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Most G7 nations have imposed sanctions on China on the grounds of national security. Teaming up for more coordinated attacks on China makes no different. Japan as a small island nation has typical small island mindset. It attempts to go around the world to undermine China and promote China's threat theory was doomed by it as perceived a lapdog of the US. Without respect, no other nations would adhere and take Japan seriously. That's why Japan can only jump up and down with its Western allies for a dog and pony show.
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Bro they feel the pinch, they need Russian energy and Chinese market to grow their economy and yet the American forbade them, so what more they can do BUT politely ask for compensation in a language that the Collective West understand Cause they still have their pride BUT it's better to be white than yellow...lol


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Sometimes, I feel that if China did a Nanjing on these imperialist b@stards that China would be completely justified in this situation given that Japan has given China almost every single reason in the world to have these worthless POS absolutely taken down for good. I mean the nation of Japan has become a joke and it is only the good fortune that the USA being around means China cannot give them some serious hell ( it to mention it isn’t really in the Chinese character to wantonly slaughter people like the Japs did. When their luck runs out and what will happen afterwards is anyone’s guess. Does anyone feel that what happened during WW2 to Japan hasn’t been enough to humble them and that quite frankly they are overdue for even more pain
If China ever occupied Japan you can bet that they won’t leave the leadership class in place like the US did. The average Japanese mostly just follow their leaders; it is far easier and better to just switch up the leadership than massacre the population


Registered Member
They are already talking about removing veto rights and go to majority vote for EU foreign policies. Hell they are also talking about a collective pot of money for rebuilding after covid and Ukraine so collective burden means collective taxation.
Brexit happened just because of the domestic disagreement on refugee crisis. That was not even enforced. Poland basically told refugee to fuck off. Now if they actually give ultimatem like this many country will just leave immediately. I can tell you even Germany and France disagree on many issues like the recent subsidies. Imagine if they force Poland to accept middle eastern refugee. Poland will leave fast. Germany and France will also quit if one were forced on the subsidy issue. It will not be a few fringe country like Hungary leaving. Majority of blocs have key disagreement it will collapse in no time.


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The American NASA Administrator started going full McCarthyist today, saying that China would claim territory on the moon, despite the US having already signed the Artemis Accords which laid plans for Anglo American taking of lunar territory. Guess the Americans aren't confident in their ability to return to the moon (...assuming they did go to the moon in the first place).
I might've missed the memo since this seems like such an obvious concern... but is there a possibility that the US just claims huge regions of space and builds area denial weapons to prevent China from building on the moon / going to space? The US usually accuses of others what they're really thinking for themselves.

I get that they've been competing for satellite orbits and comm frequencies already, and that the amount of SpaceX trash is already posing a massive risk to everything in orbit. Now the US Space Force is explicitly calling it a military frontier.


Registered Member
If China ever occupied Japan you can bet that they won’t leave the leadership class in place like the US did. The average Japanese mostly just follow their leaders; it is far easier and better to just switch up the leadership than massacre the population
That would be for the best, better to re-educate the Japanese on what is really important while getting rid of these imperial leadership pest while they are at it since there simp behaviour has caused far too many problems for anyone to trust them. I mean not to offend people but Shinzo Abe would have end up the way he did if he wasn’t such a horrible POS as a leader in general. His leadership allowed the USA to destroy Japan more than anyone else prior which ultimately helped China along quite a bit mind you. Still given how dumb down the Japanese are right now, I would wager that China could crush them at any time but why put all those lives to waste when the leaders can be replaced when the time comes and then China can basically return the favour in a more humane manner to show which nation is the real deal, not some useless satellite state. Admittedly I felt a bit sadistic earlier but sometimes when a nation becomes that much of a b!tch without a shred of dignity and honour, I just cannot help but lose sympathy for them even though it isn’t right


Registered Member
That would be for the best, better to re-educate the Japanese on what is really important while getting rid of these imperial leadership pest while they are at it since there simp behaviour has caused far too many problems for anyone to trust them. I mean not to offend people but Shinzo Abe would have end up the way he did if he wasn’t such a horrible POS as a leader in general. His leadership allowed the USA to destroy Japan more than anyone else prior which ultimately helped China along quite a bit mind you. Still given how dumb down the Japanese are right now, I would wager that China could crush them at any time but why put all those lives to waste when the leaders can be replaced when the time comes and then China can basically return the favour in a more humane manner to show which nation is the real deal, not some useless satellite state. Admittedly I felt a bit sadistic earlier but sometimes when a nation becomes that much of a b!tch without a shred of dignity and honour, I just cannot help but lose sympathy for them even though it isn’t right
China can't do anything to Japan while it's still a colony of the US.

