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Russia ready to resume gas supply to Europe via Yamal-Europe gas pipeline​

Russia is prepared to resume gas supplies to Europe via the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline, which was previously stopped for political reasons, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak told Russian state news agency TASS on Sunday.
“The European market remains relevant, as the gas shortage persists, and we have every opportunity to resume supplies. For example, the Yamal-Europe pipeline, which was stopped for political reasons, remains unused,” Novak said.


Lieutenant General
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Remember with all these hate crimes against Asians, including using deadly force, going on, in the US the same level of response in return can be a legal excuse. So if you think because your life is being threaten by anyone coming up to you because you see it happening in the news, you can respond with the "same" force even though they might not have that intent. You don't know but you don't have to know their intent. So if they throw just a punch at you, using force against them, including deadly, can be legitimate depending on the circumstances. They're looking to do harm against you and if you feel that's happening, that's all that matters. You're fighting for your life and if you end up killing your attacker in defense that can be in the name of self-defense.

My family and friends that are Asian always tell me of racist incidents they encounter and I think in my head, "Why doesn't that happen to me?" I don't encounter many direct incidents of racism and I can only think it's because of attitude. I'm going to do something back including violence if that's what someone is bringing to me. Chinese/Asians are taught to do nothing when confronted. And people can smell it on you. It even happens in international affairs. Everything the US does against China like openly saying they want to destroy China's economy because they can't beat Chinese competition... if the Chinese were opening saying that of the US, to them that's essential a declaration of war and they would immediately respond in kind. China does nothing in response except maybe some words. That teaches people to keep doing it and not how naïve some Asians are in thinking do nothing and nothing will happen to you.

For me I have to be careful with the kind of force I can use against an attacker under the law but for elderly Asians that you see on the news being beaten and even killed by young strong men... using deadly force on them like even using a gun, there's not going to be much sympathy for the attackers even if they die.
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Resistance to EU diktats.
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President Joko “Jokowi” Widodo has signaled European Union-Indonesia relationships to be at risk with the new Deforestation Regulation, warning that the EU should not attempt to dictate its sustainability standards to ASEAN if it wants to maintain its relationship with Indonesia going forward.
Addressing the special EU-ASEAN summit meeting in Brussels on Dec.15, the President asserted, “There must be no coercion, no more parties who always dictate and assume that my standards are better than yours.”
In our view the regulation on the deforestation label, which will be enforced on palm oil and its derivatives and several other farm commodities in 2023, confirms the EU is finally turning its back on any trade policy that considers itself to be fair and that the bloc simply cannot make its trade policy and its broader external goals coherent.
The EU is not interested at all in the welfare of small farmers in Indonesia and other developing countries, or bringing them into global supply chains by making global trade more inclusive. The introduction of strict traceability requirements for oil palm small farmers has in the past resulted in the exclusion of those farmers from those supply chains.
Specifically, Indonesia and Malaysia see the EU regulation as simply amounting to a blanket ban on palm oil, the most-competitive edible oil in the EU market


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The "Xinjiang slave labor law" just does not work.

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$2 billion trade everyday!

Today's fine example of Western "value".
The UK must be in dire straits if they have no choice but to do horrible sh!t like this to get by. But the USA be careful that should the same circumstance occur in the nation that they do not do the same exact thing because what ever degenerate behavior that the UK is capable of now, I am willing to believe that the USA is capable of much worse given how they parrot this whole LGBTQ bullsh!t all the time and have a much high grip on the porn industry compared to other nations and from what I can see, seem to have less care for there fellow man than most. Either way, I hope gatekeeper is ok because given how bad things are there, things haven’t bottom out yet


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The stories of HMS Prince of Wales and Ajax AFV are laughable. I always mention them whenever I see a British person mocking the Su-57 or T-14.
unreliable engineering has made Europe bankrupt. it is the tremendous investment from Arabs that keep it afloat but it also made whole world depended on European engineering. Isnt British airways part of IAG Qatar. The costs are not just visible like selling FIFA cup but selling flight routes the enable the kind of connectivity to Arabs that they are going to use it to strip West of best doctors and all the necessary things that could be in short supply for there own people. I dont mean just transporting doctors to Middleast but creating opportunity to run towards private practice as they expect high net worth clients. A Saudi footballer that got injured was immediately airlifted to Germany. it means there were already connections between medical fields. The problem with Europeans is that they will not acknowledge these shortcomings . they will keep continue on this path that some external wealth or outsourcing jobs will solve it. but it just create more markets for Arab oil and aviation. Russian elites know the limitation and prioritize engineering resources of what they think is important.


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Serbia has little options here. They are basically surrounded on all sides. Back in the late 1990s, at least you could use sea lift via Montenegro, but right now even that would be impossible. They are effectively surrounded by NATO on all sides.

We're going to hold on for 5 more years brother until China takes Taiwan, and the evil US hegemony collapses. After they get embarrassed around Taiwan, I think the US would either disintegrate or go back to their continent and leave us all alone from their evil imperialistic ambitions. China is now our biggest hope for the free world and our iron friend.

I think Serbia will hold on for another 5 years, and still not recognize Kosovo despite the NATO pressure and economic and military threats. Our president is good, he always procrastinates and gives little by little, he drags out everything and I think we will survive until we see the light. It's always the darkest before dawn. With Russia and Ukraine, and then after China finally starts retaking Taiwan, a free world will be formed for all people and the evil empire USA will collapse, they are a dying empire.


Lieutenant General
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Russia is prepared to resume gas supplies to Europe via the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline, which was previously stopped for political reasons, Russia’s Deputy Prime Minister Alexander Novak told Russian state news agency TASS on Sunday.

“The European market remains relevant, as the gas shortage persists, and we have every opportunity to resume supplies. For example, the Yamal-Europe pipeline, which was stopped for political reasons, remains unused,” Novak said.
It will not happen unless the Europeons: actually buy some Russian gas to be sent via the pipeline; stop "reverse flow" i.e. sending natural gas from Germany to Poland. The pipeline cannot operate in both directions at the same time.