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Deleted member 23272

The same can be said about China 20 or 30 years ago when Chinese "brains" tried so hard to migrate to the west. Chinese market was so tiny for business. Nobody back then thought Chinese companies were going to give a headache to the west. Look at it now. BTW those Chinese emigrants didn't return, nor were they expected to return, today's China is built without them. So those Russian "talent" in the west today aren't needed for future Russia, they are irrelevant.
China was a developing country that basically started from the bottom, by some metrics Mariana trench bottom. As China developed, accrued capital through manufactering and overseas investment, educated its population, it created the conditions necessary to foster a competitive business environment and entrepeneurship.

Russia meanwhile was already superpower, screwed it up once, and are miraculously on the path to screwing it up for the second time. They have fewer options to grow their economy and their demographics are even worse than China's. Point is, compared to China Russia's trajectory for sometime has only been downhill.
Yes, Russia alone is a small market, but who told you that Russia only has Russian population as its market? Who told you that the only big market is in the west?
Well I didn't say only Russia, I said the market Russia multinationals cater to in addition to Russia were the former Soviet countries, which is still in the end a tiny market. There are bigger markets than the West? Well no shit, everyone knows today that China is the biggest market in the world. In which case okay, do you forsee in the future Russia coming up with a smartphone brand, tech app, electric vehicle, or home appliance that Chinese will absolutely go gaga over compared to their own brands? Maybe one day a Mandarin version of Yandex will come swooping in, eat Baidu's lunch, and I'll eat my words.

But with the brain drain that Russia has experienced, in conjunction with the existing corruption, cronyism, and the greater control over ideaology and nationalism that Putin has exerted on the country, none of this exactly screams, "I want to start my groundbreaking business here!"


Registered Member
Bro we do think alike, we Chinese sure know how to negotiate, we never deviate from our basic principle from Sun Tzu " when you surround your enemy, leave an outlet free" for westerner such idiom is an oxymoron strategy (they prefer a zero sum game) BUT from experience it means leave an option for a political solution, so you're correct a win win strategy.;)

Yeah brother, that is the problem right now.

The Chinese, insists on the win-win.

The Americans, are trying to play spoiler, in the region, and the military is a part of that equation.

This cannot continue. One side with the win-win, a term straight out of the textbook from MBA school in the west, wants to increase business. The other side wants confrontation and military solutions.

Yet, that is what people in the region are being faced with.

The more the Americans push, the more these options comes clearer.

The way the Americans are framing it, it is a choice between war and peace, the way they push it. All of ASEAN knows who is offering peace, and who is offering war.

The problem for the Americans, is this strategy has reached its logical dead end. Go fight that war alone, that basically is the outcome.

The problem for China and ASEAN, is how is management of this disengagement from the Americans, without disrupting anything.

It is a strange time in history. The superpower nuisance. Heh.



Registered Member
Yeah brother, that is the problem right now.

The Chinese, insists on the win-win.

The Americans, are trying to play spoiler, in the region, and the military is a part of that equation.

This cannot continue. One side with the win-win, a term straight out of the textbook from MBA school in the west, wants to increase business. The other side wants confrontation and military solutions.

Yet, that is what people in the region are being faced with.

The more the Americans push, the more these options comes clearer.

The way the Americans are framing it, it is a choice between war and peace, the way they push it. All of ASEAN knows who is offering peace, and who is offering war.

The problem for the Americans, is this strategy has reached its logical dead end. Go fight that war alone, that basically is the outcome.

The problem for China and ASEAN, is how is management of this disengagement from the Americans, without disrupting anything.

It is a strange time in history. The superpower nuisance. Heh.

Hence it would for the best if the USA quickly makes a fatal mistake and ends up getting the EU and USA target by Russias hypersonic arsenal while China doesn’t suffer any real damage in order to force the world to change because right now, the longer the USA continues this salami slicing bullsh!t, the more everyone will suffer. All I can say right now is that I hope the on coming civil war be as nasty and painful as possible so that the world can finally get a real look at the true America, not some Hollywood inspired bullsh!t and probably convince these EU backstabber either they stop with this mongrel subservience or get creamed by the oncoming energy and refugee disasters that are right around the corner. I have extremely little sympathy for these leaders that suck up to the USA in that sickening shameless manner, that quite frankly they should hurry up and leave this mortal coil for people that actually care about the people


Western allegation but still based. Only hard power matters. Nice fan-fic though
The square-jawed Qin Gong is blunt and doesn't mince words. That's why he is denigrated by some as the "wolf-warrior" diplomat.

Today's fine example of Western "values":
Men's prison should provide tampons:

Children's drag show:


Registered Member
My 5 cents: The total lack of accountability and self-awareness of the Anglo-American neocon/neolib regime and its vast propaganda apparatus is mind boggling. Reality no longer seems to matter to them. It seems that these people have learned nothing from hundreds of years of imperialism. How is this even possible that a people can be so diluted as these people ? They believe their own lies and deceptions and they have been making decisions based on their own lies and deceptions (for the past 20 years). Totally unwilling to take any responsibility for their malign and destructive behavior on the world stage, yet trying to sell themselves as the "good guys". I hope one day soon, that their will be a day of reckoning and accounting for these neocon/neolib imperialist/propagandist scumbags , where the world and their own citizens will see them for what they truly are.
I am not sure whats wrong with reaching out. .
Tony Blair became Peace envoy in Middeast. do you think Arabs would deal with him unless he has done favors for them. It may be those favors return that keep Pound afloat for so long. If there was no Tony Blair. do you think Britain would became Germany?


Registered Member
Are you for real. Zhejiang is in the top 5. Where does this leave hebei then? Surely area around Beijing is the best protected?


Junior Member
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I am not sure whats wrong with reaching out. .
Tony Blair became Peace envoy in Middeast. do you think Arabs would deal with him unless he has done favors for them. It may be those favors return that keep Pound afloat for so long. If there was no Tony Blair. do you think Britain would became Germany?
I might have gotten a bit carried away with my expressions about the hypocracy and sheer arrogance dispalyed by this propaganda piece but I do realize that this "East / West" confrontation and its players is not a simple black and white affair.


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Ukraine's Defense Minister Reznikov with a pre-New Year message and warning to the Russians. This is part of NATO's scenario to cause internal rebellion in Russia, chaos, protests and removal of Putin from power. Zelensky is convinced that if Putin is gone, the war is over and Russia falls apart.

"You only have one week left": Reznikov warns Russians about Putin's plans

Reznikov's statement with English subtitles:



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Poland, from some sources, already have more than 1000 death(which means possibly 4000 casualties, if the ratio of death vs wounded is 1 vs 3) in this supposed Russia-Ukraine war. BTW, Poland only has 61200 troops according to Wikipedia. That is a huge loss for them.
They are too close to Ukraine so they do need more troops to safeguard their border from refugees and possible warlords years later. But why fight with Russia directly, I don't know.
Russian sources frequently report that their army encounters Poland troops mixed with Ukraine troops at the north front(Kupyansk-Kreminna). Even, in some cases, more Poland troops than Ukraine troops.


Registered Member
Russia meanwhile was already superpower, screwed it up once, and are miraculously on the path to screwing it up for the second time. They have fewer options to grow their economy and their demographics are even worse than China's. Point is, compared to China Russia's trajectory for sometime has only been downhill.
where does Russia screw up. It is foremost Nuclear Power, its energy industry delivery in harsh circumstance is second to none in all directions. It has all the right demographics for growth for things that matter like Aviation, semicon, Food production. It built a society that is very attractive to Gulf Arabs. it is the last part that matter alot in this world.