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Former US national security adviser John Bolton has vowed to launch a presidential bid and confront Donald Trump, whose support he alleges is in “terminal decline”.

The 74-year foreign policy hawk has never held elected office, but has said he believes he could win in two years, by pushing for America to adopt a tougher line against nations such as China and Russia.

Mr Bolton served from April 2018 to September 2019 as Mr Trump’s national security adviser.

Earlier, he believed he had been overlooked for the job of secretary of state because Mr Trump did not like his moustache.

In September 2019, Mr Bolton left the administration and claimed he had quit, while Mr Trump claimed he had been fired.

In 2020, Mr Trump described Mr Bolton as “one of the dumbest people in Washington”.

Asked about how he felt about taking on his former boss, Mr Bolton said: ‘I think Trump’s support within the party itself is in terminal decline.”


Lieutenant General
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Here in the US, liberals talk as if Europeans, especially those in Scandinavia are intellectually on a higher social evolutionary plane than everyone else... Yeah it's easy to be open-minded when can get what you want easily being part of the Western world that controls the world economy. Today... not as much and the monster that rampaged the countryside terrorizing people into giving what it wants thus looking almost civilized is now not getting what it wants because the world now has alternatives from the West and that monster is rearing its ugly head once again. But like I've been saying... the countryside has nukes now which only holds them back from they really want to do and that gets them more angry.


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This is one area that America got us beat by a huge margin. :) It may take centuries for us to overcome it.;)
When they got so many fatal mass shootings at schools, parents have to protect their children. There have videos showing how parents were training young kids in gun handlings. With bulletproofed bag and firearm proficiency, they want their kids to have some fighting chance. But when kids get into arguments with fellow students or teachers, they can easily use their guns to settle their problems............there is no way out of this mess yet. Past suggested solutions include arming teachers with guns. Installing Metal detectors, but who would want to disarm a student with a loaded gun?. Armed security guards have not been effective because they are always the first victims to be taken out by a shorter. With so many people having guns, police tend to be cautious and take their time in such situations. Maybe a practical solution is to enforced security zone in the school by the police or army, similar to the former Kabul Green Zone?
If the US is so willing to spend to keep their politicians safe, why not the students?


Registered Member
Looks like South Korea need to be taught a very important lesson, in that South Koreans must learn how to:
1. Respect China's position as the dominant power in the region;
2. Respect China's soverignity and integrity; and
3. Respect the Chinese people and the Chinese civilization state.

That said, if the South Koreans really do wish to interfere in China's internal affairs, then China should grant them their wish by annexing both Koreas and unify them under the direct rule of Beijing as the 33rd province of the PRC.
Yeah would be pretty sad if North Korea launch a barrel of missiles to obliterate Seoul while most of their army is being decimated against a fight with a bigger power to gain absolutely nothing in a foreign war that has nothing to do with them.


Registered Member
Well they blame it on lack of integration but it could be control chaos when things become unusual. All this money printing you never know where the wealth ends up.


Registered Member
And all those ammo depots must be protected by PAC-3 sam, or they will be sitting ducks for PLA DF missiles or even drones, how many SAM can the u.s afford to give to japan?
They may have other better performance missiles than PAC-3.
UAE used the world qualitative addition for the missile they importing from Korea. One missile cost $1.5m to $2m some thing if memory serves me. and these are Korean prices. US prices if some thing similar will be several times higher.



Looks like South Korea need to be taught a very important lesson, in that South Koreans must learn how to:
1. Respect China's position as the dominant power in the region;
2. Respect China's soverignity and integrity; and
3. Respect the Chinese people and the Chinese civilization state.

That said, if the South Koreans really do wish to interfere in China's internal affairs, then China should grant them their wish by annexing both Koreas and unify them under the direct rule of Beijing as the 33rd province of the PRC.

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Both Japan and South Korea are U.S. occupied colonies. It's not surprising that some want to appease their colonial overload. On the other hand, many Japanese and South Koreans are probably very worried and envious about a unified and stronger China.

I know longer read Western MSM anymore, because they are "reporting" at such a low level.

Schrodinger's zero-COVID #1:
Schrodinger's zero-COVID #2:


Lieutenant General
You can see it his little speech after finally getting his Speaker position. He said he was going to open a special committee to investigate China so the US can get their jobs back. Easy... US corporations are greedy and these very US politicians obliged when given money by corporate lobbies to allow this to happen. Stop doing that. McCarthy is going to be a major hypocrite since that BYD electric bus factory is supposedly in his district and they're looking to expand there.

The Chinese can make it difficult for McCarthy just by continuously pointing that out. Will they do it? He either keeps the factory supplying more jobs to his voting base or get rid of it and deny his voter base of much needed employment. That's why American politicians know they can play these games. They're not mentioning this but part of the reason why Nancy Pelosi has chosen to step down as leader of the House Democrats is because of the blowback of her Taiwan trip. If it was really about her husband's attack, she would've left completely. She's not known to for her overseas trips except for China to cause trouble. Then you saw the spin afterwards that this was normal for her and China shouldn't take it personally. She even took a trip to Ukraine to make it look it was a normal for her. She lost Boeing billions of dollars in deals and they seem to be resigned that they lost China as a customer for the foreseeable future because of her but you know she got heat from somewhere and they don't make Boeing jetliners in San Francisco. They ain't going to say it out loud because it makes the US look vulnerable to the Chinese to do it more.
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