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China's position on Ukraine conflict is very prudent. China doesn't care what US thinks but it does care about Europe despite their hostility. Remember, EU still has leverage such as Dutch's resistance to US's proposal to ban ASML DUV, Scholz visiting Beijing and making a statement against decoupling, Macron cooperating with China on BRI in Africa, etc. The relationship with EU is complicated but is worth saving IMO, especially since there is a growing rift between US and EU taking place over thinks like LNG costs and Biden's IRA.
So China will continue normal relations with Russia such as increased economic integration and military cooperation in the Pacific but won't cross EU's red lines (circumventing sanctions and sending Russia military aid).

EU is no better than the US. Both are imperialists that want to weaken China. EU is already weakened after taking on Russia, they don’t have the capability to take on China as well.

Threats against China must not go unanswered.


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China should not be intimidated by these bullies. They have destroyed the One-China principle which is China’s redline. They are already sanctioning Chinese companies regardless of support to Russia. Time to play ball with supporting Russia in all areas. Every sanctioned blockade must be broken and provide Russia with whatever assistance they need to win the war. There will be consequences for destroying the One-China principle. Payback!


Registered Member
And? As long as the current policies in Russia continue, there's unlikely to be a normalization of relations with the West and thus point still stands that those tech workers will unlikely come back. As for what's left in Russia, all they have left to work with is the Russian market and a few ex-Soviet states. Which is pretty tiny and unlikely to give further rise to globally competitive companies.
The same can be said about China 20 or 30 years ago when Chinese "brains" tried so hard to migrate to the west. Chinese market was so tiny for business. Nobody back then thought Chinese companies were going to give a headache to the west. Look at it now. BTW those Chinese emigrants didn't return, nor were they expected to return, today's China is built without them. So those Russian "talent" in the west today aren't needed for future Russia, they are irrelevant.

Yes, Russia alone is a small market, but who told you that Russia only has Russian population as its market? Who told you that the only big market is in the west? Who told you that anybody need the west to succeed? Welcome to the 21st century, you are witnessing the building of a parallel world to the west, headed by China and the like-minded people on this planet, and Russia is one of the main members of the eastern world.

Bottom line and the new reality is, the west means a lot less for other people to be successful, get used to it.
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Registered Member
And here I am saying he is a western stooge and nobody here believes me.

The CIA more or less killed his father.

So, no, a Western stooge the son is not one of those.

What is more likely, is domestic political concerns, and the CIA got their hooks into Mr. Bong's opponents.

What China has to do to the Philippines, is what it has done with Vietnam.

Focus on the positives. Sure, there are the territorial disputes, those are still kind of minor in the big picture of things.

Enlarge everything else in Filipino-Sino relations, then the smaller the irritants become. In turn, the smaller window, that closes on the Americans to play their dirty tricks.

It is still the same boring story, the win-win relationship.



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They left Russia because they were working for foreign companies and with SWIFT money transfers being blocked they could not continue to operate and get paid without leaving. IT workers who had jobs for Russian companies and clients have remained there for the most part.
No, the head of Russian Ministry of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Media said that
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, so it had little to do with SWIFT. Highlighted the exact part from the quote:
Порядка 100 тыс. ИТ-специалистов находятся сейчас за пределами нашей страны. При этом 80% из них продолжают работать на российские компании, находясь в дружественных странах
From the article, he also said that the number of IT workers who left the country and did not return is 10% of total. For example,
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according to Vedomosti's source:
По оценке собеседника «Ведомостей», знающего это от сотрудников компании, сейчас порядка 30-40% ее сотрудников работают из-за рубежа.
Another interesting thing - Russian government says that 85% of the IT workers who initially left the country eventually returned, which means that at the peak around 70% of the IT workforce were out of the country. That's pretty crazy unless the government has wrongly estimated the percentage of people who returned.
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Registered Member
it does not say whether these Russian firms are subcontractor to Western firms or they are supplying to Russian domestic market.

only this part is relevant.
Shadayev allowed restrictions for departed employees who work on state information systems - for this, appropriate requirements can be included in contracts.

