I doubt that any company can meet the deadline of the project.
The problems Vietnam faces. Multiply it by a factor of about 50 and you have India. Lack of infrastructure, lack of proper education, scarcity of well paying jobs, malnutrition, starvation, poverty, corruption, cronyism, red tape loving bureaucracy, technological backwardness, messy legal system, water scarcity, Crony capitalism & above all the divisive and insane political machinery which is hell bent on dividing the country on the basis of caste, ethnicity and religion. In short India's NGMI.