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A pirate is always a pirate. A thief that uses national security to force sales of a very profitable foreign company. Even shutting down TikTok would be more legit. It is just astonishing that some members want to give Google, FB, and Twitter access to the Chinese market.
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Google, FB, etc can access the Chinese market any time they want as long as they follow Chinese laws. People forget that Google and FB used to be available in China and it was Google and FB that decided to shutdown their own services in China because they were unwilling to follow Chinese laws. Other American tech companies offering similar services like Microsoft, Yahoo, Linkedin, etc continue to operate in China as they are willing to follow Chinese laws.


Registered Member
Decades ago, these kinds of things (poor die on the street due to cold/hungry) are rare but do happen from time to time, in china. Even today, in most developing economies, is still happening. Just remember this as what will happen if society is not working well enough. A society with a huge population (compare to centuries ago) need huge resources and tons of management work to run. A small part starts to break down and ends up with the death of the poor(or the middle become poor, even the top become poor, then die).

Clearly, the US society has been in trouble for some time.
we were warned that this sort of thing happened all the time in pre-liberation (旧社会) China.

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Back to Late Qing/ROC era for some certain countries.

A potato

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What kind of freedom or greater principles were the Serbs fighting for exactly in Yugoslavia when they cleansed entire Bosniak cities, including women and children, and subjected a city of 400,000 people to a living hell for almost 3 years including indiscriminately sniping women and children whenever they came into view?
That wasn't the Serbian Government's crimes though. That was the Republika Srpska's (A bosnian serb entitiy) crimes.


Registered Member
Judging by the million dead in US alone, and utilising their cultural beliefs, the United States has evidently lost favour with God due to their Sodom and Gommorrah type sins of pizzagate parties and transitioning children and homosexuality.
Yet they don’t seem to take a serious hint and simply cannot change until a foreign nations boot is on their head. Somehow I believe that by the time they understand this truth, they might not be around to play anymore games


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we were warned that this sort of thing happened all the time in pre-liberation (旧社会) China.

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Back to Late Qing/ROC era for some certain countries.
Man, life for most Chinese people back in those were rough. No wonder some Chinese folks completely lost touch and faith with their culture, and in the process bought into accepting foreign concepts into their way of thinking just to ease the pain, agony, misery, and extreme poverty.


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How come important issues like this that are happening all over Asian countries seem to get a pass from worldwide public condemnation? LOL just being sarcastic with above statement. Japan, South Korea and other countries facing societal level issues and problems among other things are able to skate by and shirk from their responsibilities by using external factors like North Korea and China to subject their people into becoming essentially as nothing more than sheep's. They can howl and moan all they like but the changes they seek will never come to fruition or money be given to important issues, and their respective governments will be able to shrug issues unresolve since the pressure on them to perform is mostly ceremonial not to mention they are mostly free from severe condemnations, pressures, and outright outside interference in the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars through various propaganda, psyops operation that America and the collective west employ against Russia and especially China.

As a human being, and an avid learner, I have a profound respect and reverence to teachers that I had the privilege of learning from kindergarten, elementary, high school, and college. Respect and salute to all the teachers around the world. I hope that sometime in the future, Japanese teachers and the issue of over work culture will actually be taken seriously and be resolved in a meaningful manner rather than just some passing mention on Youtube by western media sites like SCMP and others, then people commenting just shrugging their shoulders as if to accept such situation as normal and therefore treating the situation as a mere fact of life. I bet their comments would be far more stinging and scathing if such circumstances are more rampant in commie China.


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Putin bans all oil sales to ‘price cap’ states​

President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree on retaliatory measures to the West’s price cap on Russian oil exports. The ratification on Tuesday is in response to the punitive measure taken by the EU, G7 countries, and Australia, which came into effect earlier this month.

The presidential decree bans the supply of oil and petroleum products from Russia to countries which apply a price cap in their contracts. It also prohibits deliveries if the contracts directly or indirectly specify the cap.