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I wont worry about threat of cut. SWIFT is the much bigger system, the cut is doing more damage to itself than harming Chinese system. In fact, it is the reason alternative system gained any traction at all.

Spot on. Alternative systems won’t appear until the existing system is unusable. By weaponising the currencies (dollar/euro/pound/yen) and payment infrastructure (SWIFT), alternative system will now appear as there is an incentive for it. Just like without the chip ban against China, there would be no urgency to seek domestic alternatives. Same happened with banning Huawei from accessing Google’s mobile operating system which led to the creation of HarmonyOS.
US banned access to its capital markets for Chinese companies, so China developed its own capital markets and these companies listed in Shanghai, Shenzhen, Hong Kong. Banned China from the ISS, then China created her own space station. Banned access to GPS, China created her own navigation system.

West is playing the leverage cards they have right now due to desperation which is accelerating alternatives and diminishing their own geopolitical power and influence.


Lieutenant General
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Cheddar and Fish'n'chips are okay. Much of the UK's culinary tradition basically collapsed first with rationing in WW2 and in the decade post war when they were paying back the wartime loans they owed to the US. That is why their cooking is considered to be terrible. They spent over a generation living on government rations.


Lieutenant General
Increasing number of Asian countries are experimenting with de-dollarization to prevent being held "hostage". Dollar is still king, but everyone want to be ready to "flip the switch" when that day comes.

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Is anyone surprised when the US is going after and trying to undermine China just for being competition. Don't do better than the US and they won't go after you is all that the US is telling the world.

The US/Western system only works when they're the ones in power over everything. China going its own way and building an economic and technological ecological system separate from the West only weakens them. Why is everyone else looking for alternatives? Because the West has shown they're not a responsible party and they will abuse the power they have to get what the want. Being competition to the West is not a crime. When they say China is working to undermine the Western system... yeah if that means not being under their control... HELL YES!


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MIAMI (Reuters) - Norwegian Cruise Line must pay $110 million in damages for use of a port that Cuba's government confiscated in 1960, a U.S. judge ruled on Friday, a milestone for Cuban-Americans seeking compensation for Cold-War era asset seizures.

The decision by U.S. District Judge Beth Bloom in Miami follows her March ruling that the use of the Havana Cruise Port Terminal constituted trafficking in confiscated property owned by the plaintiff, Delaware-registered Havana Docks Corp.

"Judgment is entered in favor of Plaintiff Havana Docks Corporation and against Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings, Ltd," reads the decision.

"Plaintiff is awarded $109,848,747.87 in damages," it says, adding that Norwegian should also pay an additional $3 million in legal fees and costs.

Norwegian Cruise Line did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel has harshly criticized the Helms-Burton Act, describing it as an extra-territorial violation of international law.


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Russian companies with Western clients.
There are plenty of companies with non-Russian clients that stayed and continue working - VisionLabs, N-Tech Labs, etc. Some left due to sanctions, true - e.g. JetBrains. I am disputing the statement about SWIFT being the sole driver of exodus.
Some might have left because they did not want to be drafted as well. Which is why the Russian government made sure IT workers won't be drafted. Not that you would want a bunch of chair sitting geeks in the field with an AK-47 anyway. But for the most part the main reason was the SWIFT ban. I know people who work in the IT sector in Russia and they are still working there. Russian company with Russian clients.
Yandex has plenty of foreign customers. Those Yandex employees, Yandex have a huge business doing cloud services in Europe for clients outside Russia. Most of the people you talk about are doing precisely that.
Well, I also know people from IT sector in Russia. A lot of them left due to mobilization and uncertainty. Many continue working for Russian companies but outside of Russia. The bumpy first mobilization where there were cases of people who should not be mobilized getting drafted (some returned after the things cleared up), did not help too. Plus if most left due to SWIFT, then why even roll out all the boons - subsidized mortgage, draft protection, big tax cuts for IT companies, etc. All that won't help them to settle payments with foreign customers.

Yandex's business outside of Russia is not that big to warrant almost half of the staff being located outside. The largest is probably not the cloud service one but taxi services in Latin America and Africa. However, a lot of them are operated from stand-alone organizations, so I doubt the worker count goes towards the Yandex HQ. Plus, the article mentions the number of workers who left Russia just before that statement and it is suspiciously similar to the 30-40% figure given by the source.
I don't see how you can extrapolate the second number from the first but whatever.
Shadaev says that 10% of the IT workforce remains outside of the country. These 10% are the remaining 15% of IT workers who left the country before while 85% returned, this is according to the Russian government. Hence around 2/3 of the total IT workforce left the country at one point.
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Registered Member
That's everybody's preference and opinion. English "cuisine" should not be ahead of dog food most of the times.

Cheddar and Fish'n'chips are okay. Much of the UK's culinary tradition basically collapsed first with rationing in WW2 and in the decade post war when they were paying back the wartime loans they owed to the US. That is why their cooking is considered to be terrible. They spent over a generation living on government rations.
tbh Northern Europe cuisine isn't the best, especially if you've had sichuan cuisine or even mediterreanean cuisine; for eg Norwegian lutefisk tastes like someone pissed in your dish.They do make up for it with their fish soups though.
Is anyone surprised when the US is going after and trying to undermine China just for being competition. Don't do better than the US and they won't go after you is all that the US is telling the world.

The US/Western system only works when they're the ones in power over everything. China going its own way and building an economic and technological ecological system separate from the West only weakens them. Why is everyone else looking for alternatives? Because the West has shown they're not a responsible party and they will abuse the power they have to get what the want. Being competition to the West is not a crime. When they say China is working to undermine the Western system... yeah if that means not being under their control... HELL YES!
Any system works when there's excess wealth and surplus funds underwritten by the pillaging of centuries of colonialism and decades more of neocolonialism and dollar hegemony. Where that system is put to the test is how it can compete in the marketplace of scientific rationalism and ideas. We can already see in reality that free market capitalism, practiced as a religion by the Atlanticists is failing against the Scientific Development Concept approach being pioneered by the CPC, meaning the CPC doesnt subscribe religiously to any political or economic dogma, but rather to evidence based approaches.

Personally, i'd go even further and state that the seeds for the downfall of the West were sown by their own colonial excesses perpetrated upon the world, in a classic example of one being punished by their sins rather than for them, in that internecine, racialist violence in america was a byproduct of their industrial slavery and ongoing exploitation of the working masses, and the current problems that the EU has with migrant caravans are a byproduct of european coloniasm and destabilitation of africa and the middle east.

btw here's to an early Happy New Year, everyone!!!