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Registered Member
i would say it will be related to Turkey. as most of exports now going through those pipes. They may collect some thing in there banks.
what kind of economic activity Turkey does that it has now $100b trade deficit for this size of economy.
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Lieutenant General
Registered Member
Delusional bollocks. Russia selling the gas in rubles staved off the collapse of the ruble vs the USD and EUR by increasing demand for rubles after SWIFT ban and the West dumping all its rubles on the market crashed it hard. Most economists considered gas sales in rubles a masterstroke. A lot of those countries which refused to pay in rubles still owe Russia one month of gas since they only had to pay every end of the month. This includes Poland and Finland.

Russia did not cancel supplies via Yamal pipeline. It was the West which did not order any gas through it and kept clogging up the pipeline with reverse flows from Germany to Poland. And these retards still think Russia blew its own NS1 and NS2 pipelines. Siemens also proved their ineptitude since they can't even service the gas turbines they produce in their own facilities.

Russia did not "use energy as a weapon". In fact it was the EU which tried to use its position as a large energy consumer to act as if they were a monopsony with things like the price cap on oil. Most countries in Russia's position would have stopped energy sales and trade with Europe, given they are actively supporting the other side in a military conflict Russia is in, on its own border to boot, with weapons equipment, and cash. And the US clearly sabotaged the gas supply in Germany with little concern for their supposed ally's lives and in fact bilked them to death on LNG. So who used energy as a weapon here.
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Senior Member
Registered Member

The truth is quite different.

The March decree is not rescinded but has three additional paragraphs added to it. The scope of change is limited to delayed payments. However, the approach - debt is not cleared until monies reach/cleared by a Russian bank is the same as in rouble payments.

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MOSCOW, Dec 30 (Reuters) - Russia will allow countries to pay debt settlements for gas supplies in a foreign currency, according to changes made by President Vladimir Putin on Friday to his earlier decree on rouble payments for gas.

The document also clarifies that the debt settlement does not automatically mean the resumption of gas supplies. It also does not alter the previously stated requirements for a foreign buyer of Russian gas to pay for it in roubles.


Lieutenant General
Registered Member
It says it is a supplement to the previous decree where debts in foreign currency have to be paid to a Russian bank account and only after the money is received is the debt cleared. It also states debt repayment does not entitle that client to resumption of gas supplies. In other words, if you are an unfriendly country and you owe money, you can pay in foreign currency, but not to a European bank where it can be confiscated as it used to be the case, it has to be received in a Russian bank, and don't expect to get more gas in the future. Seems pretty clear to me this is to settle outstanding debts from sore dine and dashers like Poland and Finland.


Registered Member
I already can't remember the latest incarnation of the American alternative to BRI.
No not Build Back Better World or B3W, that one has a really catchy name that's easy to remember. I mean the one after that.
The most pathetic one was called 'Blue Dot Network', such a milqetost, flaccid concept.

President Xi’a message for the new year, really makes me wonder how far the US has fallen