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What did they put into Baijiu served in the Zhongnanhai ?

I wont take all those Medvedev predictions. Medvedev will be first Russian leader that specifically visited Silicon valley and Bollywood studio. his priorities were out of place. He wanted to create gadgets like Apple. but Putin may have associated California culture with tech industry. you have to think about it who was right.

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Registered Member
I wont take all those Medvedev predictions. Medvedev will be first Russian leader that specifically visited Silicon valley and Bollywood studio. his priorities were out of place. He wanted to create gadgets like Apple. but Putin may have associated California culture with tech industry. you have to think about it who was right.

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Dollar going to zero in 2023 is possible, but Texas splitting apart in civil war to ally with Mexico seems far fetched


Registered Member
Will this move improve their chances of defending against the PLA?
Bro not against PLA BUT maybe a coup against the DPP, my brother in law who is a Taiwanese, we had a talk 3 days ago, there is a demoralization among the locals about their economic outlook, they need investment, a lot of investment instead what they're seeing is a capital flight with TSMC their crown jewel leading the way. He said that many of his friends had settled in Xiamen and other parts of Fujian and are doing good. He is trap, he is a chef by profession who can easily find employment in the mainland BUT with his aged he think he hasn't have the vigor. That for me is the microcosm of what happening in Taiwan, the DPP zap the energy of the Taiwanese people. I think there will be a reckoning Either fight the PLA and die for a useless gov't or launch a coup to prevent a war with China, He choose the latter....lol


Registered Member
It is funny how Taiwan fought so hard to shorten mandatory military service but gave it up so easily. DPP is damn good at manipulation.
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This is good news to be honest. Now Taiwan is going to waste even more money training useless conscripts when a war of reunification would be fought in the seas and skies.

1 year is not nearly long enough for troops to learn to use vehicles/weapons effectively as a unit. They are almost certainly going to be just poorly trained, poorly armed infantrymen that are inconsequential in any real conflict


Registered Member
Will this move improve their chances of defending against the PLA?

Just like what brother Ansy1968 said, this is probably the dumbest move that any politician can make.

What an idiot that Tsai is.

Remember, these are Chinese people we are talking about.

This mandatory conscription, will not have a rally around the flag effect.

"How come they are going to take us away? Does this mean there is going to be a war? Why does the government does not support peace?"

I cannot prove it, but this has always been my suspicion.

That the green, do not want to fight themselves, they want the blue to do the fighting.

But the blue hate the green, why fight for you? The blue would fight for themselves, but to fight for those green? They could fight for themselves.

Now here is Tsai, saying blue and green all must fight together.

This new policy, if it gets implemented, will induce at least two things.

There will be an awakening and realization.

1. It will raise the alarm of the Taiwan population. These are Chinese people. They will think if there is a war with China, there is no future. Because this war will never end until there is only one outcome.

2. If there is no future because of a war that will not end, no one will invest in Taiwan, capital will flee.

What seems remarkable here, is that militarily it does not look that good, and economically it seems to be going downhill, and yet, China has not really done anything.

All China has done is some grey-zone activities.

Taiwan does not seem to be able to handle that. What about a real war?

Looks like the old days are coming back. CCP will be soon dealing with the KMT again.



Registered Member
Just like what brother Ansy1968 said, this is probably the dumbest move that any politician can make.

What an idiot that Tsai is.

Remember, these are Chinese people we are talking about.

This mandatory conscription, will not have a rally around the flag effect.

"How come they are going to take us away? Does this mean there is going to be a war? Why does the government does not support peace?"

I cannot prove it, but this has always been my suspicion.

That the green, do not want to fight themselves, they want the blue to do the fighting.

But the blue hate the green, why fight for you? The blue would fight for themselves, but to fight for those green? They could fight for themselves.

Now here is Tsai, saying blue and green all must fight together.

This new policy, if it gets implemented, will induce at least two things.

There will be an awakening and realization.

1. It will raise the alarm of the Taiwan population. These are Chinese people. They will think if there is a war with China, there is no future. Because this war will never end until there is only one outcome.

2. If there is no future because of a war that will not end, no one will invest in Taiwan, capital will flee.

What seems remarkable here, is that militarily it does not look that good, and economically it seems to be going downhill, and yet, China has not really done anything.

All China has done is some grey-zone activities.

Taiwan does not seem to be able to handle that. What about a real war?

