Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
If this ain't a clear, open declaration by Washington DC that the United States has already decided to wage war against China in the Pacific, I don't know what else is.

Nobody in Beijing should hold any illusions. The Chinese people's Great Patriotic War against the imperialist facists will happen in the coming future. The question is when, not if.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Trump is relatively friendly toward Russia. Biden on the other hand is the one fully drove Russia into China by starting a war.
Nope. It was under Trump that the US started sending weapons to Ukraine including the Javelin ATGMs. That crossed a red line for Russia which eventually led to the invasion. Much of the same people have been in control of US government foreign policy with regards to Russia and Ukraine since Obama was President. Trump attempted a reset when he came into power, but he was quickly overruled, and he just went with it.


Registered Member
If this ain't a clear, open declaration by Washington DC that the United States has already decided to wage war against China in the Pacific, I don't know what else is.

Nobody in Beijing should hold any illusions. The Chinese people's Great Patriotic War against the imperialist facists will happen in the coming future. The question is when, not if.
I wonder if this recent leadership shake up In the Philippines Military is maybe tangentially related to that American strategy. As soon as President Marcos Jr. came back from his state visit to China, he sacked/replaced the now former AFP Chief of Staff after having only served on this role and was appointed by Marcos Jr. himself 5 months or so ago. The replacement officer is the same officer who was replaced by the now outgoing and replaced officer. Kind of confusing decision. But there has been a strong and persistent rumour alleging that there's a "destabilization plot" a.k.a. MILITARY Coup against Marcos Jr.

The question to be aske here is why? What would be the motivation of that country's Armed Forces to militarily oust the recently elected President and with the biggest mandate at that, having been elected by the most votes in the history of that island country. I can't help but be suspicious of a strong pro-American faction within the Armed forces of the Philippines. Since most of their top officers go to the U.S. military educational and training institutions during their formative years, and must have been groomed, targeted by American intelligence organization as their assets to be used in a just in case scenarios.

The person speaking on the video linked above is a former Senator, a former AFP Chief who loves to call for his fellow military officers to be apolitical at all times and yet this man never seem to shy away from making political comments and intrigues especially with respect to the current President and against Duterte. I was watching this same person on a different video on youtube but could not seem to find that anymore in which he was essentially suggesting and hinting that maybe there's more than meets the eye with regards to the decision to replace a newly minted with the one who was just himself replaced.

@ansy1968 What's going on with your country bud.


Registered Member

I wonder if this recent leadership shake up In the Philippines Military is maybe tangentially related to that American strategy. As soon as President Marcos Jr. came back from his state visit to China, he sacked/replaced the now former AFP Chief of Staff after having only served on this role and was appointed by Marcos Jr. himself 5 months or so ago. The replacement officer is the same officer who was replaced by the now outgoing and replaced officer. Kind of confusing decision. But there has been a strong and persistent rumour alleging that there's a "destabilization plot" a.k.a. MILITARY Coup against Marcos Jr.

The question to be aske here is why? What would be the motivation of that country's Armed Forces to militarily oust the recently elected President and with the biggest mandate at that, having been elected by the most votes in the history of that island country. I can't help but be suspicious of a strong pro-American faction within the Armed forces of the Philippines. Since most of their top officers go to the U.S. military educational and training institutions during their formative years, and must have been groomed, targeted by American intelligence organization as their assets to be used in a just in case scenarios.

The person speaking on the video linked above is a former Senator, a former AFP Chief who loves to call for his fellow military officers to be apolitical at all times and yet this man never seem to shy away from making political comments and intrigues especially with respect to the current President and against Duterte. I was watching this same person on a different video on youtube but could not seem to find that anymore in which he was essentially suggesting and hinting that maybe there's more than meets the eye with regards to the decision to replace a newly minted with the one who was just himself replaced.

