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Junior Member
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Imho it is more important to teach kids how to read and write. Maths is only good to the point of attaining the concept of imagining concepts in your head as well to understand how to draw relations between different things. Everything past that point is not needed, unless you specifically want to go into hard sciences.

Reading and writing skill is much more important, because we live in a society where ability to process information as well as the ability to express and summarize our own experiences are paramount to everything else.
Math teaches problem solving, critical thinking, and provides a foundation for logical analysis—everything a scientifically oriented society should focus on. While not everybody should go into abstract math, there are great benefits to have a foundational mastery of mathematics.


Lieutenant General
Math teaches problem solving, critical thinking, and provides a foundation for logical analysis—everything a scientifically oriented society should focus on. While not everybody should go into abstract math, there are great benefits to have a foundational mastery of mathematics.

Precisely why the western ruling class don’t want their peasants learning maths, because maths also gives people the critical thinking and logical reasoning skills to see right through their idiotic bullshit.

It’s the same why the church fiercely resisted science during the dark ages, stupid people are easier to rule over as they can be easily brainwashed into thinking the least you can be bothered to do for them and provide for them is the best they can hope for (this is why American leaders are so obsessed with spamming the ‘greatest country on earth’ mantra, if America is the greatest, then be happy with what you got and don’t even fucking dream about asking for better!)

A well educated and critically thinking populous is so much harder to please and satisfy that ruling over them just feels way too much like actual hard work for the privileged western elite.


Senior Member
Registered Member
Precisely why the western ruling class don’t want their peasants learning maths, because maths also gives people the critical thinking and logical reasoning skills to see right through their idiotic bullshit.
They really took their best ideas from 1984, Brave New World, and Snow Crash, huh. I always found it hilariously ironic how George Orwell's works are constantly brandished by the West to attack China and Russia but they don't even realize it's exactly what has happened to them.


Registered Member
Math teaches problem solving, critical thinking, and provides a foundation for logical analysis—everything a scientifically oriented society should focus on. While not everybody should go into abstract math, there are great benefits to have a foundational mastery of mathematics.
Precisely why the western ruling class don’t want their peasants learning maths, because maths also gives people the critical thinking and logical reasoning skills to see right through their idiotic bullshit.

It’s the same why the church fiercely resisted science during the dark ages, stupid people are easier to rule over as they can be easily brainwashed into thinking the least you can be bothered to do for them and provide for them is the best they can hope for (this is why American leaders are so obsessed with spamming the ‘greatest country on earth’ mantra, if America is the greatest, then be happy with what you got and don’t even fucking dream about asking for better!)

A well educated and critically thinking populous is so much harder to please and satisfy that ruling over them just feels way too much like actual hard work for the privileged western elite.
Precisely this,
The anglosphere with the possible exception of the UK has always been anti-intellectual; it's the reason why they've had to import the rest of the 'brains' from the rest of the world and inducing such a setup by instigating conflict and wars in the rest of the world.
In the meantime, the privileged stupidity of the Anglo Ruling Class conferred the calibre of populism in America's own Caesar: Trump.


This is a really lazy argument: if you don't want to do something, just claim that doing it is playing China's book.

but linear algebra still gave me nightmares even a decade after graduating
My personal opinion is that linear algebra is not that hard once you understand the concept of vector.

Today's fine example of modern Western value - health and fitness edition:


Can't comment on the Chinese threat aspect, but linear algebra still gave me nightmares even a decade after graduating, so maybe she's not wrong on that...

I had no trouble with linear algebra, but I can't integrate for the life of me. I had no problem with math until I came to that part.