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Preparing for the Final Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Dissolution of the Russian Federation

However, future historians will likely describe Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine as the most consequential moment, if not the final moment, of the Soviet Union’s collapse. When the war in Ukraine will end is unknown, but it will likely mark the dissolution of the Russian Federation (the legal successor of the Soviet Union) as it is known today.

As the final collapse of the Soviet Union plays out and as the Russian Federation faces the possibility of dissolving, policymakers need to start planning for the new geopolitical reality on the Eurasian landmass.

After the dissolution of the Russian Federation, the United States should pursue a set of achievable goals that narrowly focus on the American national interest. Specifically, the US will need to:

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The heritage foundation, of course.

This Think Tanks are becoming a damn problem, no only for the US but also for the world, a lot of policy decisions are influenced by delusional overpaid individuals with very little grasp on reality.


Registered Member
Now that was some delusional crap if I ever read it.

The reasons for Russia falling back into an authoritarian stance after the 1990s were two. 1. The massive socioeconomic chaos after the US sponsored privatizations, which caused social conditions so severe they were opposed by the Russian Duma, and then US puppet Yeltsin was forced to attack the parliament building and impose martial law to ram the changes through thus setting the precedent. 2. The US' continuous erosion of Russia's security environment, by annexing former republics of the Soviet Union into NATO, and sponsoring terrorism inside Russia including in Chechnya.

The economic conditions in Russia were also made much, much, worse because the US insisted on putting the whole burden of paying the Soviet Union's debts on the Russian government. Compare this with Poland which got its debts forgiven.
The Russians fell into authoritarism because the union fell, and with it, the last vestiges of consultative process that the Russian people had with their politicians.

America demanded that Russians must adopt the full western political system and elite dominate politics. The modern Russia is no longer loyal to USA, but the Russian elites find the authoritarism useful, so they have kept that aspect of western thinking. Nowadays, Russians have no more say in government affairs than the average Polish, Greek or German citizen have in EU affairs.


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He is a neocon and a high ranking one to. I think his opinion may be noteworthy. Not because of the article but because it looks like it represents the neocon thinking and their recklessness.
Among the people I know, they openly despise the stupidity of neocon.
They are already too deep into the Cold War era experience,the only possibility in their minds is "collapse".

This is not a normal way of looking at problems at all, but rather a religious thinking.
Look what the article says?
  • Be realistic about Russia’s democratic and free market prospects. The 1990s showed that geopolitical change (e.g., the legal dissolution of the Soviet Union) did not automatically transform Russian society as many had hoped. The US and its partners should learn the failed lessons of the 1990s and not waste resources trying to transform Russian society, economy, or government into a Western-style democracy. Attempts failed in the 1990s and would likely fail again. Policymakers should instead humbly acknowledge the limits of Western influence to create a democratized Russia.
  • Russia will be back. Regardless of how bad Russia’s defeat in Ukraine might be, and regardless of how degraded the Russian economy and military will become as a result, Moscow will never abandon its imperial designs on Eastern Europe. Even if rearming and rebuilding take several decades, Moscow will be a threat to its neighbors. The US and NATO have to base their force posture and strategies on this assumption.
This makes me think that they are more like a group of angry missionaries who choose to call crusaders to fight against the "irretrievable" infidels after encountering setbacks.


Preparing for the Final Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Dissolution of the Russian Federation

However, future historians will likely describe Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine as the most consequential moment, if not the final moment, of the Soviet Union’s collapse. When the war in Ukraine will end is unknown, but it will likely mark the dissolution of the Russian Federation (the legal successor of the Soviet Union) as it is known today.

As the final collapse of the Soviet Union plays out and as the Russian Federation faces the possibility of dissolving, policymakers need to start planning for the new geopolitical reality on the Eurasian landmass.

After the dissolution of the Russian Federation, the United States should pursue a set of achievable goals that narrowly focus on the American national interest. Specifically, the US will need to:

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They're so desperate at reliving their heydays that they keep seeing Soviet Unions everywhere: China is Soviet Union, Russia is Soviet Union, everyone is Soviet Union!


