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EU in its original form was mostly an economic bloc. Members joined for econmic benefit not for changing internal politics. If it attempt to override national politics it will collapse. Because what will it do if a nation say no? Kick it out? If they starting to kick members not agreeing to surrender soverignty then very quickly there will be no members left.
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Registered Member
EU in its original form was mostly an economic bloc. Members joined for econmic benefit not for changing internal politics. If it attempt to override national politics it will collapse. Because what will it do if a nation say no? Kick it out? If they starting to kick members not agreeing to surrender soverignty then very quickly there will be no members left.
They are already talking about removing veto rights and go to majority vote for EU foreign policies. Hell they are also talking about a collective pot of money for rebuilding after covid and Ukraine so collective burden means collective taxation.


Registered Member
Baerbock is simply following orders from Langley/Washington; a consolidated EU slaved to the US is a longstanding US aim. Democracy and universal suffrage have only ever been myths that the Atlanticsts cynically use to gain advantage and power.

The EU basically bribes applicants, member nations with choice programs, good jobs (MEP anyone? Nigel Farage started off as an MEP) and makes it politically inconvenient for Trump type figures like Orban to break away from the EU (try telling Hungarian or Irish Elites that they can't send their kids to Rome to study 'art' under Erasmus or taking EU grants away from the women of that country).
Idk, Kardashian family achieved their status through their own effort. Kardashianization may in fact be considered an upgrade, when what is happening here is clearly a downgrade.
Waiting and dreading the Royals' Sex Tape.

This is going to conflict with the US mandate against chip engineers working for Chinese chip firms. How they square that circle?


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One thing that I truly appreciate a ton lot is how China did not follow the Soviet way of managing administrative divisions within the country.

Like seriously, not even the preceeding Russian Tsarist Empire has ever allowed the kind of automony at higher levels of the regional governance as much as the Soviet Union did with their respective Soviet Socialist Republics (SSRs). Setting up those SSRs and leaving the entire union as some kind of grouping of federations of republics with their own system of communist party and government, rather than attempting to gradually absorbing and integrating them proved to be a recepie for disaster.

For instance, you even have divisions in the Red Army according to their respective SSRs, such as the Belarussian Front Armies, Ukrainian Front Armies, Georgian Front Armies, Armenian Front Armies, etc in the Great Patriotic War.

As soon as Moscow is headed by one who is both incompetent and easily swayed by malign foreign influences to loosen central control over the Soviet Union, the dissolution and disintegration of the entire union is just a matter of time. This eventually became a reality when Gorbachev kickstarted the decentralization of the union, and you can already see how quickly elements vying for independence sprang up across those SSRs like mushrooms. Coupled with Western support for these elements in these respective SSRs (Ukraine and the Baltic states are prime example of this), and the rest is history.

What Mao's China definitely did right is centralizing significant portions of the governance of the country in Beijing. Even for autonomous regions, they all would still have to rely on Beijing on major issues like security, defense and certain local policies. This meant that even if there are elements of seperatism and extremism that pops up in those autonomous regions, they got immediately crushed by Beijing.

Imagine the new China in 1950 under Mao decided to adopt similar administrative divisions for China as the Soviet Union, i.e. Union of Chinese Socialist Republics (UCSR), and then designate autonomous regions as Chinese Socialist Republics, or CSRs. You would have:
1. Tibetan CSR, capital Lhasa, headed by the Communist Party of Tibet as a branch of the CPC;
2. Inner Mongolia CSR, capital Hohhot, headed by the Communist Party of Inner Mongolia as a branch of the CPC;
3. Xinjiang CSR, capital Urumqi, headed by the Communist Party of Xinjiang as a branch of the CPC;
4. Guangxi CSR, capital Nanning, headed by the Communist Party of Guangxi as a branch of the CPC; and
5. Ningxia CSR, capital Yinchuan, headed by the Communist Party of Ningxia as a branch of the CPC.

Seeing how the US-led West and India have been proactively backing and supporting seperatism and extremism in Tibet, Xinjiang and Hong Kong, imagine how things would have gone differently had China followed the Soviet Union.
The CPSU was different because the majority (iirc two-thirds) of the founding members of the Bolshevik party were ethnic minorities. In fact the population of the Russian SFSR was only 50% of the total population of the USSR; Khrushchev, Brezhnev and Gorbachev had Ukrainian roots; Stalin was Georgian and Lenin had German-Buryat heritage. Yugoslavia had pretty much the same problem. Essentially it would be the equivalent of imperial China annexing Japan, Vietnam, Korea, Burma, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Malaysia, Brunei, Philippines and then the PRC making them into constituent Republics; way too many people to integrate.


Most G7 nations have imposed sanctions on China on the grounds of national security. Teaming up for more coordinated attacks on China makes no different. Japan as a small island nation has typical small island mindset. It attempts to go around the world to undermine China and promote China's threat theory was doomed by it as perceived a lapdog of the US. Without respect, no other nations would adhere and take Japan seriously. That's why Japan can only jump up and down with its Western allies for a dog and pony show.
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So according to this article for China to improve relations with the u.s, she has to basically surrender sovereignity of Taiwan, HK, Xinjiang and Inner Mongolia and in return of all of that China will get the "international recognition" she "desperately" craves lol

How can you negotiate with these maniacs?

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"To help counter scrutiny of their domestic governance record, they will want to present an image to their people of being afforded dignity and respect abroad. Nowhere will such symbolism matter more than in the U.S.-China context. How China’s leaders are seen to be managing relations with the United States often is a factor in how their performance is perceived at home."

Even in the first paragraph you can already see the author doesn't know anything about anything, it's good thing that he preface most of his article with delusional bs, saves you time reading the rest of the nonsense.