Miscellaneous News


Registered Member
The americans seems to think and naively hope that in taiwan reunification war, the theather of war will only be limited to China, taiwan, japan and philipines, i don't think so
Bro IF China achieved Escalatory Dominance, only the US will lead the charge with those country you mentioned will be dilly dallying with a lot of excuses....lol What about the 5 eyes, only Canada and UK will support the US because they are far away, Australia can easily be neutralized by a strong Indonesia and UK in 5 years time will be call England with it's capital in Manchester as London may seceded and join the EU. ;)
theoretically if the u.s really invades China via taiwan, and if the China-North Korea Treaty of Friendship, Co-operation and Mutual Assistance article 2 worth the paper its printed on, means that NK is obliged to join the war on China side regardless of south korea involvement

Afterall if China is defeated in taiwan strait, NK will be next so this conflict is also existential to them, NK can help distract japan by lobbing hwasong-12 missiles, even Russia can also stage massive wargames in sakhalin island

So many ways to keep japan honest
Now people see the value of NK...lol I remember some members questioning the viability of such treaty and call NK a liability. As long as China survive Korea will always be a Chinese vassal because she, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and even Mongolia are part of Sinocentric World.:cool:


Registered Member
China doesn't demand much ideological adherence from NK for a reason. They have a liege and warlord relationship. NK can run things however they like as long as they maintain a large army to defend the country.

KPA is going to be more professional by far than any conscript army while having the bulk of numbers needed to fulfil the role of one while the central government's own troops act as the breakthrough spear, eyes and ears.


Registered Member
China doesn't demand much ideological adherence from NK for a reason. They have a liege and warlord relationship. NK can run things however they like as long as they maintain a large army to defend the country.

KPA is going to be more professional by far than any conscript army while having the bulk of numbers needed to fulfil the role of one while the central government's own troops act as the breakthrough spear, eyes and ears.
Bro China help its allies and leave, the Collective West exact a heavy price for any aid means subjugation.


Registered Member
Not sure if this was posted before but the below tweet in conjunction with the rumour mill of the atlanticist internet appears to make the case for a projected Anglo NATO led war against China, instigated by its proxy in Taiwan, within the next 3 years.

In 3 years several things could happen from the Atlanticist's perspective:
-The complete and utter death of the Petrodollar, hence why the Atlanticists are pushing for a world war to 'reset the map'.
- Years of indoctrination against Chinese people to prep the american and anglosphere for the 'all of civilisation' war that Kiron Skinner referenced.
-The anticipated consolidation of the EU under Atlanticist leadership with a weakened and neutralised if not outright co-opted and regime changed Russia.

All of this to culminate in a massive world war to consolidate Anglo-American hegemony of the world order because the way the world ecoomy is headed, the trajectory is looking more multipolar and less Anglo American hegemony. There's a reason Chinese Strategists consider the 2020s to be a potentially tumultuous decade.


Junior Member
Registered Member
Then China better speed up its nuclear modernization. The West maintaining nuclear superiority over China in a time like this is not acceptable. Build a few thousand weapons and their delivery mechanisms, and then see what happens to Western resolve.


Registered Member
Not sure if this was posted before but the below tweet in conjunction with the rumour mill of the atlanticist internet appears to make the case for a projected Anglo NATO led war against China, instigated by its proxy in Taiwan, within the next 3 years.

In 3 years several things could happen from the Atlanticist's perspective:
-The complete and utter death of the Petrodollar, hence why the Atlanticists are pushing for a world war to 'reset the map'.
- Years of indoctrination against Chinese people to prep the american and anglosphere for the 'all of civilisation' war that Kiron Skinner referenced.
-The anticipated consolidation of the EU under Atlanticist leadership with a weakened and neutralised if not outright co-opted and regime changed Russia.

All of this to culminate in a massive world war to consolidate Anglo-American hegemony of the world order because the way the world ecoomy is headed, the trajectory is looking more multipolar and less Anglo American hegemony. There's a reason Chinese Strategists consider the 2020s to be a potentially tumultuous decade.
Bro in 3 years so 2025/2026, hopefully NATO is still around...lol My prediction by that time China is 70 to 80% of US military a wild claim BUT I factor in attrition and depreciation of US assets. With America commitment to Europe, they can't bear their full might against the Chinese, with Iran joining the Russo-Sino bloc they have to put their already overstretched military to a breaking point. You see the US is already hard press to deal with a near peer opponent today, what more in 3 years time as China will continue to grow economically while the Collective West stagnated. All of this are all projection, The Russian and Iranians know it and the Chinese are preparing for it. That is why I support an Arm Race with Collective West, defense thru strength, the only language the American can understand. :cool:


Junior Member
Registered Member
Not sure if this was posted before but the below tweet in conjunction with the rumour mill of the atlanticist internet appears to make the case for a projected Anglo NATO led war against China, instigated by its proxy in Taiwan, within the next 3 years.

In 3 years several things could happen from the Atlanticist's perspective:
-The complete and utter death of the Petrodollar, hence why the Atlanticists are pushing for a world war to 'reset the map'.
- Years of indoctrination against Chinese people to prep the american and anglosphere for the 'all of civilisation' war that Kiron Skinner referenced.
-The anticipated consolidation of the EU under Atlanticist leadership with a weakened and neutralised if not outright co-opted and regime changed Russia.

All of this to culminate in a massive world war to consolidate Anglo-American hegemony of the world order because the way the world ecoomy is headed, the trajectory is looking more multipolar and less Anglo American hegemony. There's a reason Chinese Strategists consider the 2020s to be a potentially tumultuous decade.
IMHO, all these are just sabre-rattling, the West knows it's already too late to contain China economically and kinetically. It's the MIC in the West doing the last bidding to stay relevant and grab the last pot of gold so to speak. Granted, China shouldn't ease off at all just in case, but the elites in the West are not brave enough to (or smart enough to not) sacrifice for a lost course.


Registered Member
IMHO, all these are just sabre-rattling, the West knows it's already too late to contain China economically and kinetically. It's the MIC in the West doing the last bidding to stay relevant and grab the last pot of gold so to speak. Granted, China shouldn't ease off at all just in case, but the elites in the West are not brave enough to sacrifice for a lost course.
The neocon want a war now while they still have the advantage BUT the Russian had just given the Chinese a lot of breathing room, so we have to be thankful, with time given with a lot of actual projection on the Chinese side happening as we speak (like the Bohai Huludao facility) the 3 year timeframe is too optimistic for the US. They can't keep up supplying Ukraine with ammunition what more an actual kinetic war with China.