Miscellaneous News


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Joking aside (i.e. credit card). Things will heat up as we approach the 2024 general election. There's a high probability the Republicans will light that fuse once they take the White House and they'll probably be foolish enough to go for the grand prize, Iran, at the same time. However, the war already started against China. It's just the military phase haven't kicked off.
Remains to be seen but looking at clowns on House of Reps (Santos and McCarthy). GOP seems in disarray.


Registered Member
Joking aside (i.e. credit card). Things will heat up as we approach the 2024 general election. There's a high probability the Republicans will light that fuse once they take the White House and they'll probably be foolish enough to go for the grand prize, Iran, at the same time. However, the war already started against China. It's just the military phase haven't kicked off.
Yes, I know it started with trade war, then really kicked off with the covert war *cough cough* and kinetic is coming soon...

Its pointless to try to prep, if Im on the sinking Titanic Im not looking for a life jacket or a lifeboat... im going for the A5 Waygu and brandy etc

So my question really was how long until Chinese Americans will be denied travel, bank loans, credit cards, and have their accounts frozen and or US civil war or anything that makes taking a luxury vacation an impossibility? thats my benchmark


Junior Member
Registered Member
Joking aside (i.e. credit card). Things will heat up as we approach the 2024 general election. There's a high probability the Republicans will light that fuse once they take the White House and they'll probably be foolish enough to go for the grand prize, Iran, at the same time. However, the war already started against China. It's just the military phase haven't kicked off.
I think Iran will be done before they make any moves on China. With the JCPOA in the gutter and Iran enriching uranium to nearly weapons grade and Israel saying it will strike Iranian targets if Iran ever reaches WGP state. The stage is set for war. I wish Iran can deter them for a few more years until they get their Su-35s and S-400s from Russia so they'll be better prepared but alas time will tell.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Its pointless to try to prep, if Im on the sinking Titanic Im not looking for a life jacket or a lifeboat... im going for the A5 Waygu and brandy etc

So my question really was how long until Chinese Americans will be denied travel, bank loans, credit cards, and have their accounts frozen and or US civil war or anything that makes taking a luxury vacation an impossibility? thats my benchmark

Do whatever is possible when it comes to prepping but don't go overboard like some have. I expect the worse; something along the lines of what was done in WW2. A lot of people laughed at me for saying that but we live in crazy times. Anything can happen. Already someone here posted a link to "Proud Boys" terrorizing Asian Americans. If you're living in the US, form your own armed militia (if possible) BUT expect the government to demonize you for doing so.

I'm not a financial advisor so it's best to get a second opinion. The advice that I hear the most is for people to take their money out of their bank accounts to avoid bank bail-ins (or worse) like what the people of Cyprus experienced recently. Only leave enough money in the bank account to cover whatever is required to keep that account active and pay your bills. However there is a caveat to that as well especially if you live in a high crime area.


Registered Member
So...moses (from LCD) was doxxed.

Like really doxxed.

For real.

I don't know who he pissed off (there're many) for this to happen but I think shit's about to htf much harder.
Seriously? I looked him up and he really pisses off the wrong demographics. Not Chinese people of course, who are harmless. No, he pissed off Star Citizen gamer nerds with his bashing, SJWs with his red pill incel stuff and MAGA with his aggressive pro neolib stuff. It's not easy to piss off both SJW and MAGA yet here he is.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Seriously? I looked him up and he really pisses off the wrong demographics. Not Chinese people of course, who are harmless. No, he pissed off Star Citizen gamer nerds with his bashing, SJWs with his red pill incel stuff and MAGA with his aggressive pro neolib stuff. It's not easy to piss off both SJW and MAGA.
Who is that dude? I literally just tried googling and there are only ads about "urban cleaning equipment", LCD screens & some show, lol.


Just Hatched
Registered Member
I don't know if a rule will be broken if I directly link the website in question but if you wish to see copy and paste the following below into Google:


I think doxbin is the site?


Registered Member
You forgot the biggest wish dreaming of this "wargame"

There are 2 stupid assumptions here:
1) The US submarines can go and stay at the Taiwan strait without being detected and then swiftly obliterated by Chinese ASW
It's more an assumptions that the US submarines can go and stay at the Taiwan strait without hitting an underwater mountain...


Registered Member
Who is that dude? I literally just tried googling and there are only ads about "urban cleaning equipment", LCD screens & some show, lol.
Just an obnoxious little shitstain on Reddit. Almost every post of his on reddit that isn't about gaming is about how the US will totally dominate China in the coming war, that the US should prempt nuke China and so on.

Your run-of-the-mill "antiauthoritarian" neoliberal who suffers from white man's burden-ism