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Registered Member
IMHO, all these are just sabre-rattling, the West knows it's already too late to contain China economically and kinetically. It's the MIC in the West doing the last bidding to stay relevant and grab the last pot of gold so to speak. Granted, China shouldn't ease off at all just in case, but the elites in the West are not brave enough to (or smart enough to not) sacrifice for a lost course.

Yeah, agree. It's all empty talk.

They cannot even handle the Russians in an indirect war.

China is waiting to see how this Russia Ukraine war turns out.

They probably expect the Russians to win, and then see what the reaction will be like in the West.

The American tendency is to always double down. The Europeans are far more cautious.


Registered Member
I took a computer graphic course in my fourth year. 3D graphic is all vectors and matrixes.
Doing vector and matrix multiplication is not so hard at least for some of the basic 3d effects. Matrix with Matrix multiplication by hand is a bitch to do tho so much writing.

The neocon want a war now while they still have the advantage BUT the Russian had just given the Chinese a lot of breathing room, so we have to be thankful, with time given with a lot of actual projection on the Chinese side happening as we speak (like the Bohai Huludao facility) the 3 year timeframe is too optimistic for the US. They can't keep up supplying Ukraine with ammunition what more an actual kinetic war with China.
Well that Ukrainian war isn't going so well for them, China really should thanks Russia for their services of cleaning out NATO's stock pile. Let's be honest within NATO only the US and Japan has a capable Navy in the Asian region. I think its save to say it's too late for the US to go toe to toe with China in Asia unless the US goes fuck this shit nuke dem Chinese as some spoiled brat that gets to hear no for the first time....


Registered Member
Yeah, agree. It's all empty talk.

They cannot even handle the Russians in an indirect war.

China is waiting to see how this Russia Ukraine war turns out.

They probably expect the Russians to win, and then see what the reaction will be like in the West.

The American tendency is to always double down. The Europeans are far more cautious.
Bro I think within 3 years having Europe, Taiwan, SK and Japanese company harvested is a sort of victory for the US, maybe it was planned that way by using the Russian and Chinese threat as justification...lol Right now the American industry are hollowed out, those US companies in China will stay put and will only onshore a little to satisfy the politician demand. A Fortress America or Arsenal of Democracy is the goal of America Political Elites, they see the world at 1930's situation and desire a WW2 outcome, their Ideal War. But the actors are different and the Villains are them....lol It's very hard for the Cool Kids to acknowledge their mistake because to do so makes them stupid. ;) Just like in school when the delinquents with nothing to lose confront the Cool Kids, the leader will let his minions fight rather than dirty his hand and suffer a humiliating defeat.:cool:


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Well that Ukrainian war isn't going so well for them, China really should thanks Russia for their services of cleaning out NATO's stock pile. Let's be honest within NATO only the US and Japan has a capable Navy in the Asian region. I think its save to say it's too late for the US to go toe to toe with China in Asia unless the US goes fuck this shit nuke dem Chinese as some spoiled brat that gets to hear no for the first time....
I'm less optimistic.

NATO's aged stockpile were already on its way out but chronic lethargy in EU's policies prevented them from being replaced. The russo/ukraine conflict absolutely provided them an excuse to do so now, making way for new ones on top of raised defence spending. Just look at Poland these days. I also think France has a sizeable naval projection capability despite their rivalry with AUKUS.

In any case, you're right in pointing out that
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but I also think NATO-classic will have a part to play if
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in the opening days of the taiwan contingency.


Registered Member
;) Just like in school when the delinquents with nothing to lose confront the Cool Kids, the leader will let his minions fight rather than dirty his hand and suffer a humiliating defeat.:cool:

Yeah brother, sort of agree with what you are saying.

It reminds me of the WWF Wrestlemaina 23, where it was the battle of the billionaires, with Donald Trump and Vince MaCman.

The two billionaires were going to fight each other, each using their chosen wrestler. That is how it goes, as someone pointed out. In the battle of the billionaires, the billionaires do not do any actual fighting, the billionaires have two wrestlers fighting on their behalf.

Of course, as we all know, Donald Trump famously took down Vince MaCman with a clothesline, then later after winning, Trump shave poor Vince bald. :(


What I don't like, because once upon a time, I studied economics, is how the media, politicians, and people generally talk about such matters.

What the US is doing, the war in Europe, what China is doing, what everyone else is doing, the tech war, and all that stuff, my feeling is that the people have very little clue. To what is happening around them.

What they think is important, I don't think is important.

A topic like China, and development, and how China was able to fix itself, and climb the scientific and technological ladder, those are not simple stories. Those are long term trends.

That is not well understood, the long term trend, because people are stupid or do not pay attention. If we are young, then you can learn. But most people who talk about such stuff, are not young, and don't know any better either.

Gordon Chang is the prime example. He was against the long term trend for all this time, provided that is not a comrade, which we do not know. He did a good job. The long term trend, those ideas have been eradicated from the narrative surrounding China.

