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Absolutely. US and Western elites are desperate for a global reset because it would be the only way for them to maintain power. I think everyone should that this threat very seriously. US is setting the stage for another world war overseas, betting on its mainland being far away enough to survive unscathed and its vassals to do all the heavy lifting while it harvests them from behind. This is exactly the way US became the predominant power post-WWI and a global superpower post-WWII. This is also what US is currently doing to Europe. It's face it, we already saw that Europeans were brainwashed into a fanatical frenzy by MSM and US in a way no different than the Japanese population in WWII. We should expect no different from Asian vassals of US if a hypothetical war breaks out. Asia will be shafted no matter what in the same way Europe is today. This is why US is doubling down on military spending even though we know they couldn't even keep track where half of it went. This is why US is drowning the world in negative propaganda even though they are mired deep in social turmoil. This is why China will collapse every 30 days on YouTube - it's because they are betting on the everyone forgetting everything after they win.

This is why China needs to do everything it can to prevent an all-out war from occurring until the condition is in its favor. It must to everything it can to divide the West into several incommunicable blocs and in the best case scenario isolate the US so that it could not muster its entire arsenal of expendable vassals on China. The best analogy would be the rise of State of Qin during the Warring States period.

The Western world has their collective heads buried too deep into "the end of history" for them to see that 200 year-old liberal democracy is becoming increasingly obsolescent and mal-adapted for the world we live in today. I am predicting large-scale social collapse, upheaval or revolution scenario will strike the majority of Western nations within 15-20 years if the current trends continue, perhaps even within the decade if social situation continues to deteriorate. It would be the Revolutions of 1848 on steroids. It's not all bad news though - much like the revolutions before, new social-political systems much better adapted to the modern world will emerge from these events. The current Western elites is doing everything it could to prevent the next page of history from turning, and they must not succeed.
I absolutely agree. It's true that long-term, China has it in the bag no contest. However, I think we should realize that it's becoming clearer and clearer that the US is preparing to risk it all this decade. It's going to be a classic Hail Mary from the American football they love so much. Not even nuclear is off the table for them. If they lose and freak out, they're going to try and take the rest of the world down with them.

I understand that this might sound alarmist, but the US has acted remarkably sociopathic lately. They've left EU to fend for themselves and don't seem to care. They're already over the war in Ukraine and are cutting down the aid going there. Through this whole year, the administration has stayed unwaveringly focused on China. They provoke, sanction and fail again and again, and they don't hesitate to continue plotting in the least. You can't talk to them or reason with them, as we saw at the Xi-Biden summit. It's just like Putin said: "not agreement capable". Even to their allies, the mask of sanity is barely staying on.


Registered Member
FLG and the churches will be hit over this one.
Sounds like Biden's reprisals against FLG for their overt support for Trump, more than a favour for China.
Could be financial sanction via confiscation of T-Bill holdings/any other USD denominated bond. Happened to my Sber bank USD bonds, all gone.

Sure, but China could counter that with requesting Yuan for exports to unfriendly countries. Let's see how long the US could survive with empty Walmart shelves.
Yep, the US theft of Russian holdings of US debt was a clearcut sign that the days of the USD as the reserve currency were numbered. Even if the US effectively defaulted on their debt by stealing Chinese US Treasuries (and how would they know which holders were from the PRC? they'd effectively be defaulting on all US debt), noone's going to trust the "FedCoin"/USDC that the USG has on the sidelines. the smoothbrains in the NSC probably thought devaluing the USD would also mean they could bring all them factories back to the CONUS and be another China (little realising the americans who knew how to build anything are dead and/or retired and are useless when it comes to modern fabrication which China is the undisputed master).


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State Department threatens China with costs in case of its assistance to Russia in the field of security. According to the State Department, Russia has made such requests for security assistance from China.

State Department spokesman Ned Price spoke about the US promise to punish China if it is seen trying to help Russia in the field of security or evade sanctions. According to him, in this case, Beijing will bear the costs.

We are following closely the decisions that the PRC takes in response to any Russian requests for security assistance. We know that Russia has been forced, as I’ve already said, to turn to other partners – Iran, the DPRK – for security assistance precisely because we are starving the Russian state of the inputs that it needs to prosecute its war against Ukraine most effectively. And again, that is putting it euphemistically. So we’re watching very closely. We’ve been very clear with the PRC, including in private, including when the two presidents met in Bali last November, about any costs that would befall the PRC should they decide to assist Russia in a systematic effort to evade U.S. sanctions or in the provision of security assistance that would then be used against the Ukrainian people in Ukraine. So we’re watching very closely” a US foreign policy spokesman said.

He stressed that the United States had previously made it clear to China what the consequences would be if Russia assisted in the systematic evasion of sanctions, as well as in the provision of any kind of security assistance that would help it conduct a special military operation (SVO) on Ukraine.

Earlier, Price noted that the United States opposes military-technical cooperation between Russia and Iran and is going to take all necessary measures to prevent its development.

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Meaningless words when China already is ensuring the systematic non impact of sanctions in Russia.

I mean, do you seriously believe 1 Russia alone can make sanctions hurt more for NATO than for itself? Russia is being plied with most favored trading privileges, ensuring access to all modern products as well as access to the world's largest market to freely sell their goods in. China has also intervened and stopped private actors from pressing Russian companies for any type of major discount, making sure Russians are paid a fair, pre-war price for their labor.

