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Well agreed that war is war and you do what you have to do to win for the interests of your nation. On the other hand, genocidal wars based on ethnic supremacy, where soldiers become motivated to do things like impaling infants on bayonets for fun are almost always unsavory in nature.

If its in China's geopolitical interests to support the Serbs, then so be it. I'm just finding it funny another user is describing Serbia as a nation that "never compromised on morality" when their recent history is as blood soaked as Imperial Japan's and Nazi Germany's. And arguably has the same syndrome as Japan where genociders are still held up as war heroes.
I worked with a now deceased retired Colonel who served in the Yugoslavian Military before that country split into their own separate entities. He was a Bosnian Croat, was unfortunately tortured by the Serbian Military and only managed to escape his captivity through the help of his old comrades that were no serving in the Serbian Military to whom he was tasked to kill and vice-versa in war.

I managed to impress upon him due to the fact that I managed to read up on that awful conflict splitting friends against each other along ethnic lines written by what many had thought or assumed to become Americas SOS, Amb Richard Holbrooke in his book "To End A War." That's where I first learned of the geeky, loner, water walker in U.S. Army parlance regarding officers that are promoted so quickly like then Lt.Gen. Wes Clark who served as J-5 (responsible for Strategy) in the Joint Chief of Staff of the U.S. military who then wrote his own book about his own experience from that conflict in Europe that most people in America hardly paid attention to and frankly gave a shit about (Kosovo War of 1999) Waging Modern Wars.

I can't and good conscience defend what the Serbs did in that civil war. Europe was as incompetent then as they are now. They could not deal with their own issues because they never had any cohesive stance that can be back by a single entity strong enough to actually will that continent to do something tangible. Which is why the U.S. had to always bail those Europeans then and now. George Bush Sr. did not want to get involve with Europe's growing mess; Bill Clinton saw an opportunity to assert his lack of foreign policy credentials took it upon his administration to apparently take some tangible actions that were sorely missing from the previous Republican administration headed by then Pres. Bush Sr. Anyways, I could go on and on about that conflict because I read up on that pretty extensively and had worked with a fellow that suffered at the hands of his former comrade-at-arms in Yugoslav Military.


Lieutenant General
One man terrorist is another man's freedom fighter. The Israelis Mossad kills a lot of innocent Palestinian and yet nobody called them a terrorist organization.
That's because the Judeo-Christian media controls the narrative. Talk to any Middle Easterner outside of Palestine they would agreed that Israel in an apartheid and terrorist act state to the people of Palestine.


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Resistance to EU diktats.
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President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has signaled European Union-Indonesia relationships to be at risk with the new Deforestation Regulation, warning that the EU should not attempt to dictate its sustainability standards to ASEAN if it wants to maintain its relationship with Indonesia going forward.


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Energy crisis means a ‘very dark winter’ for Europe’s forests​

NGOs say they speak for the trees, which they worry countries seem to be chopping as fast as they please.


Countries are sharply divided over what role forests should play in achieving the bloc's green goals | Ivo Panasyuk/AFP via Getty Images

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October 10, 2022 3:35 pm CET

Faced with soaring energy prices and potential blackouts, many EU governments are relaxing logging rules and encouraging people to burn wood to keep their houses warm — something campaigners say spells disaster for Europe's already vulnerable forests.

NGOs and scientists warn that consuming more wood for fuel risks decimating dwindling forests and increasing illegal logging — a claim the industry strongly rejects.

Logging protected forests to guarantee energy security is "crazy" and "very, very destructive," said Katalin Rodics, biodiversity campaigner with Greenpeace Hungary, who pointed out that forests in Hungary had already been damaged by this summer's extreme heat.

Countries are sharply divided over what role forests should play in achieving the bloc's green goals.

Campaigners say wood logging and monoculture plantations can harm biodiversity and will make it harder to reach climate targets, as forests currently act as the EU's main carbon sink. They also point out that wood-burning releases harmful pollutants including fine particulate matter, which
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to a number of health conditions.

Now some of Europe's most forested countries are allowing more logging to cushion the blow of the energy crisis and encourage wood burning to save on more scarce resources like gas — even if it means decreasing protection for forests.

“Europe is going to burn a considerable amount of wood this year,” said Martin Pigeon, forest and climate campaigner with the NGO Fern, adding the burning will likely be a record and that forests are going to experience a “very, very dark winter."


Registered Member
In any case, the victor write history... Ukraine will be rapidly forgetten by the west if they lose, Russia will be mudballed for life if they lose. We can see it each day on the news. 3 guys getting killed by a drone on an airbase in Russia is way worse than losing more than 200 ukrainian troops in one day...

Was the same for the Serb... any move they would do was amplified 20 times...
The U.S. administration under George Bush Sr. never wanted to involve the U.S. military in that simmering conflict boiling over in Europe. Then U.S. administration wanted the Europeans to handle their own mess and at first the European leaders wanted to assert that since the mess brewing was in their garden a.k.a. backyard it was right that they show some mantle of leadership and ownership to the growing pains in the Baltic States, especially in what was then Yugoslavia.