@ansy1968 What's going on with your country bud.
Cross post from SCS Thread. :)

Bro an insight, it is much ado over nothing. :) There is a new law retroactively said that the new AFP chief of staff will serve for 3 years instead of a rotating door policy of new appointees serving only a year. There is an administration gaffe Since the former Chief of staff is due to retire this Feb 4 2023 ( the new law will only apply on this year appointment since he was appointed last year) and the law stated that there will only one 4 star general serving, so they have to recalled the new appointment until he retire. It's embarrassing and it shows the weakness of Marcos decision making and the people he appoints, right now he is enjoying a honeymoon with the press BUT I for one are not impress, with only 6 months on the job instead of focusing on his job, he created a lot of bureaucratic layers instead of clear state policy.

Game of the generals?​


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- The Philippine Star

January 10, 2023 | 12:00am

President Bongbong Marcos reappointed Gen. Andres Centino as chief of staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
This places Lt. Gen. Bartolome Bacarro in a highly embarrassing situation.
This is the first time in the history of the AFP that a former chief of staff replaced the general who replaced him.

The President appointed Bacarro AFP chief, replacing Centino, in August 2022.
Why did Junior oust Bacarro, whom he appointed as Centino’s replacement, and re-install the latter? Read on to find out.
It seems Junior still has to master the skills his father, Ferdinand Sr., had for decisive leadership.
* * *

Centino’s reappointment as AFP chief set off rumors of demoralization among the AFP’s officer corps and rank-and-file soldiers.
A very reliable source said Gen. Rodolfo Azurin, Philippine National Police chief, ordered all PNP units on red alert following the reported mass resignation of
Defense Secretary Jose Faustino Jr., other defense personnel and military officers.
“Require 100 percent presence (of all PNP personnel) and monitor movements of AFP troops and prepare DMR (digital mobile radio) and tactical radio communication network... con-duct simex (simulation exercises) on CP defense plan in communications network,” Azurin’s orders to his men supposedly read.
Another order from Azurin was for the PNP’s elite unit, the Special Action Force (SAF), to be on “war” footing due to AFP troop movements.
But what did all that mean? Well, a repeat of the 1989 mutiny may happen. That was when rebel troops nearly toppled president Cory Aquino’s government by a hair’s breadth.
The timely interference of the US Air Force F-4 (Phantom) jets based in Clark Air Base, which buzzed antiquated Philippine Air Force jets about to bomb Malacañang, saved the day.
Here was how the order from the PNP high command in Camp Crame read:
“All SAF units are to stay in FULL ALERT due to destabilization movements from the AFP.
“In this regard, all Battalion Commanders are directed to hold all leaves and passes for the meantime and conduct regular accounting to your respective personnel.
“Further, let’s ensure the operational readiness of our personnel and equipment (move/shoot/communicate) particularly in dealing with the said situation when the need arises, and be ready to move upon the orders of proper authorities.”
Let’s pray a shooting war doesn’t erupt between the PNP and the AFP.
Should that happen – heaven forbid – the PNP will be clobbered.
Only the SAF, the PNP’s commando group, would be able to stand up to the AFP. But the SAF is a small unit compared to the entire AFP, and its members wouldn’t obey their officers, undisciplined as most of them are.
* * *
How serious is the present situation?
As it is, neither President Junior nor Defense Secretary Jose Faustino, a retired Army general, attended the unconventional change of command from Bartolome Bacarro to Andres Cen-tino.
President Rodrigo Duterte appointed Centino. He was set to retire on Feb. 4, 2023.
But President Junior cut short Centino’s stint by replacing him with Bacarro, who would have been the first beneficiary of a new law (Republic Act 11709) president
Duterte signed, which provides a three-year term for the AFP chief of staff.

The reinstatement of Centino as AFP chief of staff, which was never done before, was apparently meant to correct an egregious blunder on the part of President BBM. Before this, Cen-tino had a pending nomination to become the Philippine Ambassador to India and Nepal.
This caused demoralization among the troops. Bacarro is a highly respected officer because he is a Medal of Valor awardee.
The Medal of Valor is the highest award the AFP can give a military man. It is the equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor of the United States Armed Forces.
There have been only 41 Medal of Valor recipients since 1935. Seventeen of them are still alive, among them Bacarro.