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They're so desperate at reliving their heydays that they keep seeing Soviet Unions everywhere: China is Soviet Union, Russia is Soviet Union, everyone is Soviet Union!
Like what chinese netizens have begun saying in recent years, the US loved and loves the Qing empire so much, that they have chosen to become like it! (note: especially widespread and videos about current US drug problems lmao)


Registered Member
They're so desperate at reliving their heydays that they keep seeing Soviet Unions everywhere: China is Soviet Union, Russia is Soviet Union, everyone is Soviet Union!
Must be their desire to live the American dream, in their minds, just like how Zelensky and the Ukraines have take back Crimea, in their minds. I wonder if the fentanyl has finally gotten to them. Has anyone got a serious sense of foreboding lately, like a sneaking feeling that some big is going to happen to shake the world in a way it hasn’t been shaken before.
Also Merry Christmas to you all and a happy new year
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Preparing for the Final Collapse of the Soviet Union and the Dissolution of the Russian Federation

However, future historians will likely describe Russia's February 2022 invasion of Ukraine as the most consequential moment, if not the final moment, of the Soviet Union’s collapse. When the war in Ukraine will end is unknown, but it will likely mark the dissolution of the Russian Federation (the legal successor of the Soviet Union) as it is known today.

As the final collapse of the Soviet Union plays out and as the Russian Federation faces the possibility of dissolving, policymakers need to start planning for the new geopolitical reality on the Eurasian landmass.

After the dissolution of the Russian Federation, the United States should pursue a set of achievable goals that narrowly focus on the American national interest. Specifically, the US will need to:

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Ha, that's the think tank hired the lardass Mike Pompeo, after China sanction his ass so hard, even McDonald wouldn't hire him. That should tell you how far-right out of reality this Hudson thing is.


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You should not laugh at what this think tank is writing. I posted a link on the War on Ukraine thread with a PDF from another think tank which also made similar claims. Except they go into way more detail i.e. describing how to actually achieve that. And they also described how the US fomented this conflict. These guys really want to break up Russia, using Ukraine as a pretext.
The US instigating instability and conflict among its competitors, with the ultimate goal of divide and rule, is a given. This is how the game is played and what the British Empire was famous for - the US being the flag carrier for that empire and being far more powerful, internally, due to the land it stole from Native Americans.

The better question is, what are the target countries going to do about it? Putin's move was almost certainly the wrong one, and demonstrated an acute misunderstanding of facts on the ground, where he presumed that Ukraine could be taken / decapitated in two weeks, yet the war has now been going on for a year, with no signs of stopping. If the ultimate result is Russian defeat, it would not be an exaggeration to say that Russia would be at the mercy of NATO and that the blame would mostly be its own for not being able to correctly play the game.

The same situation faces China. If China cannot address its internal and external challenges, then any collapse - instigated by the West and its allies, or not - will still be its own fault. This is because we should expect foreign powers to be hostile. The world isn't "nice," despite liberal propaganda, and it's never been particularly "moral." So relying on it to be has always been a naive, irresponsible move - more fit for student protestors in Hong Kong, than for professional states men.

The price of defeat has always been high, so why are you surprised that the West wants to break up Russia? That's what they should want. Because Russia is a geopolitical obstacle and given the opportunity, you remove your obstacles. Same with China, Iran, Cuba, North Korea, Iraq, etc. The West did not become supreme by being nice to other countries.

So rather than assume that other countries are friendly, and then be surprised when they aren't, we should assume that they are hostile, and that any weakness shown will be exploited to its maximum. When you play the game of geopolitics, you either win and do as you please, or you lose and suffer as you must. If China wants to avoid the latter, then it better be ready to wage an "all of society" war against the West, and win. Nothing less will do.


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"Putin’s replacement will not be Thomas Jefferson. In the immediate aftermath of President Putin’s regime, whoever replaces him will be just as nationalistic and authoritarian. Western policymakers should stop hoping for a “moderate” Russian leader who wants peace with his neighbors and reforms at home. "

I pray Putin's replacement is not another American slaver like Thomas Jefferson who raped his 15 year-old black slave repeatedly and forced her to bear 5 of his children during her entire miserable life. The world must unite against American hegemony, no matter the costs.