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UK Transport Secretary Grantt Shapps erased Boris from this photo with the "British" American rocket:



Oh and the rocket failed:
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But everything else is going great in the UK though:
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Junior Member
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Precisely this,
The anglosphere with the possible exception of the UK has always been anti-intellectual; it's the reason why they've had to import the rest of the 'brains' from the rest of the world and inducing such a setup by instigating conflict and wars in the rest of the world.
In the meantime, the privileged stupidity of the Anglo Ruling Class conferred the calibre of populism in America's own Caesar: Trump.

UK Transport Secretary Grantt Shapps erased Boris from this photo with the "British" American rocket:



Oh and the rocket failed:
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But everything else is going great in the UK though:
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Shit food, shit weather, shit people and now our country will be known for shit economy :)


Registered Member
I think you two are expressing similar thought, so I will reply together.

Modern industry is moving upward in technology level, to be more precisely technology has been always moving upward. An advanced grasp of math in the past decade becomes a basic prerequisite for today. 20 years ago, there are lots of positions for worker to simply follow predefined instructions, such as on a production line of car and TV. These jobs only need math education up to 16 years old or lower. But today, more and more such jobs are done by robots controlled by very few people, human works focus more on design the robots. These new works demand at least Bachelor degree in engineering who receives advanced math training in university. These advanced math is a must to have if they are going to translate the robot arms spacial movement to software codes.

The bar for a modern industry is moving higher and higher, it isn't any special to today, but always have been.

The very reason of western country's down fall in competitiveness in industry is the falling desire of moving up their science competence by the whole population. The US had its golden age in the 1940s to 1960s precisely because they have more sci-tech talents, their down-fall is because they got more MBA/Banker/Lawer/Waitor/Salesman today. And math to sci-tech is as the wheat to bread.

For any individual or society, if they can not keep up with the increasing demand (on math) they will (and can choose to) be at the lower end of food-chain. In old Chinese saying, 水涨船高,不进则退.
Of course the skill level is always increasing. Before a high school education prepared people for the workforce, but today it is only preparing you to fill out forms for welfare. However, the point is that many people’s skill will hit a ceiling at a lower level and they will not be able to develop robots (or the handiness to fix them as the case may be). Of course that becomes a much deeper discussion that I think could go on forever.

Also, many Lawyers/MBAs/Bankers/Salespeople are people who have sci-tech backgrounds, but are financially incentivized to use their skills to “develop” cryptocurrencies, derivative assets, patent litigation, etc.

IMO, to have a functional democracy of informed adults, people absolutely need to understand two key math things:
  • percentages, especially when it comes to big numbers like millions and billions (and trillions for some countries), such as the numbers seen in populations and national budgets
  • compounding
How much math to teach that, no idea.

Yes, this is what I'm talking about. Average people will probably not need multivariable calculus, so additional math education at a secondary school level should probably concentrate on practical applications such as personal finance.


Registered Member
Nope. It was under Trump that the US started sending weapons to Ukraine including the Javelin ATGMs. That crossed a red line for Russia which eventually led to the invasion. Much of the same people have been in control of US government foreign policy with regards to Russia and Ukraine since Obama was President. Trump attempted a reset when he came into power, but he was quickly overruled, and he just went with it.
Biden literally orchestrated the coup under obama.