Junior Member
Registered Member
I'm not 100% enlightened on this, but I believe most places around the world start to stream kids at age 16. That is, are they going to University (and for what), Vocational School, or something else.

If their math abilities are not high, then you can only teach to a certain level. What do you do about that?

I'm not saying there is no point in teaching math past the age of 16, but for many people, it should be a matter more of practicality than academics.

IMO, to have a functional democracy of informed adults, people absolutely need to understand two key math things:
  • percentages, especially when it comes to big numbers like millions and billions (and trillions for some countries), such as the numbers seen in populations and national budgets
  • compounding
How much math to teach that, no idea.


Registered Member
The question to be aske here is why? What would be the motivation of that country's Armed Forces to militarily oust the recently elected President and with the biggest mandate at that, having been elected by the most votes in the history of that island country. I can't help but be suspicious of a strong pro-American faction within the Armed forces of the Philippines. Since most of their top officers go to the U.S. military educational and training institutions during their formative years, and must have been groomed, targeted by American intelligence organization as their assets to be used in a just in case scenarios.
Bro the rank and file are mostly neutral IF not adverse to such political maneuvering, they experiences countless coup with Trillanes as a prime example of incompetence. IF there will be a coup orchestrated by a roque general then he will lead it all by himself or some desk officer loyal to him....LOL unless there is a known political personality that will lead it like Duterte which he won't.

The person speaking on the video linked above is a former Senator, a former AFP Chief who loves to call for his fellow military officers to be apolitical at all times and yet this man never seem to shy away from making political comments and intrigues especially with respect to the current President and against Duterte. I was watching this same person on a different video on youtube but could not seem to find that anymore in which he was essentially suggesting and hinting that maybe there's more than meets the eye with regards to the decision to replace a newly minted with the one who was just himself replaced.

@ansy1968 What's going on with your country bud.
Bro he is a Political General who likes to be in the limelight, he is an outsold media personality seeking attention. You should know there are NO known personality capable of launching a coup, IF there are some then he will need to explained his reason to the people cause nobody will support it and the majority members of the AFP don't want to tarnish their image again, like I said only Duterte can call on the masses and AFP to overthrow the current gov't IF he want to BUT he won't unless the US is conspiring with Marcos of a possible war with China that will lead to the destruction of the Philippine. His famous slogan, " Don't destroy the future of my country or I will destroy you" I hope Marcos is listening because his massive win is attributed to him alone. ;)

I think people are overthinking, they need to understand that as long as Duterte is alive and his children are active in politics and hold office, those Pro American politician will have a hard time gathering public support for conflict with China, It's a result of Duterte Legacy and people do adhere to his principle like me.:)
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Senior Member
If this ain't a clear, open declaration by Washington DC that the United States has already decided to wage war against China in the Pacific, I don't know what else is.

Nobody in Beijing should hold any illusions. The Chinese people's Great Patriotic War against the imperialist facists will happen in the coming future. The question is when, not if.
The americans seems to think and naively hope that in taiwan reunification war, the theather of war will only be limited to China, taiwan, japan and philipines, i don't think so

theoretically if the u.s really invades China via taiwan, and if the China-North Korea Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance article 2 worth the paper its printed on, means that NK is obliged to join the war on China side regardless of south korea involvement

Afterall if China is defeated in taiwan strait, NK will be next so this conflict is also existential to them, NK can help distract japan by lobbing hwasong-12 missiles, even Russia can also stage massive wargames in sakhalin island

So many ways to keep japan honest


Registered Member
If this ain't a clear, open declaration by Washington DC that the United States has already decided to wage war against China in the Pacific, I don't know what else is.

Nobody in Beijing should hold any illusions. The Chinese people's Great Patriotic War against the imperialist facists will happen in the coming future. The question is when, not if.
I've said for a long time that China must begin to mobilize, build up the military in the purpose of deterrence. The budget must increase, there must be a clear roadmap to countering unacceptable American aggression and their military buildup.

Inaction emboldens the American.

Not only should the baseline budget be increased to at least NATO levels, but there should be a short term multi trillion RMB fund dedicated towards making up for the shortfall in Chinese budget during the last decades.