So, where are the promised consequences for this from the United States? Is it the chip sanctions which have been circumvented for almost a decade already by government contractors and where civilian contractors have only expanded since their inception? If so, US should have the balls to straight up tell us the reasons for the chip sanctions, that we get them because we are helping Russians denazify the Ukraine and NATO.

In terms of military equipment, Russians are doing fine alone. Why waste our own stockpiles? For now they only need dual use items and not heavy equipment from the PLA. If the situation radically changes, such options are always open.


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Essentially, we should realize that the US is already at total war with China. There's no long game, there's no development strategy. The US is already cutting its ties left and right and calling in all its favors. No more pretending to follow its own rules. It's just like what they said: the stage of war, the date of attack has already been set.

China should try to complicate things- create so many distracting external and internal issues the US physically can no longer focus on China. It might not be their MO but they need to. Set up the petroyuan, go full economic warfare and force US inflation. Fan protests in SK, Japan, Taiwan. Ask NK to increase their militarization. Exploit SK and Japan tensions, exploit US-NATO tensions. False flag operation a Japan-Russian war over the northern islands. See if Iran can stir up something. Support a US terrorist attack, insurgency or civil war, etc. These are probably bad suggestions, not to mention reprehensible actions, but you get the idea. It won't stop them, but it'll buy precious time to prepare.


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FLG's current count of CCP quitters stands at nearly 407 million people. Seriously.

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I still remember the last time I travel to Taiwan more than 5 years ago, when you go to the toilet or just sit on the bench for a rest after several hours of tours with your eyes fulfilled with the beauty of nature, there will be some middle age women wondering around, keep asking you to "quit the party for your own happiness". If you listen to them and sign your name on a piece of paper(even if you are not a party member), soon FLG will claim one more CCP quitter on their website without checking whether the name is real or not. According to what I saw, some signed Chang Kai-shek, and some signed a name of a random famous star, just for fun or to keep them away.


Registered Member
Essentially, we should realize that the US is already at total war with China. There's no long game, there's no development strategy. The US is already cutting its ties left and right and calling in all its favors. No more pretending to follow its own rules. It's just like what they said: the stage of war, the date of attack has already been set.

China should try to complicate things- create so many distracting external and internal issues the US physically can no longer focus on China. It might not be their MO but they need to. Set up the petroyuan, go full economic warfare and force US inflation. Fan protests in SK, Japan, Taiwan. Ask NK to increase their militarization. Exploit SK and Japan tensions, exploit US-NATO tensions. False flag operation a Japan-Russian war over the northern islands. See if Iran can stir up something. Support a US terrorist attack, insurgency or civil war, etc. These are probably bad suggestions, not to mention reprehensible actions, but you get the idea. It won't stop them, but it'll buy precious time to prepare.
I think this is already the direction China is moving at. You have seen the sudden Russian disruption of NATO plans to take over Ukraine. Such things are not a coincidence.

US thinks if they can do graceful exit in Ukraine, there might still be a chance to storm into China's eastern border and achieve something crazy. But is there any guarantee that China won't call in more stuff to cuck them just like the Ukraine war is currently cucking them? It will be a never ending cycle until they run out of money.

The next major from China will probably be in the middle east. Iran, Saudis. Or both.


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A very fitting and deserving response, considering the discriminatory policies and measures which they have taken against only Chinese tourists entering the country for the past few days.
Cutting off tourists deprives the host country of tourism money, though. I think China should respond more creatively with measures focused on hurting the economies of countries imposing these China specific restrictions. For example, for any country that imposed China specific restrictions after the lifting of COVID zero, their affiliated businesses in China (only the ones deemed non-essential) will be placed back under COVID zero conditions, which means complete shutdown under the current state of COVID spread. After all, if these countries are so worried about the lifting of COVID zero, China is just being helpful by putting their businesses back under COVID zero.


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Precisely why the western ruling class don’t want their peasants learning maths, because maths also gives people the critical thinking and logical reasoning skills to see right through their idiotic bullshit.

It’s the same why the church fiercely resisted science during the dark ages, stupid people are easier to rule over as they can be easily brainwashed into thinking the least you can be bothered to do for them and provide for them is the best they can hope for (this is why American leaders are so obsessed with spamming the ‘greatest country on earth’ mantra, if America is the greatest, then be happy with what you got and don’t even fucking dream about asking for better!)

A well educated and critically thinking populous is so much harder to please and satisfy that ruling over them just feels way too much like actual hard work for the privileged western elite.
Ditto scenario for the basket case that is "Supapoowah India"


Registered Member
Actually, once they resurrect the Yamato, we're all screwed.... LOL

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After going through a bleak 2022 with no successful space launch, a situation unseen in 18 years, Japan said on Monday that it aims to become the second country only after the US to land astronauts on the moon, adding it will strengthen cooperation with the US to counter China's space endeavors.

Experts pointed out on Tuesday that Japan's putting its astronauts on the moon via another country's spacecraft, while calling itself "second in history" is laughable, warning that if Japan continues to rely heavily on the US, it will eventually lose the ability to walk on its own, thus becoming a puppet of the US.