The only people who still talk about the long term trend regarding Chinese things, are very very few.

It is all about some sanction, some alleged abuses, about how to slow down Huawei or keep Chinese IC at a certain level. Notice even these actions only focus on the short term.

What about the long term economic trend? Never discussed.

The Indians probably the worst when it comes to long term trends and China. For them, the long term trend for China, is obvious down, and for India, we know what the obviously think! :rolleyes:

Some how, that thinking has affected the Americans deeply.

The long term trend, what if the Americans could not convince the Japanese to the Plaza Accords?

The Americans who stay silent for the most, understand these long term trends, and how China is positioned.

That is the part I don't really like. We do not discuss the long term trend too much. Probably because it is very boring, because we be saying the same things.

The short term stuff, if it cannot alter the long term trend, then it don't mean much.

The long term trend is decisive in economies, and the rise and fall of nations and civilizations.

Ask most people, we get a blank.

All we got to do is read the news. That blank is wide and deep.

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Registered Member
Go to Thailand... not the US colony of South Korea.

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A total of 269 Chinese passengers, travelling on a Xiamen Airlines flight, landed in Thailand on Monday, marking the first group of Chinese tourists arriving in the Southeast Asian nation after the adjustment of China's policy shift on COVID-19 shift.

Thai Deputy Prime Minister and Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul warmly welcomed the Chinese tourists at the airport, and presented exquisite small gifts to them.

The minister said that any new COVID-related measures adopted in Thailand will not discriminate against travelers from any country, including China.

Thailand - welcoming Chinese tourists.jpg


Junior Member
Registered Member
Not sure if this was posted before but the below tweet in conjunction with the rumour mill of the atlanticist internet appears to make the case for a projected Anglo NATO led war against China, instigated by its proxy in Taiwan, within the next 3 years.

In 3 years several things could happen from the Atlanticist's perspective:
-The complete and utter death of the Petrodollar, hence why the Atlanticists are pushing for a world war to 'reset the map'.
- Years of indoctrination against Chinese people to prep the american and anglosphere for the 'all of civilisation' war that Kiron Skinner referenced.
-The anticipated consolidation of the EU under Atlanticist leadership with a weakened and neutralised if not outright co-opted and regime changed Russia.

All of this to culminate in a massive world war to consolidate Anglo-American hegemony of the world order because the way the world ecoomy is headed, the trajectory is looking more multipolar and less Anglo American hegemony. There's a reason Chinese Strategists consider the 2020s to be a potentially tumultuous decade.
I'm less optimistic.

NATO's aged stockpile were already on its way out but chronic lethargy in EU's policies prevented them from being replaced. The russo/ukraine conflict absolutely provided them an excuse to do so now, making way for new ones on top of raised defence spending. Just look at Poland these days. I also think France has a sizeable naval projection capability despite their rivalry with AUKUS.

In any case, you're right in pointing out that
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but I also think NATO-classic will have a part to play if
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in the opening days of the taiwan contingency.
Absolutely. US and Western elites are desperate for a global reset because it would be the only way for them to maintain power. I think everyone should that this threat very seriously. US is setting the stage for another world war overseas, betting on its mainland being far away enough to survive unscathed and its vassals to do all the heavy lifting while it harvests them from behind. This is exactly the way US became the predominant power post-WWI and a global superpower post-WWII. This is also what US is currently doing to Europe. It's face it, we already saw that Europeans were brainwashed into a fanatical frenzy by MSM and US in a way no different than the Japanese population in WWII. We should expect no different from Asian vassals of US if a hypothetical war breaks out. Asia will be shafted no matter what in the same way Europe is today. This is why US is doubling down on military spending even though we know they couldn't even keep track where half of it went. This is why US is drowning the world in negative propaganda even though they are mired deep in social turmoil. This is why China will collapse every 30 days on YouTube - it's because they are betting on the everyone forgetting everything after they win.

This is why China needs to do everything it can to prevent an all-out war from occurring until the condition is in its favor. It must to everything it can to divide the West into several incommunicable blocs and in the best case scenario isolate the US so that it could not muster its entire arsenal of expendable vassals on China. The best analogy would be the rise of State of Qin during the Warring States period.

The Western world has their collective heads buried too deep into "the end of history" for them to see that 200 year-old liberal democracy is becoming increasingly obsolescent and mal-adapted for the world we live in today. I am predicting large-scale social collapse, upheaval or revolution scenario will strike the majority of Western nations within 15-20 years if the current trends continue, perhaps even within the decade if social situation continues to deteriorate. It would be the Revolutions of 1848 on steroids. It's not all bad news though - much like the revolutions before, new social-political systems much better adapted to the modern world will emerge from these events. The current Western elites is doing everything it could to prevent the next page of history from turning, and they must not succeed.
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