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One thing that I truly appreciate a ton lot is how China did not follow the Soviet way of managing administrative divisions within the country.

Like seriously, not even the preceeding Russian Tsarist Empire has ever allowed the kind of automony at higher levels of the regional governance as much as the Soviet Union did with their respective Soviet Socialist Republics (SSRs). Setting up those SSRs and leaving the entire union as some kind of grouping of federations of republics with their own system of communist party and government, rather than attempting to gradually absorbing and integrating them proved to be a recepie for disaster.
those communist parties didnot have the power to force Soviets to do there bidding otherwise Baku should have been the capital of Soviet Union. it was first among the oil production and highly educated Jewish Life. Imagine Soviet expansion based on Azeri interests or part of Afghanistan that ethnically Uzbek/Tajik/Turkmen etc already integrated to Soviets. No need to wait until 1979.
Soviet is Ukrainian creation so you have to look at things from that narrow perspective.
Also a state that has so much Turkic muslims would not have been able to built relations with Gulf Arabs like Russia have today with them.
current arrangement perfectly works fine for Russia and is attracting students/ workers and these countries are not under sanction.


Registered Member
Idk, Kardashian family achieved their status through their own effort. Kardashianization may in fact be considered an upgrade, when what is happening here is clearly a downgrade.
I thought it was mostly due to the size Kim’s ass but go figure. Still I am wondering if the whole situation in California is supposed to be as dangerous as those earthquake specialist say it is or if it is yet another smoking gun. Still those bomb cyclones (whatever that is) seems to be quite disastrous right now


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The government’s move to encourage people to relocate comes as it worries over Japan’s below-replacement-level birth rate — a demographic reality for several decades and one stubbornly resistant to a succession of efforts to encourage the creation of larger families. Japan’s baby cohort is also shrinking more rapidly than previously forecast. In 2021, the number of births in Japan fell to just over 811,000. Forecasts based on the first nine months of 2022 suggest that the number will have fallen to below 800,000 for the first time since records began in the late 19th century. In its comprehensive forecasts for future population size published in 2017, the government-affiliated National Institute of Population and Social Security Research did not see that line being crossed until 2030.


Registered Member
Did the door slam shut for further American meddling towards China-ASEAN and issues regarding the South China Sea?

Those drive bys from those American ships, seem kind of pointless when we listen to that interview.
The door is not closed yet but the Philippines is waving the US good bye when it comes to the South China Sea.
When the Code of conduct is signed by all parties, I see that has the door being slam shut for further American meddling in the South China Sea.