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by Daniel Capurro (The Telegraph)

The name Vladimir Putin is now a byword for villainy and deceitfulness - yet two decades ago, the desire to integrate Russia into the geopolitical establishment was such that Sir Tony Blair was calling for him to have a seat at the top table.

Newly released documents from the National Archives reveal how, in the wake of Sept 11, Sir Tony and other Western leaders thought that
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and convinced to work in favour of counter-terrorism and the liberal world order.

Just months after Putin had shocked the West with his army’s brutal destruction of the Chechen capital Grozny, he was
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, who visited him in Russia in March 2000.

Archival material reveals how intent the former prime minister was in reaching out to his Russian counterpart.

However, other world leaders were skeptical, with the United States in particular wary of whether Moscow had truly changed.

My 5 cents: The total lack of accountability and self-awareness of the Anglo-American neocon/neolib regime and its vast propaganda apparatus is mind boggling. Reality no longer seems to matter to them. It seems that these people have learned nothing from hundreds of years of imperialism. How is this even possible that a people can be so diluted as these people ? They believe their own lies and deceptions and they have been making decisions based on their own lies and deceptions (for the past 20 years). Totally unwilling to take any responsibility for their malign and destructive behavior on the world stage, yet trying to sell themselves as the "good guys". I hope one day soon, that their will be a day of reckoning and accounting for these neocon/neolib imperialist/propagandist scumbags , where the world and their own citizens will see them for what they truly are.


Registered Member
This is the reason why the Five Eyes must not be allowed to lead humanity; they are an absolute yoke on the scientific and civilisational progress of mankind

The calls for a pre-emptive US led attack on China are increasing day by day:

Right? If you are a small or middle power, you would play both sides for maximum benefit. Just one-sided smearing about "bad influence", cutting off ties with 20% of humanity, #1 GDP PPP in the world, in exchange for what? What does US offer to compensate for these loss? US offers nothing, all they can do is fearmongering.
The US MO is to focus on the monied Elites of a country offering bribes, choice positions for their kids in US Ivy League schools.
They offer nothing to the people of the country beyond PR, because the US has built an internationalist capitalist financial system where the world's elites owe fealty more to the USG than to their own native countries. It takes a Ceasar type Patriot like Mao or Duterte to break that system.

I wondered why the US State Department has devolved into Mean Girls Junior High type tactics like discriminating against Chinese travelers over COVID despite advocating China to drop zero covid, and now i know, the US has no effective non war counter to Chinese foreign and economic success:

A concept of a Shared Future and Common Destiny for Manking is inherently more attractive than the feudal apartheid structure of the US financial system.


Registered Member
And here I am saying he is a western stooge and nobody here believes me.
Bro we need something to talk about so why not raise the issue to find a settlement? like I said from this discussion maybe we might conjure up a Code of Conduct in the SCS that will nullify the FON of the Collective West ( there will no legal obligation for them to be there as we the competing party reach an agreement) and sign an oil deal. ;) A person to person talk with substance is better to create mutual trust rather than telegraphing it to virtual signaling...lol


Registered Member
The CIA more or less killed his father.

So, no, a Western stooge the son is not one of those.

What is more likely, is domestic political concerns, and the CIA got their hooks into Mr. Bong's opponents.

What China has to do to the Philippines, is what it has done with Vietnam.

Focus on the positives. Sure, there are the territorial disputes, those are still kind of minor in the big picture of things.

Enlarge everything else in Filipino-Sino relations, then the smaller the irritants become. In turn, the smaller window, that closes on the Americans to play their dirty tricks.

It is still the same boring story, the win-win relationship.

Bro we do think alike, we Chinese sure know how to negotiate, we never deviate from our basic principle from Sun Tzu " when you surround your enemy, leave an outlet free" for westerner such idiom is an oxymoron strategy (they prefer a zero sum game) BUT from experience it means leave an option for a political solution, so you're correct a win win strategy.;)