But as I have previously said, Europe is as impotent as they were then militarily could not influence the civil war that was happening under their very nose much to the annoyance of the Bush administration. It was Bill Clinton who saw the political opportunity as his way to spruce up his foreign policy bonafides that was clearly anemic in comparison to his political opponent he was trying to replace. So when he did win the White House, he sent his first SOS in Warren Christopher to follow up on the diplomatic front left behind for him by then outgoing SOS Jim Baker, whom many in the liberal (MSM) media thought was uncaring, unmotivated with the issue occurring in Europe. You can read up on the many diplomatic files that were release pertaining to these chain of events and the action or inactions depending on one's American political leanings and geopolitical interest can be interpreted.

It was after all, under the Democratic leadership of Bill Clinton that NATO was first enlarge and began to expand, which was continued by George Bush Jr. in 2008, then Obama...Richard Holbrooke himself had a shouting match with then Lt.Gen. Wes Clark regarding the said announcement of NATO expansion since the U.S. Army and Military at that time was adamantly opposed to NATO expansion as charged by then Joints Chief Gen. Shalikashvilli (Georgian ethnic background). But Holbrooke was fully committed to the mission given to him by his President Bill Clinton. An Arkansan who then charmed his fellow Arkansan boy in Gen. Wes Clark, a trait that was used by Clark's legion of detractors a.k.a. haters within the U.S. Army. To say that Bill Clinton was unpopular in the U.S. military is an understatement. There was no stronger insult than for anyone to say you're a Clinton General = A wuss, a p...y, and not a warrior's warrior as the late Col. David Hackworth would often derogatory say to many officers he detested, including Gen. Wesley Clark whom he coined as "Perfumed Prince" but I digress....

As hard as it is for most of us here to believe, American foreign policy is not as coherent as many of us here would think or concluded. It is subjected to the malign influence of in my opinion, arm chair quarterbacks, academic hacks, and chicken hawks like John Bolton, Bill Kristol, Canadian-American David Frum and many think tanks dominated by these charlatans. After all, one of the enduring legacies of these think tank monkeys is one PNAC or Project of the New American Century which William Kristol was a prominent member. Wrote a famous letter to Bill Clinton urging him to take action against Saddam Hussein, which they also tried to do in 1998 but could not get or hood winked the support of the American people at that time. They tried trotting out then SOS Madeline Albright to make the case for attacking Saddam Hussein in a live townhall meeting at Georgetown University where she was trashed by students questioning American sanctions that were actually killing more people that what Saddam Managed to do in his tenure as the leader of that country. I am sure some of you have seen her interview on 60 minutes in which the stenographer Leslie Stahl questioned the morality of sanctions where it was estimated to have killed over 500,000 people mostly women and children. She was asked point blank if the loss of lives were worth it, and without blinking SOS Albright said Yes....And they call Russians barbaric lol...

Anyway, my point here is that U.S. foreign policy decision makers aren't lead by serious people. They are being lead by losers, supremacist blinded by their own rhetoric that indeed the End of History had occured and PAX Americana is here to stay regardless of the changing new world order. That America has managed to eke out it's continued but declining lead is primarily the by product, sacrifice of the generation almost gone and will be forgotten sometime soon.. The country is instead lead by people who has never made great sacrifices, paid a heavy price to be sober in their thinking and approach with respect to any word issues. Who's America's foremost strategic thinker nowadays? Joe Rogan a f...ng podcaster? lol George Kennan he ain't.


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Energy crisis means a ‘very dark winter’ for Europe’s forests​

NGOs say they speak for the trees, which they worry countries seem to be chopping as fast as they please.


Countries are sharply divided over what role forests should play in achieving the bloc's green goals | Ivo Panasyuk/AFP via Getty Images

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October 10, 2022 3:35 pm CET

Faced with soaring energy prices and potential blackouts, many EU governments are relaxing logging rules and encouraging people to burn wood to keep their houses warm — something campaigners say spells disaster for Europe's already vulnerable forests.

NGOs and scientists warn that consuming more wood for fuel risks decimating dwindling forests and increasing illegal logging — a claim the industry strongly rejects.

Logging protected forests to guarantee energy security is "crazy" and "very, very destructive," said Katalin Rodics, biodiversity campaigner with Greenpeace Hungary, who pointed out that forests in Hungary had already been damaged by this summer's extreme heat.

Countries are sharply divided over what role forests should play in achieving the bloc's green goals.

Campaigners say wood logging and monoculture plantations can harm biodiversity and will make it harder to reach climate targets, as forests currently act as the EU's main carbon sink. They also point out that wood-burning releases harmful pollutants including fine particulate matter, which
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to a number of health conditions.

Now some of Europe's most forested countries are allowing more logging to cushion the blow of the energy crisis and encourage wood burning to save on more scarce resources like gas — even if it means decreasing protection for forests.

“Europe is going to burn a considerable amount of wood this year,” said Martin Pigeon, forest and climate campaigner with the NGO Fern, adding the burning will likely be a record and that forests are going to experience a “very, very dark winter."
Well if these idiots don’t want to freeze in winter and given that these NGOs ensured that they cannot get cheap energy like they can normally do, well either they have to chop down trees to keep warm, thus they should stfu about climate change given that they have no moral high ground want so ever, or either they offer their heads on a plate to Russia in hopes that they can have even a little bit of an access to the energy they once could use until they did everything they have done to sever ties with Russia. I really do believe the world will be a better place when these evil interest groups get rounded up, put onto a pacific island and nukes to kingdom come so that the world can finally move on because these POS are holding the world back