Looks like the old days are coming back. CCP will be soon dealing with the KMT again.

Bro IF Taiwan declare independence at the urging of US, the PLA will not use force BUT to implement a blockade, within a week you may see tank at the presidential palace pointing their gun on TSAI. And IF the Chinese sunk a US carrier, you may see SK and Japan declaring neutrality and forbade the use of US bases in their country.

To face a bully you need to bring a bigger gun than your opponent or in a street fight better fighting technic. So I support an arm race with the US cause I know the Chinese will win this contest, it is more cheaper than going to War, economically it benefit the Chinese economy, socially it will become a rallying point for Chinese nationalism and geopolitically we gain Escalatory Dominance, meaning scaring the American vassal to submission without fighting. ;)


Registered Member
Conscription is also a good way to turn your population anti-war.

Many young taiwanese currently support war/provocation against the PRC because they have a romanticised view of war and their armed forces. It's easy to say you'll fight when you've never actually even been to field training.

After 1 year of jungle trekking, digging holes and all the stupid things infantrymen have to do (while sweating your ass off and carrying heavy equipment etc), they'll probably realise that going to war and fighting in the jungle absolutely sucks.

They'll probably also realise how pointless resisting is after experiencing ROCAF leadership / planning / training
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President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has signaled European Union-Indonesia relationships to be at risk with the new Deforestation Regulation, warning that the EU should not attempt to dictate its sustainability standards to ASEAN if it wants to maintain its relationship with Indonesia going forward.


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Energy crisis means a ‘very dark winter’ for Europe’s forests​

NGOs say they speak for the trees, which they worry countries seem to be chopping as fast as they please.


Countries are sharply divided over what role forests should play in achieving the bloc's green goals | Ivo Panasyuk/AFP via Getty Images

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October 10, 2022 3:35 pm CET

Faced with soaring energy prices and potential blackouts, many EU governments are relaxing logging rules and encouraging people to burn wood to keep their houses warm — something campaigners say spells disaster for Europe's already vulnerable forests.

NGOs and scientists warn that consuming more wood for fuel risks decimating dwindling forests and increasing illegal logging — a claim the industry strongly rejects.

Logging protected forests to guarantee energy security is "crazy" and "very, very destructive," said Katalin Rodics, biodiversity campaigner with Greenpeace Hungary, who pointed out that forests in Hungary had already been damaged by this summer's extreme heat.

Countries are sharply divided over what role forests should play in achieving the bloc's green goals.

Campaigners say wood logging and monoculture plantations can harm biodiversity and will make it harder to reach climate targets, as forests currently act as the EU's main carbon sink. They also point out that wood-burning releases harmful pollutants including fine particulate matter, which
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to a number of health conditions.

Now some of Europe's most forested countries are allowing more logging to cushion the blow of the energy crisis and encourage wood burning to save on more scarce resources like gas — even if it means decreasing protection for forests.

“Europe is going to burn a considerable amount of wood this year,” said Martin Pigeon, forest and climate campaigner with the NGO Fern, adding the burning will likely be a record and that forests are going to experience a “very, very dark winter."
Sometimes I feel like all these sustainability legislations are just another way to keep the developing world poor and signal virtue. Every time there is an urban or infrastructure development in Africa or somewhere else, someone comes and says "They are killing the natural beauty of their lands,"

Guess what, natural beauty generates very little prosperity. You need industry and dense cities to prosper.


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Bro not against PLA BUT maybe a coup against the DPP, my brother in law who is a Taiwanese, we had a talk 3 days ago, there is a demoralization among the locals about their economic outlook, they need investment, a lot of investment instead what they're seeing is a capital flight with TSMC their crown jewel leading the way. He said that many of his friends had settled in Xiamen and other parts of Fujian and are doing good. He is trap, he is a chef by profession who can easily find employment in the mainland BUT with his aged he think he hasn't have the vigor. That for me is the microcosm of what happening in Taiwan, the DPP zap the energy of the Taiwanese people. I think there will be a reckoning Either fight the PLA and die for a useless gov't or launch a coup to prevent a war with China, He choose the latter....lol
Oh boy this is going to piss off a significant portion of young Taiwanese as the extended duration is definitely going throw a spanner into their plans for the immediate future especially those slated to be conscripted from now till at least 2025. They could have minimize that number by implementing it in 2024-5 but here they are.