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Registered Member
Dude, math is the basis of all fields of science.
But realistically, how many people are going into science fields?

That is what I'm pointing out.

I'm not 100% enlightened on this, but I believe most places around the world start to stream kids at age 16. That is, are they going to University (and for what), Vocational School, or something else.

If their math abilities are not high, then you can only teach to a certain level. What do you do about that?

I'm not saying there is no point in teaching math past the age of 16, but for many people, it should be a matter more of practicality than academics.


Registered Member
Imho it is more important to teach kids how to read and write. Maths is only good to the point of attaining the concept of imagining concepts in your head as well to understand how to draw relations between different things. Everything past that point is not needed, unless you specifically want to go into hard sciences.

Reading and writing skill is much more important, because we live in a society where ability to process information as well as the ability to express and summarize our own experiences are paramount to everything else.


Lieutenant General
The irony is when a Westerner thinks out loud, they want to force it down everyone's throat. They want to vilify TikTok where the Chinese version teaches its users useful things while the "westernized" version to them is a display of their cultural embarrassment. Whether it was in jest or not, they already set the tone by claiming it was out of China's playbook. I say "in jest" that Biden is going to make against international law to have Chinese children in school because that's a national security threat. One of them might create the next TikTok that will be more popular than anything the US has. One of them might create a weapon the US has no defense against. I say it in jest but not surprised that they're one step closer to that when the say math evil and associate that with China. Absurd? The Republicans are declaring China is racist while the US is not because China has no immigration. The same logic with how they came up with that is how they're one step closer to passing a law to make it a crime anywhere in the world to teach Chinese children in any form. And then look at how if the US just passes a domestic law, they expect the whole world to follow it.

How can one tell who is universally evil in all eyes? Evil can have two contradictory thoughts at the same time. They think math is evil but they get angry that the Chinese version of TikTok teaches children academics like math while the "Westernized" version doesn't. How can they be for and angry at both? The point isn't what they're saying. The point is if you're obeying what they're saying when it's a contradiction then they know they have ultimate power over you that you're going to blindly obey without question. Thinking is bad to them because it's questioning what they have to say. They want you to blindly obey without thinking. Throwing out contradictions that they expect people to blindly obey is how they can tell who is thinking or not or in other words who is a threat to them or not. They tease how Chinese are automatons as if that were bad to them yet they want automatons who don't think and just obey. Contradiction... and they don't want you thinking about that.


Registered Member
Trump is relatively friendly toward Russia. Biden on the other hand is the one fully drove Russia into China by starting a war.
Friendly on the surface but none of the policies he signed for Russia really helped in any real way to mend fences. I would say that his presence was a breather for Russia rather than an attempt and ensuring good relations. Still Biden is an all out disaster and a master class as to what a nation should never do in regards to diplomacy, now we have a future which is uncertain for the USA, especially for the US dollar which both nations (the most terrifying combination) are actively working to bring down

Hmmm. Now that is nasty, the USA is city building….. with tents instead of well bricks and mortar. I seriously cannot see this ending well. Yeah, I wanna go to Thailand sooner or later as well
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Can't comment on the Chinese threat aspect, but linear algebra still gave me nightmares even a decade after graduating, so maybe she's not wrong on that...

Maths is only good to the point of attaining the concept of imagining concepts in your head as well to understand how to draw relations between different things

I wouldn’t say the majority of society needs to know calculus or linear algebra right now, but definitely need more beyond basic addition and subtraction.

For instance, I’m betting that most of the people in the US doesn’t understand compounding interest and that has a huge impact on society due to the amount of debt and credit usage in developed countries. Like the mortgage payment on an average house going up a 1k a month from the recent Fed interest rate hikes.

Who knows- with the rate AI and quantum computing is progressing, maybe everyone 100 years in the future needs to have an understanding of genetic algorithms and quantum functions as a “basic life skill”


Registered Member
But realistically, how many people are going into science fields?

That is what I'm pointing out.

I'm not 100% enlightened on this, but I believe most places around the world start to stream kids at age 16. That is, are they going to University (and for what), Vocational School, or something else.

If their math abilities are not high, then you can only teach to a certain level. What do you do about that?

I'm not saying there is no point in teaching math past the age of 16, but for many people, it should be a matter more of practicality than academics.
Imho it is more important to teach kids how to read and write. Maths is only good to the point of attaining the concept of imagining concepts in your head as well to understand how to draw relations between different things. Everything past that point is not needed, unless you specifically want to go into hard sciences.

Reading and writing skill is much more important, because we live in a society where ability to process information as well as the ability to express and summarize our own experiences are paramount to everything else.

I think you two are expressing similar thought, so I will reply together.

Modern industry is moving upward in technology level, to be more precisely technology has been always moving upward. An advanced grasp of math in the past decade becomes a basic prerequisite for today. 20 years ago, there are lots of positions for worker to simply follow predefined instructions, such as on a production line of car and TV. These jobs only need math education up to 16 years old or lower. But today, more and more such jobs are done by robots controlled by very few people, human works focus more on design the robots. These new works demand at least Bachelor degree in engineering who receives advanced math training in university. These advanced math is a must to have if they are going to translate the robot arms spacial movement to software codes.

The bar for a modern industry is moving higher and higher, it isn't any special to today, but always have been.

The very reason of western country's down fall in competitiveness in industry is the falling desire of moving up their science competence by the whole population. The US had its golden age in the 1940s to 1960s precisely because they have more sci-tech talents, their down-fall is because they got more MBA/Banker/Lawer/Waitor/Salesman today. And math to sci-tech is as the wheat to bread.

For any individual or society, if they can not keep up with the increasing demand (on math) they will (and can choose to) be at the lower end of food-chain. In old Chinese saying, 水涨船高,不进则退.


Senior Member
That CSIS wargame has a live part right now on youtube (
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Also, lol they used a clip from HypOps with dramatic music around 40 min in (
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This "wargame" they don't even take into account of PLAN blockade (which is the most likely gonna happen), they just assume PLA will just invade normandy style ww2 beach landing lol