Just like in school when the delinquents with nothing to lose confront the Cool Kids, the leader will let his minions fight rather than dirty his hand and suffer a humiliating defeat.
Yeah brother, sort of agree with what you are saying.
It reminds me of the WWF Wrestlemaina 23, where it was the battle of the billionaires, with Donald Trump and Vince MaCman.
The two billionaires were going to fight each other, each using their chosen wrestler. That is how it goes, as someone pointed out. In the battle of the billionaires, the billionaires do not do any actual fighting, the billionaires have two wrestlers fighting on their behalf.
Of course, as we all know, Donald Trump famously took down Vince MaCman with a clothesline, then later after winning, Trump shave poor Vince bald.
What I don't like, because once upon a time, I studied economics, is how the media, politicians, and people generally talk about such matters.
What the US is doing, the war in Europe, what China is doing, what everyone else is doing, the tech war, and all that stuff, my feeling is that the people have very little clue. To what is happening around them.
What they think is important, I don't think is important.
A topic like China, and development, and how China was able to fix itself, and climb the scientific and technological ladder, those are not simple stories. Those are long term trends.
That is not well understood, the long term trend, because people are stupid or do not pay attention. If we are young, then you can learn. But most people who talk about such stuff, are not young, and don't know any better either.
Gordon Chang is the prime example. He was against the long term trend for all this time, provided that is not a comrade, which we do not know. He did a good job. The long term trend, those ideas have been eradicated from the narrative surrounding China.
The only people who still talk about the long term trend regarding Chinese things, are very very few.
It is all about some sanction, some alleged abuses, about how to slow down Huawei or keep Chinese IC at a certain level. Notice even these actions only focus on the short term.
What about the long term economic trend? Never discussed.
The Indians probably the worst when it comes to long term trends and China. For them, the long term trend for China, is obvious down, and for India, we know what the obviously think!
Some how, that thinking has affected the Americans deeply.
The long term trend, what if the Americans could not convince the Japanese to the Plaza Accords?
The Americans who stay silent for the most, understand these long term trends, and how China is positioned.
That is the part I don't really like. We do not discuss the long term trend too much. Probably because it is very boring, because we be saying the same things.
The short term stuff, if it cannot alter the long term trend, then it don't mean much.
The long term trend is decisive in economies, and the rise and fall of nations and civilizations.
Ask most people, we get a blank.
All we got to do is read the news. That blank is wide and deep.