Miscellaneous News


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CIS leader has there summit in Putin home town. The interesting thing is about Azerbaijan. so many people show up to shake his hand. they could be Azeri business people but this time of year this very rare. Azerbaijan must have discovered hidden wealth.


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The UK must be in dire straits if they have no choice but to do horrible sh!t like this to get by. But the USA be careful that should the same circumstance occur in the nation that they do not do the same exact thing because what ever degenerate behavior that the UK is capable of now, I am willing to believe that the USA is capable of much worse given how they parrot this whole LGBTQ bullsh!t all the time and have a much high grip on the porn industry compared to other nations and from what I can see, seem to have less care for there fellow man than most. Either way, I hope gatekeeper is ok because given how bad things are there, things haven’t bottom out yet
It's nice we still remember Gatekeeper. Hope he still follows SDF.


Registered Member
We're going to hold on for 5 more years brother until China takes Taiwan, and the evil US hegemony collapses. After they get embarrassed around Taiwan, I think the US would either disintegrate or go back to their continent and leave us all alone from their evil imperialistic ambitions. China is now our biggest hope for the free world and our iron friend.

I think Serbia will hold on for another 5 years, and still not recognize Kosovo despite the NATO pressure and economic and military threats. Our president is good, he always procrastinates and gives little by little, he drags out everything and I think we will survive until we see the light. It's always the darkest before dawn. With Russia and Ukraine, and then after China finally starts retaking Taiwan, a free world will be formed for all people and the evil empire USA will collapse, they are a dying empire.
I gave you a like for respecting your determination, but I don't think you have 5 years. NATO has already started making moves against your country.
If I am a NATO planner and now see Serbia on the map, I am putting you on the chopping block, sorry.

I am going to be brutally honest here, no offence, but I think that if Serbia doesn't bend the knee, it will be in huge trouble. I am sure you know how NATO operates. With Russia out of the field due to the Ukraine War, Serbia is alone. China can't project any kind of power there. I wish you luck, I certainly dont envy your country's geographical location and strategic international environment
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Junior Member
Registered Member
I gave you a like for respecting your determination, but I don't think you have 6 years. NATO has already started making moves against your country.
If I am a NATO planner and now see Serbia on the map, I am putting you on the chopping block, sorry.

I am going to be brutally honest here, no offence, but I think that if Serbia doesn't bend the knee, it will be in huge trouble. I am sure you know how NATO operates. With Russia out of the field due to the Ukraine War, Serbia is alone. China can't project any kind of power there. I wish you luck, I certainly dont envy your country's geographical location and strategic international environment

It's true that we're surrounded by NATO, probably the only country surrounded by NATO in the whole world, which NATO considers an enemy, not like Switzerland. We're not in Africa, South America, Asia, or the Middle East, where there is already a multipolar environment present. We're in the hardest position in the entire world. We're in the heart of the US sphere of influence. That's why it is a miracle we have such good relations with both Russia and China, despite all the pressure.

After Russia started the war in Ukraine, America consolidated its power in the EU, therefore the pressure on us to recognize Kosovo, join actions against Russia, let Serbs in Bosnia and Montenegro, down the drain, etc, increased x100, however, we still didn't do any of that.

I think our president is a genius, he always gives them promises and drags on, instead of recognizing Kosovo, we gave them all administrative powers there, for example. He always gives those Western hegemons promises and he's a master of dragging on forever. With such a strategy of procrastinating, I think we could survive for another five tears. Not to mention, the EU, and the US, have their own internal problems, and Russia is eating away all of their attention. That's why I think, with such a strategy, we will survive for another 5 years until China takes Taiwan in 2027, and then the US and EU would either completely collapse (internal mini-civil wars) or China could project power more in this region. They already had some dealing with Montenegro in highways, etc. It's a good strategic location for China. It's always darkest before dawn.

Who would've thought that just 20% of countries of the world would reject US coercion to join sanctions against Russia? Had it been 20 years earlier, 100% of countries in the world would sanction Russia. Western dominance is clearly ending. EU, NATO, USA will collapse after China takes Taiwan back 2027. The average age of world-class empires of the past was around 250 years, and this is the US's 249th year of existence already.


Registered Member
Hmmm guess Trudeau is still salty as fu@k but he better be careful, the Canadians tried to infiltrate Chinas airspace only to be driven away fast, if he presses his luck, well his nation will be among the first to suffer once the USA finally goes completely off rails. China does even need to waste a single missile to punish this idiot, his action will end up alienating everyone


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