The next opportunity will come during the liberation of Taiwan, when Japan will most likely be forced by their masters to join in the war.

In the aftermath (once Japan/US loses), China can absorb Miyako Islands under Taiwan province, grant Ryukyu independence and split up the main islands into 3-5 countries.


Registered Member
Nice development for Afghanistan-China relations.

Although, the major concern would be security and safety. This is in light of recently development, as Pakistan is readying to launch military actions against Pakistani Taliban (TTP) hideouts in Afghanistan. So the risk of the situation getting increasingly chaotic in Afghanistan remains high as ever.



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Pierre de Gaulle, the grandson of former French President General Charles de Gaulle, has shared his opinions on the war and has defended Russia, which he believes is being conspired against.

The grandson of former French President General Charles de Gaulle said the West had planned a “conspiracy” against Russia in advance and believes Putin is just defending himself against sanctions.

Speaking to
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at the Russian Centre for Science and Culture, Pierre de Gaulle said that he considers it “extremely important for France to maintain and develop relations of mutual understanding and cooperation with Russia, primarily through historical ties, the common destinies that unite us.”

He added: “Europeans should not forget that only maintaining relations with Russia is a guarantee of stability and prosperity in Europe and in the world. Unfortunately, the consequences of the current crisis are reflected primarily in Europe.

“Of course, the whole world suffers as a result of anti-Russian sanctions. But above all, Russia’s recent partners in Europe are suffering, and France is among them. This crisis greatly weakens the balance that my grandfather always tried to maintain, even in the most difficult times.”

Speaking about Russian and French historical relations, Pierre de Gaulle added: “France managed to maintain this balance throughout the Cold War, it began to be established between France and the USSR immediately after the Second World War.

“After all, then Russia found itself in the same camp with the countries that defeated the Nazi occupiers, and therefore with France. And that is why my grandfather always, always tried to maintain respectful relations with Russia.”

The grandson of Charles de Gaulle, who was also a French army general, said that he believes it is in “France’s interest to continue this policy and to maintain a balance between East and West in our policy, because this is essential for the stability of Europe.”

He then slammed the US for its part in the war.

He said: “I think that public opinion in France is beginning to understand what the evil game of the Americans is today. By using lies primarily when communicating with allies within NATO, the United States has managed to use the Ukrainian crisis to destabilise Europe.”

“The Americans, as it were, cut off Europe from Russia, set the Europeans against the Russians. Why would they do that? Because Europe in alliance with Russia could be a strong bloc both politically and economically, culturally and socially – in general, up to 500 million people live in the EU and Russia,” he added.

“Ever since the Vietnam War and the economic crises that followed, Americans have always tried by force, cunning and other dishonest means to make up for the loss of their economic and political influence, although it is inevitable.

“In particular, the Americans are trying to slow down the dollar’s loss of its status as the only (that is, monopoly) world exchange currency. And this policy continues.”

Speaking about the EU, de Gaulle was quick to accuse the European Commission of being a haven for thieves.

“With regard to Europe, my grandfather really advocated a Europe of nations, that is, for each country to cooperate with others in the name of the European Union, economic and political, but with a certain autonomy in politics and decision-making,” the Frenchman said.

“Instead, we ended up in a system dominated by a technocracy that imposes its directives on each of the member states. This technocracy is, unfortunately, extremely corrupt.”

He added: “For some reason, they stopped writing about this in the press, but when Ursula von der Leyen was appointed President of the European Commission, she was also credited with the remaining unexplained expenses of about 100 million euros associated with the hiring of external consultants, consulting firms, when she was defence minister.

“These questions are passed over in silence. There is also a lot of talk about the ties between the President of the European Commission and pharmaceutical companies.
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. He was supposed to speak before the European Commission. But both times he refused.”

“I would like a little more honesty and transparency at the level of the European Commission, which adopts certain laws. After all, when we talk about the leaders of the European Commission, we are talking about people who were not elected by the citizens of European states,” he said.

“Unfortunately, these gentlemen from the European Commission still do not know how to keep their word. It’s a disaster, but today’s European leaders are like that. I would like at least a little more transparency in their actions.