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A brilliant success for the Americans. They have achieved their strategic goals
The purpose of NATO was "to keep the Soviet Union out, the Americans in, and the Germans down"
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by Daniel Capurro (The Telegraph)

The name Vladimir Putin is now a byword for villainy and deceitfulness - yet two decades ago, the desire to integrate Russia into the geopolitical establishment was such that Sir Tony Blair was calling for him to have a seat at the top table.

Newly released documents from the National Archives reveal how, in the wake of Sept 11, Sir Tony and other Western leaders thought that
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and convinced to work in favour of counter-terrorism and the liberal world order.

Just months after Putin had shocked the West with his army’s brutal destruction of the Chechen capital Grozny, he was
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, who visited him in Russia in March 2000.

Archival material reveals how intent the former prime minister was in reaching out to his Russian counterpart.

However, other world leaders were skeptical, with the United States in particular wary of whether Moscow had truly changed.

My 5 cents: The total lack of accountability and self-awareness of the Anglo-American neocon/neolib regime and its vast propaganda apparatus is mind boggling. Reality no longer seems to matter to them. It seems that these people have learned nothing from hundreds of years of imperialism. How is this even possible that a people can be so diluted as these people ? They believe their own lies and deceptions and they have been making decisions based on their own lies and deceptions (for the past 20 years). Totally unwilling to take any responsibility for their malign and destructive behavior on the world stage, yet trying to sell themselves as the "good guys". I hope one day soon, that their will be a day of reckoning and accounting for these neocon/neolib imperialist/propagandist scumbags , where the world and their own citizens will see them for what they truly are.
This is not unique to American politicians or US. I think, as a student of history, it is entrenched interests that are not going to relinquish their privileges voluntarily via peaceful means, regardless of races, states or societies. This issue is magnified in the US today and is decades in the making. MAGA has only one pragmatic way to succeed: safeguarding the constitution. But entrenched interests have been eroding the constitution from left and right, particularly accelerating this process after the end of the Cold War. US today is vastly different from the US 100 years ago or even 50 years ago. As you pointed out, neocon and neolib are the two sides of the same extremism, which are spreading like viruses.

When people are growing old with entrenched interests,
(1) people hear what they want to hear,
(2) people see what they want to see, and
(3) people believe in what they want to believe.

This phenomenon occurred throughout the Chinese dynastic history. US is no exception.


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Bro we do think alike, we Chinese sure know how to negotiate, we never deviate from our basic principle from Sun Tzu " when you surround your enemy, leave an outlet free" for westerner such idiom is an oxymoron strategy (they prefer a zero sum game) BUT from experience it means leave an option for a political solution, so you're correct a win win strategy.;)
Watch the US dig itself into an economic hole and China bail them out again like in 2008 (with some favorable conditions attached, of course). Forcing them into a win-win situation would be at the height of irony.

At that point, China really would be the cool-headed "elder brother" of the world.

We might even see the West call China "our reliable long-time friend" in 30 years (with absolutely zero recollection of the 2020s lol) once China widens the lead.


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I genuinely don’t understand. DW just stated the price of LNG has come down to pre war levels. How is that possible? and if so, why are they still spending crazy amounts on energy subsidies?
The prices are some future delivery. it has much less to do with actual energy price that utility charges to consumer. Unless Germany can practically show to its consumer it can revert back prices.
Its already scaring away investments. Elon Musk now talk much less about Giga Berlin.
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Israel with much larger population gains in recent years will attract much more investments. Already most of latest Intel chips designs are from Israel and they have investments going on continuously. Saudis use Intel vpro version of chips in there government systems. so we can already conclude they have appreciation for reliability, security and remote management of that hardware and software.
The more Middleast gains importance the more other regions of the world will be shafted and they will not know what is happening.


Registered Member
Watch the US dig itself into an economic hole and China bail them out again like in 2008 (with some favorable conditions attached, of course). Forcing them into a win-win situation would be at the height of irony.

At that point, China really would be the cool-headed "elder brother" of the world.

We might even see the West call China "our reliable long-time friend" in 30 years (with absolutely zero recollection of the 2020s lol) once China widens the lead.
Nonsense, this time the USA has dug itself into a hole and China is going to leave them to honestly die in it this time. There will be no win win situation for the USA this time, they had there chances and blew it quite frankly with everything that the USA has done to China as ‘thanks’, this time around better let the USA collapse properly this time as they repaid Chinese kindness with poison. Right now is not the time to do any saving, unless it is to put the raging dog into a hearse that is because I do not share Cyrus Jensen’s belief that relations will ever improve. The only way it can improve God willing is when all of Americas hubris and collective disasters happen at the same time within the ‘hour’ as per dimitri duduman and completely strips the nation of all of its strength and collective resources and then what’s left will be begging China for help them and even at the time, China probably would not give them the time of day. Normally I wouldn’t be this pessimistic but at this point, there is no saving that sh!thole of a country and almost everyone here knows it. Also happy new year to all and I hope we will all make it through
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Republican anti-intellectualism truly worked. Americans really think China has leverage over the USA just because a few Chinese companies own 800 km^2 of US farmland in total. I looked it up and it is like 1/6000 of total US farmland. It took me 3-5 mins to reach these numbers. The US media and politicians routinely extremely oversimplify things, mix in a lot of lies and use it to fearmonger. Politicians can and do lie, that's normal. What's not normal is you can lie without limits in the USA. Especially conservative Americans are ultra gullible. Just play into their existing prejudices (which there are many) and they will believe you.

Regardless of that, anti-China is hysteria in the USA. Both parties are competing in how much they hate China to gather votes. They drove themselves to the corner in that and there is no turning back. They are prisoners of their own past propaganda. I'd say it is likely that we will see a complete severance of US-China diplomatic ties in less than a decade.



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Republican anti-intellectualism truly worked. Americans really think China has leverage over the USA just because a few Chinese companies own 800 km^2 of US farmland in total. I looked it up and it is like 1/6000 of total US farmland. It took me 3-5 mins to reach these numbers. The US media and politicians routinely extremely oversimplify things, mix in a lot of lies and use it to fearmonger. Politicians can and do lie, that's normal. What's not normal is you can lie without limits in the USA. Especially conservative Americans are ultra gullible. Just play into their existing prejudices (which there are many) and they will believe you.

Regardless of that, anti-China is hysteria in the USA. Both parties are competing in how much they hate China to gather votes. They drove themselves to the corner in that and there is no turning back. They are prisoners of their own past propaganda. I'd say it is likely that we will see a complete severance of US-China diplomatic ties in less than a decade.

so thankful! obviously an amazing person!


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