Miscellaneous News


Lieutenant General
All this mess Canada started was for nothing when charges against Meng Wanzhou were dropped in the US due to lack of evidence. So instead of admitting Canada was in the wrong, they double down to not admit they were wrong. Typical Western mentality when they pull these geopolitical stunts. Who's the one disrupting the world order for their egos...?


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It's true that we're surrounded by NATO, probably the only country surrounded by NATO in the whole world, which NATO considers an enemy, not like Switzerland. We're not in Africa, South America, Asia, or the Middle East, where there is already a multipolar environment present. We're in the hardest position in the entire world. We're in the heart of the US sphere of influence. That's why it is a miracle we have such good relations with both Russia and China, despite all the pressure.
Serbia also has good relations with Arabs and Israel. It should work more on them to enhance it and this what allows it to maintain balance.

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Remember with all these hate crimes against Asians, including using deadly force, going on, in the US the same level of response in return can be a legal excuse. So if you think because your life is being threaten by anyone coming up to you because you see it happening in the news, you can respond with the "same" force even though they might not have that intent. You don't know but you don't have to know their intent. So if they throw just a punch at you, using force against them, including deadly, can be legitimate depending on the circumstances. They're looking to do harm against you and if you feel that's happening, that's all that matters. You're fighting for your life and if you end up killing your attacker in defense that can be in the name of self-defense.

My family and friends that are Asian always tell me of racist incidents they encounter and I think in my head, "Why doesn't that happen to me?" I don't encounter many direct incidents of racism and I can only think it's because of attitude. I'm going to do something back including violence if that's what someone is bringing to me. Chinese/Asians are taught to do nothing when confronted. And people can smell it on you. It even happens in international affairs. Everything the US does against China like openly saying they want to destroy China's economy because they can't beat Chinese competition... if the Chinese were opening saying that of the US, to them that's essential a declaration of war and they would immediately respond in kind. China does nothing in response except maybe some words. That teaches people to keep doing it and not how naïve some Asians are in thinking do nothing and nothing will happen to you.

For me I have to be careful with the kind of force I can use against an attacker under the law but for elderly Asians that you see on the news being beaten and even killed by young strong men... using deadly force on them like even using a gun, there's not going to be much sympathy for the attackers even if they die.

Trudea and what Army? How many divisions does Canada have? The woke shit has sapped whatever was left in Trudeaus head. Canada's military needs massive budget increase if it's too much rhetorical comedy against China.


Registered Member
All this mess Canada started was for nothing when charges against Meng Wanzhou were dropped in the US due to lack of evidence. So instead of admitting Canada was in the wrong, they double down to not admit they were wrong. Typical Western mentality when they pull these geopolitical stunts. Who's the one disrupting the world order for their egos...?
A typical western cultural thing gotta save face even if it means it's going to hurt.


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Ukraine to introduce resolution to kick Russia out of United Nations Permanent Security Council for invading a UN member state.

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For the sake of it:

Iraq was one of the founding members of the United Nations since 21 December 1945 as the Kingdom of Iraq.
Afghanistan officially joined the United Nations on 19 November 1946 as the Kingdom of Afghanistan.
Syria is an original members of the United Nations from 24 October 1945.

Can we kick someone else instead please ?

Ukraine are clearly an headless chicken running havoc and grabbing all money, weapons and opportunity avalaibles.


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It’s a feature, not a bug, the pension funds would be ecstatic with such news.
Yep it's the same with health insurance which the government forces you to get in certain nations; work you to death and whilst milking you dry as tax cattle.
look at how President Xi is portrayed in both editions; in the British one, Xi is given a seat at the table but is portrayed reluctantly with a Covid mask symbolising how eager British merchant banking is to get back into China, whereas in the US one, President Xi is standing off to the side symbolising the Anglo American fear of a rising china and a desire to exclude and contain Chin.


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Scottish independence would "dramatically compromise" UK national security, a foreign policy expert has claimed, arguing Vladimir Putin could attempt to assert control over Scotland. Foreign policy expert Azeem Ibrahim told Express.co.uk Scottish independence would put the UK in a "very bizarre, dangerous situation". He explained: "In the current economic environment, an independent Scotland is going to get an economic shock - interest rates would have to go up, there is a massive deficit they would have to fill.

"Businesses will certainly move out. Scotland - Edinburgh - is one of the leaders in life insurance, and most of those businesses have already said they will have to leave, putting Scotland in a very economically vulnerable position.

"And when you are economically vulnerable, the likes of Putin will come in to try to bail out Scotland in the hope of trying to get some sort of leverage.

"The UK then will be in a very bizarre, dangerous situation where you have a country to the north of you, which has been bailed out by the Chinese Communist Party, or bailed out by Putin.

"And this will compromise dramatically the rest of the UK. It's not an ideal situation, but that vulnerability will definitely come to pass."

The UK Government last month warned that independence could have a negative impact on the UK's security as a whole.