Miscellaneous News


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Chinese netizens are overjoyed by the news that Japan has finally made a commitment to the upcoming liberation of Taiwan conflict. Let's see if they get cold feet when the time comes.
Overjoyed at a chance to finally give those silly little b@stares the ass kicking that Japan deserved and had postponed from WW2 onwards. Since the nation has lost the ability to produce weapons and basically believes that well they can do a ‘ghost of Tsushima’ against China, which is bullsh!t and everyone knows it, one must wonder how long they will honestly last in a real fight, because China isn’t Russia and China isn’t going to hold back like Russia is doing to Ukraine and China honestly has no incentive to just because 7 decades have past


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DJI banned from CES to comply with US "human rights violations" sanctions.
Meanwhile, the CIA and Ukrainians continue to buy them in the troves lmao. Doesn't China have its own version of CES? Should probably do that like how we always do when blocked from the competition. Make something better. :cool: Love to see the day CES acts like how NASA is acting today.


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Looks like South Korea need to be taught a very important lesson, in that South Koreans must learn how to:
1. Respect China's position as the dominant power in the region;
2. Respect China's soverignity and integrity; and
3. Respect the Chinese people and the Chinese civilization state.

That said, if the South Koreans really do wish to interfere in China's internal affairs, then China should grant them their wish by annexing both Koreas and unify them under the direct rule of Beijing as the 33rd province of the PRC.

South Koreans should worry more about their own affairs. For example, the inability to protect the presidential palace from North Korean drones.

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Remember, Amerikkkan debris are always safe, Chinese ones are always dangerous.

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NASA warns of falling satellite​

The US space agency reassured the public that the chance of anyone being injured by debris was low

NASA warns of falling satellite


A defunct American satellite is expected to fall out of the sky this weekend, but it most likely won’t hurt anybody, the US space agency NASA revealed on Friday, stressing the odds of debris actually harming anyone were “very low,” at approximately 1 in 9,400.
The 38-year-old, 5,400-pound (2,449 kg) Earth Radiation Budget Satellite is expected to reenter Earth’s atmosphere on Sunday night around 6:40pm Eastern Time, plus or minus 17 hours, according to the Defense Department. While most of it is expected to burn up upon reentry, some parts may survive the fall.

Aerospace Corp., a space-focused research and development firm, predicts a Monday morning landing for the debris, which will cross Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and the western areas of North and South America

The ERBS was launched in 1984 from Space Shuttle Challenger as one of three satellites comprising the Earth Radiation Budget Experiment mission. It was released into orbit by Sally Ride, the first American woman in space. While its lifespan was only supposed to be two years, it continued to take measurements until 2005.

The satellite was outfitted to measure the earth’s “energy budget,” the balance between how much of the sun’s energy the planet absorbs and how much it radiates, and to measure the amount of ozone, water vapor, nitrogen dioxide, and aerosols in the stratosphere. Its stratospheric measurement instrument, known as Stratospheric Aerosol and Gas Experiment II, is credited with confirming the thinning of the ozone layer, which absorbs most of the sun’s ultraviolet radiation.

Neither NASA nor the Defense Department explained why the satellite fell out of orbit. While satellites occasionally collide with each other, this is supposedly rare. However, Earth’s orbit is becoming increasingly crowded with thousands of private-sector satellites from Starlink and other wireless internet providers, so much so that astronomers are concerned that the amount of light they reflect may soon make it impossible to see into space and are calling for a moratorium on their launch.
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I'm telling you, inviting Penny Wong to stay at Zhongnanhai was a genius move.
Those nuclear attack subs are meant to be delivered to Australia in the 2040s. Now we are barely more than one year into that two decade-long waiting process.

So much for being an ally.

But then, maybe- just maybeeee- seeing how the Albanese administration has shown signs of reconciliation with China, perhaps China could just sell them those older (but can still be upgraded through retrofitting) 093 SSNs (not 093As) instead?

I mean, instead of having to wait for two decades, perhaps they would only need to wait for only (less than) one decade if they deal with China instead?
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Junior Member
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Those nuclear attack subs are meant to be delivered to Australia in the 2040s. Now we are barely more than one year into that two decade-long waiting process.

So much for being an ally.

But then, maybe- just maybeeee- seeing how the Albanese administration has shown signs of reconciliation with China, perhaps China could just sell them those older (but can still be upgraded through retrofitting) 093 SSNs (not 093As) instead?

I mean, instead of having to wait for two decades, perhaps they would only need to wait for only (less than) one decade if they deal with China instead?
A lot of the domestic and foreign policy woes here are owed to Liberal Party figures like Scott Morrison and Peter Dutton. Outside of the corruption, they didn't hesitate on leaning hard into sinophobia and make deals without thinking them through. Labour is significantly better in that it is run by functioning adults with some actual competence and they don't use diplomatic mudslinging to score domestic political points.